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[[File:Zeiberland historical territories .gif|thumb|Zeiberland historical territories]]
New Zeiberland is officially known as the The empire of New Zeiberland. It is a sovereign capitalistic parliamentary democratic republic state located in Yasteria. It isn't very densely populated with a population of ~18,820,000 and an area of ~99,650sqkm. It has a high GDP per capita at 40,010 SHD and a total GDP of 753billion75 de3billion SHD. It also has a HDI of .837 and GINI of 39.
The language of Zeiberland is Zeibear. It is spoken by almost 95% of the population. Zeiberland has three main species who are all treated equally. However all the species other than Elves, Nekomimi and Humans are treated poorly as they make up a very small percentage of the zeibeṣ population. Zeiberland also treats all religions other than Maism as a pest.
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== Religion ==
Zeiberland is almost 70% Atheist. However, Maism and [[Thaerism]] (Thayrism) are still prevalent. However the state does not fund religion and does not make any exceptions for religion. The laws against Thaerism, which were set up in 1857 and 1916, have been loosening since the 1970s. After 1969, the practice of Thaerism became legal once again. However, in some pockets of the country, Thaerism is still socially rejected and in some towns, Thaerism prevails. All other religions are not considered socially appropriate , however, it is legal to practice a religion if it abides by all regular laws and does not disturb Atheists. Maism is the only religion that is not considered socially appropriate by theas conservativespest. This hostility towards religion(especially Thaerism) stems from two major incidents in 1857 and 1916.
=== Alagad battle 1857 ===
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=== Form of the government ===
A quick overview of the type of government.
====== By power structure ======