Vorpest: Difference between revisions

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|capital = Sint Arend
|largest_city = capital
|official_languages = {{hlist|[[w:Dutch language|Vistarian]]|[[wikipedia:Maltese_language|Vorpestian]]|[[wikipedia:Icelandic_language|Eyjarian]]|[[wikipedia:Norweigan_language|Norgsveltian]]|Vaaran|[[wikipedia:Gutnish_language|Noorvic]]|[[wikipedia:Afrikaans|Kolonital]]|[[Valrikan Dialect|Cukish (Valrikan)]]}}
| demonym = Vorpestian, Vorp
| government_type = [[w:Devolution|Devolved]] [[w:Parliament|parliamentary legislature]] within [[w:Parliamentary system|parliamentary]] [[w:Constitutional monarchy|constitutional]] [[wikipedia:Elective_Monarchy|elective monarchy]]
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** 1.65% Gustafistism
** 1.53% Other Ulvriktru
* 9.82% [[Sakami|Sakimitism
* 6.42% No religion
* 4.23% [[Akuanism]]
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Having a land area of only 881.48 square kilometers despite its considerable population, Vorpest is the smallest of the six constituent countries that make up [[Vistaraland]] by area. In terms of population, its 1.8 million inhabitants ranks it fifth, ahead of the Vlas Isles, despite holding the rank of most densely populated.
The island of Vorpest, having previously been ruled by a number of native elven civilizations, was conquered in 1143 by the Jarldom of [[Eyjaria]], who would rule over the island for nearly 450 years. During this time, the Jarldom oversaw growing resentment between Eyjarian settlers on the island and the native inhabitants, over issues such as fervent Vorpestian opposition to cultural assimilation and the incompatabilityincompatibility of the [[Sakami|Sakimite]] monotheism of the Vorpestians and the [[Ulvriktru]] worshipped by Eyjarians.
Eyjarian rule would end in 1586 by the June Treaty, seeing the island conquered by the emergent Vistari Empire. Following the granting of Dominion status in 1872, Vorpest has been granted limited self-government, with powers to control a majority of its internal affairs without intervention by the Vistari Government. Classified as a country within the Confederation in 2020, Vorpestians have exercised the right to home rule by a representitiverepresentative legislature with the capacity to represent itself in bodies such as the [[Borea Assembly]].
