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== History ==
''Main article for Pre-Norgsveltian Ymirland: [[Ny‘Andrestopp]]; For [[Ymir History]]''
=== Pre-Norgsveltian Ymirland ===
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Earliest existence of [[Norgsveldet|Norgsveltian]] influence, was by merchants from the Kingdom of Novreheim. Originally the Concordian influence was limited to the capital and kept within [[Ulvriktru]] quarter. Modern day capital of Kyinster, was originally settled by Novreheim merchants that ignored the [[Ulvriktru]] quarter mandate. The response to the refusal to maintain in the quarter resulted in the Confederation pushing a embargo of trade of the settlement and quarter. However the Confederation was in a upheaval on trying to find a more permanent solution, the Ny'Sænuri clans proposed to eliminate the illegal settlement all together before more [[Ulvriktru]] settlers arrived.
The council of [[Ny‘Andrestopp]] refused Ny'Sænuri suggestions, rather came to accords by establishing the illegal settlement as a province with voting rights within the lower house. Viewing it better to guide and work alongside the potential beneficial but threatening Norveheim. While viewing them with distrust, it was reasoned by the council that its better to make new friends than enemies. The settlement was legitimatized and later serviced for Norgsveltian justification for conquering the confederation 1781.
==== 1781 Norgsveltian colonization, renaming of the peninsula to Ymirland ====
The settlement was legitimatized and later serviced for Norgsveltian justification for conquering the confederation 1781.
=== 1781 Norgsveltian colonization, renaming of the peninsula to Ymirland ===
After the [[Sauvageon Wars]] but during the [[Wars of Ulvriktru]], Lapérousian-Norgsveltian King Gustaf II sent a strong military force to protect the [[Ulvriktru]] minorities in the confederation. The king placed the governance of the newly acquired land under Ivar Tolvstat a Elven noble who lived in Kyivnster but was well respected by the greater nation for his neutrally and even-handedness. As well being a [[Akuanism|Akuanist]] himself. Though in practice, foreign nobility imported from [[Norgsveldet]] held majority of the control.
The colonization by Norgsveltians was the most brutalized of the colonial conquests by the [[Norgsveldet|Norgsveltian-Lapérousian]] Realm, land seizures, death penalty for minor offenses towards Akuanists and wide-spread use of slave labor was common. Ny'Sænuri decided to withdraw from Ymirland to [[Kuovälsna]], unable to match the personal union's raw manpower and strength.
=== 1914 [[Akuan Atrocities]] and Independence ===
[[Norgsveldet]] entry into the [[Great War]], result in massive protests, boycotts and civil disobedience from the [[Akuanism|Akuan]] population across the Norgsveltian Empire. Ymirland suffered the worst from the [[Akuan Atrocities]], millions died in the labor camps from mistreatment, starvation, disease and otherexecutions. thingsLater in 1920, [[Norgsveldet]] gave Crown State status to Ymirland, thus on track for independence but due to the struggles of finding administrators that survive the atrocities and dealing with [[Ulvriktrian Flight]]. It took until 1950 when independence was declared, not by request of Ymirland but rather a sudden shock from Norgsveldet decision causing massive confusion and a hastily written constitution. Ymirland attempted to join the [[North Concordian Economic Forum]] in the 90s but was refused by the council. In addition to the troubles, throughout the decades terrorism from [[Hustreache]] and [[Jarisven]] sometimes referred to as the [[Novaris Icy Conflict]].
==== 1920 Crown State status ====
After the [[Akuan Atrocities]], [[Norgsveldet]], gave further autonomy to Ymirland making them into a Crown State as a provisional government is formed. Due to the mass death, Ymir people struggled to find survivors with training and skill for administration duties. These issues only amplified as [[Ulvriktrian Flight]], huge amounts of wealth from Norgsveltian settlers and business fled out of the country.
Political pressure from Ymirland and from internal Norgsveldet forced them to begin the process of independence for Ymirland. Several months of negotiations took place between the colonial office, the Norgsveltian crown and the collection Brewmasters and native independent activists. While full independence wouldn’t be given right away, an informal agreement leading to independence would be given within twenty to fifty years after Crown State status.
Administrators, verified
