Treaty of Culoria/Full text: Difference between revisions

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==Article 1: Regarding Trade and Security==
#{{Ordered list|The Governments of the Sultanate of Packilvania and the Member States of the Union of Commonwealth Alliances shall agree to the following terms:
{{Ordered list |list_style_type=lower-alpha|style=margin-left: 2em|Not to support terrorists, criminals, secessionists, or any other coup plotters who threaten the territorial integrity, legitimate and present government, and internal security of the other,
|Not to invade each other or assist another power to invade the other or compromise their territorial integrity.}}}}
==Article 2: Regarding Rodenia and Puntalia==
#{{Ordered list|The Governments of the Sultanate of Packilvania and the Member States of the Union of Commonwealth Alliances agree to work towards the following goals:
{{Ordered list |list_style_type=lower-alpha|style=margin-left: 2em|The Confederated State of Rodenia to withdraw its forces from the New Republic of Puntalia,
|The Confederated State of Rodenia to recognize the independence of the Republic of New Puntalia,
|A referendum to be held in the New Republic of Puntalia regarding whether it wants to remain independent or to reunite with the Republic of New Puntalia,
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|The Confederated State of Rodenia to recognize the independence of the New Republic of Puntalia if it chooses to be independent,
|The Republic of New Puntalia to recognize the independence of the New Republic of Puntalia if it elects to be independent.}}
{{Ordered list|start=2|The Governments of the Sultanate of Packilvania and the Member States of the Union of Commonwealth Alliances agree not to:}}
{{Ordered list |list_style_type=lower-alpha|style=margin-left: 2em|Invade, threaten to or assist another power or force to threaten or undermine the territorial integrity of the New Republic of Puntalia, the Republic of New Puntalia or the Confederated State of Rodenia without prior provocation from the other,
|Assist the Confederated State of Rodenia to invade the New Republic of Puntalia or Republic of New Puntalia, or the New Republic of Puntalia or the Republic of New Puntalia to invade the Confederated State of Rodenia,
|Not to interfere in the referendum in the New Republic of Puntalia as mentioned in paragraph 1c of Article 2 of the present Treaty.
|The Governments of the Member States of the Union of Commonwealth Alliances agree not to interfere in the internal affairs of the Confederated State of Rodenia.}}
{{Ordered list|start=3|The Government of the Sultanate of Packilvania agrees not to interfere in the internal affairs of the New Republic of Puntalia and the Republic of New Puntalia.
|The Government of the Sultanate of Packilvania agrees to withdraw all military forces from the Confederated State of Rodenia except defensive or peacekeeping forces and it agrees to coordinate such activities with the Union of Commonwealth Alliances.}}
Administrators, verified
