Axdel: Difference between revisions

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| legislature = National Assembly
| area_km2 = 2,371,460
| area_sq_mi = 915626915,626
| population_estimate = 125,985,309
| population_estimate_year = 2021
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| GDP_nominal_year = 2021
| GDP_nominal_per_capita = ♅32,790
| Gini = 2328.1
| Gini_year = 20202021
| HDI_year = 2016
| HDI = 0.909
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Axdel is a developed nation and is considered a regional power with the 2rd largest GDP and [[List of countries by military expenditure|miltary budget]] on Aurora. It is also one of the largest countries by surface area on Urth, possessing the the 5th largest territory on land and having the 10th largest population as of early 2021. It also ranks highly in metrics of civil rights, education rates, income equality, and general quality of life.
Axdel is a largely temperate nation with significant deciduous forest coverage and fertile land which has been extensively used for agriculture. The climate ranges from humid subtropical along the north coast, humida continental climate in the interior regions and temperate oceanic along the southern coast. The nation is very mountainous, with the [[Zycannes]] range terminating along the Eastern border, the expansive [[Teba Mountains]] dominating the interior and forming the nation's backbone, The [[Okrani mountains]] extending to the south, and the [[Auric Mountains|Auric mountains]] flanking the west coast. Axdel has a highly diverse economy and generates income from various sources, the largest sectors being energy, manufacturing, mining, and agricultural exports. Other notable contributors are international education, tourism, and information technology.
Axdel is a member state of the [[United Nations of the Auroran Continent]] (also being the seat of the [[Auroran Court of Justice]]), and the [[IRSA|Intercontinental Regional Security Accords]], and uses the multinational [[Kirib]](♅) as its currency alongside many other Auroran Nations.
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The Kormistazics, who had many trade links with the Teba, entered a period of infighting and civil wars as various members of trading nobility attempted to seize control of Sekan-Aruqa. As trade with the North would continue to decline over the years the instability in the region would remain, however, resulting in the confederacies political structure collapsing and beginning a trend of power being consolidated by an increasingly small number of oligarchs. The wars often spilled out into surrounding unincorporated settlements, often leading to subjugation and incorporation under the banner of the outlying cities.
Other civilisations such as the Kassyr and Mirazii, who were also dependant on trade, suffered greatly in the years after, however without many nearby competitors and natural defences on their side, managed to remain stable. It was at this time, within the vast Zycannian trade routes in the between these two empires, that a group of prophets known as the four oracles began teaching the Kozam faith to travellers and passers by, many of which chronicles the writings and began founding temples in many major cities. The oracles are known to have travelled to many of these early temples, however many written records of their movements have been lost due to contemporary censorship and later iconoclastic and revisionist periods. One place known to have been visited was the Kormistazic capital of Sekan-Aruqa, where the religion became noticeably popular with the citizenry and several noble families, generally coexisting with the other religions present in the region.
====Arrival of the Kveshi====
Early in their history, the seafaring Kveshi civilisation of South West Aurora began exploring much of the Azure sea and establishing numerous outposts to facilitate trade. One of their furthest western excursions sawled them landto incontact the areaKormistazics of modernin day723 OceansendBCE, where it is written they establishedwere received very well and a smallcultural colonyexchange took place between the two cultures. ContactIn order to facilitate further trade with the Kormistazicsregion, isthe recordedKveshi towere havegranted occurreda insmall, sparsely inhabited region of coastal foothills shadowed by the 720'sOkrani BCEmountains. Most of the areas inhabitants were forced to relocate, duringand were either fled to Kormistazm or retreated further within the valleys of the mountains. The Kveshi then established an outpost on the territory which would later became known as Oceansend and began trading regularly with the cultures on the southern coast of the Axdelian peninsular, primarily silver from Kormistazm and the Lyr Valley. Among the most historically important effects of Kveshi introducedtrade was the introduction of iron smelting technology andto markingthe region. This combined with the beginningreverse engineering of their advanced naval vessels allowed the ironKormistazic ageconfederations ineconomic and military power to balloon rapidly whilst much of the peninsular continued to be stunted SWby auroraconflict.
Within Sekan-Aruqa, the initial economic booms led the way for the reignition of infighting between the controlling oligarchs. The conflict was centered around the Jakatei and Renequil noble families, with almost all others swearing loyalty to one or the other.
===Iron age===
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=== Morstaybishlian rule (1575 - 1969) ===
(There were many attempts to leave)
==== Lousquarii Republic ====
====Posolic Wars====
==== Granting of principality status ====
(After the first posolic war in response to a revolt or something.)
(also industrial age, a lot of cool science happens kinda like scotlandScotland irl. And Freidrik Noros)
=== Norograd (1970-1996)===
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==== Federation with Lyrevale ====
(More people more money)
====Norograd civil war====
=== Axdel ===
==== Incorporation of Quartz Fern Coast ====
(Losing that big bad commie on your border really eroded the trust in your authoritarian regime didn't it)
==== Mid-2000's terrorism crisis ====
(I'm pissed)
==== Auroran pacific war ====
(We're back baby)
==Geography ==
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Axdel is a multispecies human-majority country with a multitude of other species form minority groups in the nation. This dates back to the 1500's when Lupine religious refugees from Volkia found safety with the Kormistazic empire in south west Aurora in exchange for aid fighting the Morstaybishlian Empire, later arriving in large numbers. After the conclusion of the Western Auroran Crusades, these lupines settled in Lyrevale and many parts of Korstazia, becoming an integral part of local cultures.
Whilst ethnic Axdelians compose the vast majority of the population, Axdel's history as a principality of the Morstaybishlian Empire and the contemporary free movement of workers held under the [[Auroran Continental Assembly]] and [[United Nations of the Auroran Continent]] mean that there is a large proportion of ethnic Staynish, Caltharusian, Emberitian and LyrevalianTuvalti peoples in the nation. The cultural diversity provided by such a mix of people is generally considered to be beneficial and has become a part of Axdelian identity in itself.
=== Major Urban Areas ===
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