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Extreme Capitalism
FounderNorman Kirkman
IdeologyUltra-Capitalism, Anti-Communism, Nationalism,
Political positionWikipedia: Right Winged
Colors  Red,White,Black

Ultra-Capitalism is an ideology that argues that the means of ensuring financial security for the nation and it's citizens, is to pursue a policy of radical libertarian free markets which actively encourages businesses, corporations and industries to compete in the market of their respected country. From this the ultra-capitalist perspective states that with complete competitiveness in the markets with the state only taking a role of ensuring that companies gain no monopolies that the nation will prosper far more rapidly with no deterrence from 'socialistic' policies that would see the respected country grind to a halt.

Ultra-Capitalism also in most cases focuses on a sense of nationalistic identity with minor-conservative social policies, however in the book the 'Ultra-Capitalist Market' written by Norman Kirkman, Kirkman elaborates that in order to ensure stability, the well being of the citizen and financial prospering that social policy must be liberalised, and that the state must not dictate what people do in their own private free time. This does not mean the state cannot observe or otherwise monitor citizens for the purposes of security, and if anything Kirkman encourages that action should be taken by the state if people whom are observed could potentially damage the country's market economy.

Ultra-Capitalism harbours a few branches of how an Ultra-Capitalist government should be run such as, 'Democratic Ultra-Capitalism', 'Autocratic Ultra-Capitalism', 'Oligarchical Ultra-Capitalism', the most popular being the former two with many democratic Ultra-Capitalist parties spanning throughout the democratic world.