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* ¥27,000,000,000,000|legislature=Arbeidertinget|leader_title2=Prime Minister of Ymirland|leader_name2=Knut Aaroy|leader_name1=[[Elin Tolvstat|Elin I, of House Tolvstat]]|leader_title1=Jarlyia of Ymirland|government_type=Democratic Socialist Monarchist|religion=[[Akuanism]]|official_languages=Norgsveltian & [[Nys'tat'en]]|largest_city=Kyinster|capital=Kyinster|motto=For the Jarly, For the Union!|established_event6=2020|drives_on=Right}}
'''Ymirland,''', officially known asthe '''TheCrowned Socialist Jarldom of Ymirland''', is a sea borderingcoastal country in the far north-eastern [[Novaris]]. TheIt country'sborders geographythe primary[[Rotantic flatOcean]] plainsto the northern, with[[Jarisven]] ato borealthe climatesouthwest withand a[[Hustreache]] largeto expandingthe forestsoutheast. inIt is also sometimes referred as "landet gudene har forlatt" ([[Staynish]]: Land the inland.gods Thehave populationforsaken) by its citizens. This is estimateda toreflection beof 15the million.Ymir Itsmindset, consideredwhich toin bealmost highevery incomesurvey done in the country withsince a1935 GPDthe perpeople capitaof Ymir feel a sense of $18lostness,000 thisdepressive isatmosphere inand despite"Går ofgjennom recentlybevegelsene." getting([[Staynish]]: overGoing through the motions.) Går gjennom bevegelsene, is a largecommon saying among the population referring to just working despite the civildepressive conflictstate. It's economycapital and largest city is primaryKyinster basedlocated on mining,the agriculture,further textiles,end andof householdthe electricspeninsula.
Formerly known as Jarldom of Ymirland, it changed governments due to the [[Ymirland Civil War]] and intense civil strife before the war (2018-2020). When the previous monarch Otto Tolvstat died in 2016, causing a succession crisis between his twin children Elin and Sindre who ran campaigns to gather populator support. The campaigns rapidly turned violent, despite the children repeated attempts including outright disbanding the military save a few divisions for the border. The drastic action resulted in terrorism from groups hosted in [[Jarisven]] attacking villages and towns along the border. [[South Hills]] backing Sindre and the [[Federation of the Southern Coast|Federation]] backing the Elin. The war ending in 2020, after [[South Hills]] pulled out of the war leaving South Ymirland without major military backing and resulting the North Ymirland quickly sweeping through the southern regions.
Demographically it is a 87% Kelf, half-Norgsveltian elves and Kemonomimi. With a heavy religious divide between [[Akuanism]] and [[Ulvriktru]] split down 54% to 41% with only 1% not in either religious. It is the only majority Kelf state in the world. Economically, it is considered to be developing nation and founding member of the [[Red Crown Economic Union]]. The currency [[Red Krone]] as been the official currency since the [[Ymirland Civil War]] for North Ymirland, though there has been heavy issues with interrogating the south into the currency. The largest economic sectors are mining, agriculture and a growing industrial base exceptionally in household electricians. The largest trading partners being the [[Federation of the Southern Coast]], [[Norgsveldet]] and [[Kaldrbuth]].
The kemonomimi arrived in the territory of present-day Ymirland in the early neolithic period. Within the fifth and sixth centruies, the varies communities of kemonomimi gathered together to from a confederation of Ny‘Andrestopp and serviced as a trading point in the [[Rotantic Ocean]]. The primary servicing as a small economic power in the medieval period along its coastal cities while the inner lands was mostly empty from civilization due to poor farmland quality.
There has been several attempts by early Ulvikrik war hosts to conquer the peninsula with the notable and largest attempt in the 900s by the Fuglestad war host. Which dramatically failed and resulted in nearly the whole war host destruction.
== History ==
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=== 1914 Protests against the Great War, Crown State status and Independence ===
Norgsveldet entry into the great war brought troubles to Ymirland. Waves of anti-war protests took hold of the country, waving banners to leave the war that they believed NorgsvaldetNorgsveldet had no reason to be a part of. Brewmasters leading the way for the protesters to march against the military present on the island and for indepence of Ymirland.
It was joined by Norgsveltian settlers and the native Akuanists in marchs for autonomy with a handful of members outright pushing for independence. The response from the military was harsh, with military action against the protesters and enforcing martial law. Arresting several brewmasters and activists charging them with treason.
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