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The '''National Republic of Tiervan''' or commonly known as '''Tiervan''' is a island nation in the continent of Novaris that shares a border with [[Dvalheim]] in the south. It had an population of 17,1 million people after estimates from 2017, with the goverment with holding any estimates the last few years after the nation faced international condemnation for it's treatment towards it's dwarven population. After the recent lostsigning of athe warVinby against Norgsveldet andPeace DvalheimTreaty the current population of Tiervan is estimated by Norgsveltian and Dvalian authorieties to just be above 11,6 million. It'sWith its capital city, Soturikaup, wherehaving an estimated 4 million people liveliving theee. Tiervan's total land area is 68.600 sq km² (26.486,6 sq miles). With country being previously part of [[Norgsveldet]] until gaining its independence during the [[Tieresh Independence War]].
(26.486,6 sq miles). Before 1980 Tiervan and it's neighbor Dvalheim was controled by colonial goverment controled from Norgsveldet. Despite calls for independence and native rights on the island, the colonial goverment still silenced criticsm towards its rule and advocated for increased immigration from Norgsveldet. Political organisations advocating for independence was also banned in 1969, which caused many moderate members to turn to more violent means for getting independence. Nationalist militias being formed in rural areas of Tiervan in 1971, under the leadership of the former military general Ali Kariabei who was a former member of the socialist organisation called the Tieresh Workers Union. Ali Kariabei was avaible to lead the nationalist militias to victory in the [[Tieresh Independence War]], also becoming Tiervan's first elected president in a landslide victory in 9th December, 1980. Despite the victory in the war, it left the island divided between Loyalists in the north with Dvalheim and nationalists in the south with Tiervan. Both nations was left economicaly destroyed with huge population loss. Because of the economic stagnation lasting until the 1990s and losing the [[Meremaa Civil War]] in 1994, the Social People Party (SSP) that ruling Tiervan at the time, started secret diplomatic talks with Norgsveldet and Dvalheim. After it became known to the public, an propaganda campaign started by the authoritarian National People's Union Party (NPUP) claiming the SPP was going to surrender Tiervan's sovereignty to Norgsveldet. Gaining a massive electoral victory in the election of 2005, the NPUP won the presidency with 40% of the vote. With President Twain Aukusti dissolving the parliament two years later with the support of military on his side. Ever since Tiervan has been dealing with increased embargos from regional powers and neighboring countries.
Tiervan is an unitary one party state established in 2007 under the National People’s Union Party (NPUP), a secular nationalist party led by Twain Aukusti. With the NPUP being elected on the 10th August 2005 for their hyper nationalism with them proclaiming they will reunify the island under Tieresh rule according to the “Greater Tiervan” dream. Though their nationalistic and unitary policies angered the Dvergian minority eventually starting the Dvergian Insurgency in 2011, as the Tieresh government got rid of [[Dvergerland]]’s autonomy and enforced state atheism in the state against the wishes of the religious Gothiric Ulvriktruars there. As a result of the [[Tieresh One Month War]], the Norgsveltian government forced the country to sign the Treaty of Duribi and Treaty of Tyrsdal. As a result of the treaties the country had to give up control of parts of its Northern lands to Dvalheim and give full independence to Dvergerland. Shrinking the Tieresh population from an estimated 17,1 million to its current 11,6 million.
After the [[Tieresh One Month War]], president Twain stated his surrender to the Norgsveltians in the 19th February of 2020, in a press conferance. Having to give up its Northern Lands to Dvalheim, as ones that was propsed to be the orginal border between Dvalheim and Tiervan in the [[Tieresh Independence War]]. With Tiervan forced to set up a demilitarised zone around the capital of Soturikaup, throught the Treaty of Tyrsdal. Also having to give up the industralised lands in the South, with Norgsveldet setting up an occupation zone in the Dwarve majority region, after the Treaty of Duribi. Through these treaties Tiervan lost 5,5 million people, putting Tiervan's population to be just around 11,6 million against the over 17,1 million it had before the treaties.
Droping their gdp per capita from 19,000 to 16,000
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