Great Morstaybishlia: Difference between revisions

Text replacement - "Asatru" to "Ulvriktru"
m (Text replacement - "Ethalried" to "Krösnauen")
m (Text replacement - "Asatru" to "Ulvriktru")
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| 3.2% [[Akronism]]
| 0.6% Varism
| 0.4% [[AsatruUlvriktru]]
| 0.2% [[Ademarism]]
| 0.3% Other
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On 22 May 1990, Robert Delari declared war on Meremaa, and revealed his new deal with the Republican Forces was to help install a democratic foundation in the region. The same day, media coverage of Republican Forces attacking an AsatruUlvriktru temple went global, and this coupled with the already public dissent against war began a month long riots across all of Great Morstaybishlia. Delari’s opinion polls dropped dramatically as he guided a Morstaybishlian landing on the Meremain coast.
Soon thereafter, Norgsveldet declared their intentions to back the Meremain government and send troops to reinforce the already strong Meremain forces. Over the next year, Morstaybishlia sent over 82,000 troops to the campaign. The Meremain forces were well dug in and the Morstaybishlian’s lost 12,481 men. A hopeful campaign on 21 February 1991 laid out a plan to wipe out one of the main entrances of Norgsveltian troops into Meremaa. Morstaybishlian saw a quick naval bombardment and subsequent attack of the city, but over an ensuing ten days was blocked by a fiercely dug in Meremain defence line. The battle lasted 26 days, until 19 March, where the Morstaybishlian forces retreated to Dalmaghar. It was during this retreat that the MBS ''Augustine'', the first ''Augustine''-class aircraft carrier completed two months before was sunk.
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Sinkasa immediately faced more riots in Sani Bursil and other major urban conurbations as he failed to find a de-escalation solution. Meremaa and Norgsveldet pushed a firm counter attack into Dalmaghar, with a continuous air strike campaign on military and civilian targets. Morstaybishlia was forced to deploy a second fleet to Dalmaghar stoked with fresh supplies and troops when Norgsveltian forces began accumulating in the Isles of Hel for a land invasion. This deterred Norgsveldet from commencing an attack.
Morstaybishlia sent over 124,000 troops from April 1991 to October 1992 to Morzk where they fought a huge series of campaigns to take the capital, Kalaborgdurg. Initially the campaigns went well, establishing a strong defence line halfway between Morzk to Kalaborgdurg, and gaining ground as close as Dzimspilsēta, but after some time Meremaa and Norgsveldet began to push them back. Morstaybishlia over this next year of retreat would lose 43,305 men. At the same time, the Republican Forces of Meremaa lost over 110,000 troops and became increasingly unpopular among the population of Meremaa for violent attacks on AsatruUlvriktru temples despite the Morstaybishlian’s best curveball attempts.
By the beginning of 1993, the two sides had reached a stalemate at a natural defence line in the far east of Meremaa. Morstaybishlia and the Republican Forces of Meremaa agreed that any future campaign of Kalaborgdurg would be unsuccessful and agreed on forming a splinter state known as the Republic of Morzk. From January to April was a period of relative peacetime. This was interrupted when Norgsveltian submarines sank a Morstaybishlian supply lane which would mark the beginning of a Norgsveltian campaign to choke the mostly unrecognised republic.
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Ethnic diversity varies significantly across Great Morstaybishlia. Just over 26% (11 million) of Sani Bursil's population and 25% of Aternum's was estimated to be non-white in 2017, whereas less than 5% of the populations of western-Caltharus, north Valeria and central Staynes were from ethnic minorities, according to the 2017 census. In 2016, 28.8% of primary and 26.4% of secondary pupils at state schools in Staynes were members of an ethnic minority. The 1997 census was the first MBE census to have a question on ethnic group. In the 1997 MBE census 92.8% of people reported themselves as being White Morstaybishlian or White Other with 7.2% of people reporting themselves as coming from other minority groups.
During the early 20th century at the outbreak of the [[Great War]], Packilvanian migrants came in waves amounting up to nearly five million. After the war, Ethalrian and Salovian migrants numbered nearly 920,000. Staynes has had small AsatruUlvriktru community for many centuries, subject to occasional expulsions, but Staynish AsatruUlvriktru's numbered fewer than 16,000 at the end of the 1910s. During the Noroist Movements pre-independent Norograd, then part of the Empire, resulted in nearly two million people migrating to the fatherland. After the Auroran-Imperial War, there was significant immigration from the colonies and newly independent former colonies, many from [[Lokania]] and independent Valeria, partly as a legacy of empire and partly driven by labour shortages.
===Major cities===
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[[Thaerism]] has dominated religious life in what is now Great Morstaybishlia for over 1200 years. Although a majority of citizens still identify with Thaerism in many surveys, regular temple attendance has fallen dramatically since the late 19th century, while immigration and demographic change have contributed to the growth of other faiths, most notably [[Paxism]]. This has led some commentators to variously describe Great Morstaybishlia as a multi-faith or secularised.
In the 2019 census 65.2 per cent of all respondents indicated that they were Thaerists, with the next largest faiths being Paxism (4 per cent), [[Akronism]] (3.2 per cent), Varism (0.6 per cent), AsatruUlvriktru (0.3 per cent), Ademarism (0.2 per cent) and all other religions (0.3 per cent). 20.8 per cent of respondents stated that they had no religion, with a further 5.4 per cent not stating a religious preference. Vaerism holds a religious stronghold in the Nocturne province of Caltharus with over 87% of Morstaybishlians practicing Vaerism living there.
The state recognises religious organisations according to formal legal criteria that do not address religious doctrine. Conversely, religious organisations are expected to refrain from intervening in policy-making. Certain groups are considered cults and therefore do not have the same status as recognised religions in Great Morstaybishlia. Cults are considered a pejorative term in Great Morstaybishlia.
Administrators, verified
