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=== Norison’s Reforms ===
With the collapse of the Ulvrikian Empire in 550 ACE much of what was written about the gods fell into the unknown. As the Ulvrikian core fell into a series of petty kingdoms and infighting, eventually leading to burning of the Divine Library of Fellgir. Though some sagas were secured within the periphery of the Empire, such as the Jarldom of Eyjaria and the Queendom of Lapérouse. Which was left outscathed from the collapse. For half a century the sagas about the gods were left disunified and seperate. According to historical recordings and documentations from [[Federation of Southern Coast|Federation]], [[Eyjaria]] and [[Borea]] around 600s ACE an Gothir by the name of Nori Norison traveled across the past territories of the Empire. In an effort to gather the dozens of different Ulvrikian sagas into an unified one in an attempt to unify the faith. According to the [[Grand Shrine of Lilith]] Norison reportedly spent 60 years of his life in said pursuit.
While his travels are still a matter of historical debate as specific parts of his journey are debated it is agreed that he had traveled through every state which belonged to the Empire. Coined as “Nori’s Journey” which has been replicated by Ulvriktru pilgrims. After the end of his journey Norison made an unified Saga, one that has been called the Nori’s Saga. Despite being achieved well by the majority of Ulvrikian Pagans, coining themselves as Ulvriktruars, the saga was not universally recognised as the defining saga for the faith. With [[Viktorism|Viktorists]] and Akuriktruars keeping their sagas. Though all three believe in the same gods but disagree with Nori’s view of said gods. Coining what became known as Gamletru, meaning “Old Faith”, believing in the same gods but considered separate religions as a result of different scriptures.
=== Vikingur Period ===