Warhaa Galay

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Warhaa Galay is the national anthem of Moham Hallat I Ziaraat adopted in 1980. The anthem was composed and written by Bulaj Nabi.

Warhaa Galay
National Anthem of Moham Hallat I Ziaraat


"Warhaa Galay" was composed in 1941 in Pay Takht. The lyrics and the music were composed by Bulaj Nabi who also first recorded and played it to a live audience in a club in Pay Takht.

Bulaj Nabi is quoted to have said "I saw in my dream the marching of an army, our army, and hearing the march in tune with to a song. I was grasping to hear the tune. When it came to me, i shot awoke and immediately wrote it down. I played it in the morning and it found its way into my soul."


Warhaa Galay
Ziaraa English Translation

Ay Ziaraat, ay ghawariat

Ay sthaw mazaka jorowhal fazeeb

Lareesta thaw khabaw thawuq

Dee sar i Gondowan lay-tazuq

Ay dukhmon kah thaw ye karnhe khee za jorowhal pal

Dee me hayat khowarhale lar morat i karal


Mehre to con šod pišeam

Dur az to nist andišeam

Dar râhe to key arzeši dârad in jâne mâ

Pâyande bâd xâke Irâne mâ


Sange kuhat dorro gohar ast

Xâke daštat behtar az zarast

Mehrat az del key borun konam

Bargu bimehre to cun konam

Tâ gardeše jahâno dowre âsemân bepâst

Nure izadi hamiše rahnamâye mâst



Irân ey xorram behešte man

Rowšan az to sarnevešte man

Gar âtaš bârad be peykaram

Joz mehrat dar del naparvaram

Az âbo xâko mehre to serešte šod gelam

Mehr agar borun ravad tohi šavad delam



O Ziaraat, o bejeweled land

O, your soil is the wellspring of virtues

Far from you may the thoughts of evil be

May the head of Gondwana be ever lasting

O enemy, if you are of stone, I am of steel

May my life be sacrificed for the sword of my motherland


Since your love became my calling

My thoughts are never far from you

My life is not worthy of your cause

May the land of our Ziaraat be eternal


The stones of your mountains are jewels and pearls

The soil of your valleys are better than gold

When could I rid my heart of your affection?

Tell me, what will I do without your affection?

As long as the heavens revolve

The light of Yazadaw will always guide us



Ziaraat, o my green paradise

Bright is my fate because of you

If fire rains on my body

Your love will never escape my heart

Your water, soil and love molded my clay

If your love leaves my heart it will become barren
