Akuan Marriage Act of 1930

Revision as of 21:59, 24 February 2023 by Cowlasie (talk | contribs) (Created page with "The '''Akuan Marriage Act of 1930''' is a Norgsveltian law in which legalized "Akuan Marriages" or same-sex marriage if both/all participants are Akuanists. The law makes a clear division between "Akuan Marriages" and same-sex marriage. Highlighting that within Akuanism, the very concept of same-sex relationships doesn't exist. Akuanists seeing it as regular marriage and not having the concept of homosexuality, including not having a word...")
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The Akuan Marriage Act of 1930 is a Norgsveltian law in which legalized "Akuan Marriages" or same-sex marriage if both/all participants are Akuanists. The law makes a clear division between "Akuan Marriages" and same-sex marriage. Highlighting that within Akuanism, the very concept of same-sex relationships doesn't exist. Akuanists seeing it as regular marriage and not having the concept of homosexuality, including not having a word for "homosexual" within any of the Nys'tat'en dialects. The law was passed in 1930 under the Ulvriktru Democrats majority in Norgsveltian parliament and under the first Ulvriktru Democrats prime minister Johan Ludvig.

The creation and signing of the law primary came from the aftermath of the Akuan Atrocities, Ymirland Genocide and is part of the Quiet Apology.

Akuan Marriage and Gay Marriage

The Ulvriktru Democrats during the creating and signing of the law, stated numinous times that Akuan marriage is not Homosexual Marriage but a religious custom for Akuanists. Within the law itself, on average every 5th paragraph states that Akuan Marriages are not in fact, Homosexual in nature. With more than half of the words on the bill dedicated to highlighting the differences between Akuan marriage and a Norgsveltian marriage. Clearly stated both in the preamble and in the final paragraph that the law does not promote, accept or otherwise further the aims of the homosexual but to protect Akuan customs in relation to marriage.

Prime Minister Johan Ludvig after he signed the bill in 1930, held a small speech.

“With this act I can only hope that the division between our two cultures goes away during time. It is horrible that for so long we have stood in the way of Akuan cultural customs around love and marriage. From today and onwards both Ulvriktru marriages and Akuan marriages are protected by the constitution.”