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'''Wealden''', known professionally as the '''Wealdenite Union''', is an [[w:Island country|island nation]] located in Southeastern [[Yasteria]], sharing an ocean border with the [[Free Pax States]] and [[Peregrinia]], and bordered in the east by the [[Pacific Ocean]]. Wealden has a population of over 70 million within 32 constituent states, the most populous of these being Maia. Wealden's capital city is [[Kairi]].
Various native Wealden tribes inhabited the lands around the [[Driftwood Harbour]] since antiquity, and tribal kingdoms sprung up in the southwestern region of Wealden during the middle ages before the [[Discovery of Cappedore|accidental arrival]] of [[Staynish]] settlers in 1609.
Wealden celebrates a [[w:Lumber|strong lumber-based production economy]], with the [[w:Wood industry|timber industry]] producing over 500 billion Wealdenite Staters per annum. The economy relies heavily on that of the state of [[New Cumberland]], Wealden's largest state, which produces over ₴4,700 in timber exports per day. Wealden also prospers from a large industry in Arms Manufacturing, especially in naval and aerospace matters - the industry makes over ₴5,250 per day, however this is substantial compared to its peak in January 2020, where it produced over ₴14k per day. A greater Wealdenite focus on tourism and [[w:Trout#River fishing|trout fishing]] between the years 2021-22 helped stabilise the economy.
