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== Etymology and Terminology ==
== Etymology and Terminology ==

The name Ulvriktru was a named coined by Nori Norison meaning “Ulvrikian Faith”, the name being politically motivated as Norison hoped that the adoption of the name would increase the unity of former Imperial States. Though the name was adopted by different Ulvrikian states it was largely followed by heavy disagreements and even conflicts over interpretations of the Nori Saga. The name has in recent times come under scrutiny for what has been considered an ethnic specific name for the faith. With not all members of the Ulvriktru Faith being ethnically Ulvrikian. With members of the Ulvriktru clergy in the [[Federation of the Southern Coast|Federation]] having become known to criticize the name.

== History ==
== History ==

=== Ulvrikian Paganism and Empire ===
=== Ulvrikian Paganism and Empire ===

Origins of Ulvriktru has its roots within the dozens pagan beliefs spread around Ulvrikian region during 1550 BCE according to limited historical records of the time. With records of clans and tribes fighting against each other over spiritual differences having been mentioned in local sagas but no knowledge about what said differences was. With the first recorded mentioning of direct Ulvrikian pagan beliefs being in the Hrafner Saga in 990 BCE were first mentions of “Warriors fighting for their place in Valhalla.” Consistent recording about pagan faiths did come forth until after the establishment of the Ulvrikian Empire in 600 BCE and its subsequent conquering of the Ulvrikia region in 550 BCE.

It was in the 520 BCE when the Fylkir of the Ulvrikian Empire, Erik IV, created the Divine Library of Fellgir. The library was filled with sagas donated to the Fylkir from Gothirs from across the Empire, which expanded alongside the Empire. While disagreements had been recorded it was agreed by historians that during this time no major conflict or crisis broke apart as a result of spiritual and religious disagreement. This has been attributed to the Empire’s political system according to historians which has proclaimed that the position of Fylkir must be chosen by the High Gothirs of the Empire. Which most sources claimed forced spiritual leaders in the Empire to cooperate to ensure the Empire could continue to function. This also ensured unified religious mythos for the pagan gods, specifically agreement of the gods names and theological existence of Valhalla and Helheim.

=== Norison’s Reforms ===
=== Norison’s Reforms ===