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The politics of Allegheny take place in the framework of a dominant party conservative parliamentary democracy under an elected theocratic constitutional monarchy. The Constitution of Allegheny (luKhanongur aYulakhaan) is the supreme law of the land and it vests much power in the Lord Protector but restrains him to the advice of his elected ministers. The state religion of Allegheny is Paxism but the free practice of other religions, regular free and fair elections, and freedom of the press and speech are largely permitted. Nevertheless, the country has a below average performance in metrics of sapient rights. The Constitution was passed by the Constitutional Assembly which consisted entirely of members of the Alleghenese People's Congress after winning the Alleghenese War of Independence.

Lord Protector (muHimay muNabeel) is the de jure head of state. He appointed by the Council of Great Magisters of the Magisterium of Paxism when a vacancy in the offices arises due to dismissal by the Council, death or resignation. Thus, he is also the Great Magister of Allegheny. Through the Concordat of the Commonwealth of Allegheny and the Magisterium of Paxism (luKhavnan aluUmmahiyat aYulakhaan nadine luMakeesiyat aPaxashme) which is the formal agreement that regulates the relationship between Allegheny and the Magisterium of Paxism, the Lord Protector and Great Magister of Allegheny is required to be citizen of Allegheny. When acting as the head of state of Allegheny, he uses the title Lord Protector, but when acting as a senior leader of Paxism, he uses the title of Great Magister. The Supreme Magister or his proxy is required to anoint the Lord Protector Designate for his term to officially begin. He is the head of state for life until death, dismissal or resignation.

The Lord Protector plays a largely ceremonial role in the government. He mainly appoints the head of the largest party or coalition in the Parliament (luMijhalisgur) as the Prime Minister (muRayees muBas). He appoints and dismisses as Ministers of State Members of Parliament recommended by the Prime Minister. He receives the credentials of foreign ambassadors and signs the commissions whereby the Prime Minister appoints ambassadors of the realm. He signs acts of Parliament to make them law. He gives a speech prepared by the Prime Minister every year regarding the state of the nation and the plans of the government for the year ahead. He confers orders of chivalry and medals of honour. He also has weekly meetings with the Prime Minister where he has the right to encourage, warn and be informed. He entertains foreign guests of the government and represents the nation abroad.

The Prime Minister is the head of government and de facto commander-in-chief of the armed forces. The Prime Minister recommends Ministers for appointment or dismissal and chairs meetings of the Council of Ministers (luMijhalis aleVazeer). As the leader of the largest party or coalition, he sets the legislative agenda of the government. As the chief executive he directs and coordinates the implementation of law and policy of the executive branches. In practice, he has control of defence, foreign and security policy namely as the de facto supreme civilian authority over the armed forces with the power to regulate relations with foreign nations and to oversee the intelligence services. The Council of Ministers makes decisions over most matters affecting the country and administers the daily governance of the country.

The Parliament is the bicameral legislature. The upper chamber is the House of Princes (luBayeet ameMamlukumne) while the lower chamber is the House of the People (luBayeet ameShabil). The House of Princes plays a ceremonial role in the government and consists of the Princes who are the symbolic spiritual leaders of the constituent Principalities of the country. They are elected according to the religious traditions of their people and they carry out traditional ceremonies, represent their people and convene once a year to adopt the annual address by the Lord Protector. The House of the People is elected by registered male citizens of the country who pay personal income tax excluding those serving criminal sentences in prison or on parole, who are suffering mental illness or undergoing bankruptcy for a four year term by party list proportional representation where a party needs 12% of the vote to be eligible for a seat. The House of the People passes all the laws of the country and its presiding officer is the Speaker of Parliament who is elected from among its members.

As a result of the high electoral threshold and relatively restricted electorate, the Alleghenese People's Congress (luKhneset ameShabil aYulakhaan) has won every single election in the country since 1985. The APC was a revolutionary movement that allied with the Carriers of Mercy to restore the independence of Allegheny and helped to defeat the Packilvanian Communist Party. Although the Congress was a broad church that encompassed a variety of ideologies the Ursino-Paxist nationalists triumphed over the liberals following the Alleghenese Civil War in 1986. They instituted a highly conservative social order in which female participation in public life is even more circumscribed than Packilvania. Nevertheless, elections are considered largely free and fair. Because of the symbolic role that religious and Royal officials play in the government, the political system of Allegheny is derisively known as an Annointed Republic.

Administrative divisions

Allegheny consists of 6 Principalities. Each Principality controls most of its internal affairs except for those matters reserved by the Constitution to the National Government. Each Province has a Prince. Although the state religion of Allegheny is Paxism, South and North Talavero have Vayan Catholicism as their state religions. Thus the Bishop of Ansal is the Prince of North Talavero and the Bishop of Kemal is the Prince of South Talavero. The remaining four Princes have High Magisters of Paxism as their Princes. The Bishops are appointed by the Bishop of Eldura who is the Primate of the Vayan Catholic Church. Allegheny has a formal agreement with the Vayan Catholic Church known as the Concordat of the Commonwealth of Allegheny and the Holy See of the Vayan Catholic Church (luKhavnan alyUmahiyat aYulakhaan nadine luSih luHalaal aluUmah luKatholikiya luVayaan) whereby the Bishop of Eldura agrees to appoint as Princes of North and South Talavero, Ursine male Alleghenian citizens who have resided in North and South Talavero.

The other provinces are Uliveru, Kandarahan, Upper Ufrata and Lower Ufrata. The Princes meet once a year in the House of Princes. All provinces have a Premier who is the de facto chief executive. This person is elected by the Legislative Assembly of the Province and appoints the Members of the Provincial Executive Councils which are the highest decision making bodies in their respective executive branches. Each Province has a Legislative Assembly elected by its male tax-paying adult residents every four years concurrently with the National Elections. Each Province also has its own court system which adjudicate disputes and dispenses justice under provincial laws. These cases can be appealed to National Courts where appropriate. Each Province has a government and capital city.