Akuan Socialism: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "'''Akuan Socialism''' or officially called Naylor's Reformed Doctrine of Akuanism, is a off-shoot of Martovism and some limited inspiration from Clerical Communism developed by Naylorbrookisza, leader of Akuan People's Republic of Nystatiszna. To create and realize a socialist revolution in a agricultural, pre-industrial and Akuan majority society of Free Borean Commonwealth (''Modern Day Nystatis...")
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'''Akuan Socialism''' or officially called [[Naylorbrookisza|Naylor]]'s Reformed Doctrine of [[Akuanism]], is a off-shoot of [[Martovism]] and some limited inspiration from [[Theocratic Socialism|Clerical Communism]] developed by [[Naylorbrookisza]], leader of [[Nystatiszna|Akuan People's Republic of Nystatiszna]]. To create and realize a socialist revolution in a agricultural, pre-industrial and Akuan majority society of Free Borean Commonwealth (''Modern Day [[Nystatiszna]]''). The philosophical differences between [[Martovism]] and Akuan Socialism, is Naylorbrookiszna doesn't hold the view that the proletariat are all not inheritable pure in spirit as most proletariats do not come from a 'true' collectivist and classless society; [[Martovism]] being too soft-handed with executions of counter revolutions and enemies of the spirit of the revolution as Akuan Socialism, not including true enemies of the revolution such as anti-socialists cultures; While both ideologies believe in the mass executions of clergy members, Akuan Socialism rejects the point rather stating Akuan brewmasters prove the existence of the workersocialist spirit by being elected rather than assigned and all other religions clergy exist to suppress it; and finally, theall onlycultures peopleand on able tonations have a true,spirit classlesswith societythem. areAll thethese Akuancultural onesand asnational everyspirits otherare cultureguilty existsof only to reinforce its own state. While not directly against Martovismcapitalism, Naylorbrookisznasave statedthe inAkuan her writings that all cultures and nations have a living spirit, but only thoseones who arethrough madethe upthe ofnaturally Akuanforming culturesclassness orcollectiveness Akuanand nationsbeing areoppressed evermaintained trulytheir able to be considered purepurity and cleanguiltiness.
Regardless of the form of [[Akuanism]], Akuan Socialism is repeatedly denounced and reject as a form of Akuanism. As in the universally accepted view that Akuan Socialism not only rejects critical parts of Akuanism, and is built on hatred rather than love of life that Akuan based on. Akuan Socialism being built on anti-democratic and hierarchical structures only furthering proving the point of Akuan scholars. Even in a more confusing for Scholars of [[Akuanism]], being Akuan Socialism promotes and encourages forced conversions into Akuanism not only as a religion but as a cultural monolith. Which [[Akuanism]] at it core, is incredibly difficult to convert into and as a cultural incredibly spread out and diverse. The largest aspect of disagreement that Akuan Socialism is Akuan, is violence aspect which directly goes against [[Akuanism]].
Akuanism on a religious level, takes inspiration from [[Nystapi People]] view of non-violence in-which the goal is to reduce not only the violence in the world but not prevent violence when one can being. In somewhat similar belief to Ny'Sænuri clans. Akuan Socialism view is that any non-Akuan state near a Akuan state, will always result in the non-Akuan state committing violence, physical and spiritual towards the Akuan state. Additionally in a open and bluntly Akuan Socialism rejects concept of forgiveness that [[Akuanism]] has as a concept. Rather taking a view that forgiveness, resulted in cycle of violence towards Akuanists and that it guilts the spirit of the cultural or nation that has acted against Akuanists. A direct example Naylorbrookiszna brought up being the [[Akuan Atrocities]], as point of the cycle violence. That the atrocities wasn't the first mass attempt done by [[Norgsveldet]], but it just happened to be the one that got the most notice and had the largest death count. If the Akuanists in the Norgsveltian colonial empire, stopped forgiving the Norgsveltians and started to fight back. Then the events that led up to the atrocities would have never happen, thus causing less violence in the world both by spiritually and physically.
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