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==== Dyrcarus, Protector of the Miners ====
Dycarus, Son of Dylannius and Marrium, the wife of Kippander the Brutal, a Dwarven Sorceror who gained wealth through forcing those who have wronged him to work one of the first mines. Attracted by her wealth, Dylannius had a child with Marrium. When Kippander found out, he sent Marrium and her child to work in the mine, using magical chains to bind them for their lives. One day, a young Dycarus swung his pickaxe, but he missed the rock and struck his chains, which disintegrated due to his divine powers. He gathered the freed miners and guided them through the dark of the cave, with his pickaxe glowing gold to guide the way.
When the free men walked out into the sunlight, Dycarus led them in a battle against Kippander, striking the sorceror down with his pickaxe. While the older interpretation states he then gave Kippander's wealth as an offering to Dylannius, the more popular modern interpretation is he shared the wealth among his men, rejecting his father. This interpretation made him popular amongst the peasentry, with him worshipped as a breaker of chains and enemy of tyrants.
==== Deoch Làidir, Protector of the I'''nebriated''' ====
