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The '''National Republic of Tiervan''' or commonly known as '''Tiervan''' is a island nation in the continent of Novaris that shares a border with [[Dvalheim]] in the south. The current population of Tiervan is estimated by the Tieresh government to just be above 11,6 million. With its capital city, Soturikaup, having an estimated 4 million people living theee. Tiervan's total land area is 68.600 sq km² (26.486,6 sq miles). With country being previously part of [[Norgsveldet]] until gaining its independence during the [[Tieresh Independence War]].
Tiervan is an unitary one party state established in 2007 under the National People’s Union Party (NPUP), a secular nationalist party led by Twain Aukusti. With the NPUP being elected on the 10th August 2005 for their hyper nationalism with them proclaiming they will reunify the island under Tieresh rule according to the “Greater Tiervan” dream. Though their nationalistic and unitary policies angered the Dvergian minority eventually starting the Dvergian Insurgency in 2011, as the Tieresh government got rid of [[Dvergerland]]’s autonomy and enforced state atheism in the state against the wishes of the religious Gothiric Ulvriktruars there. As a result of the [[Tieresh One Month War]], the Norgsveltian government forced the country to sign the Treaty of Duribi and Treaty of Tyrsdal. As a result of the treaties the country had to give up control of parts of its Northern lands to Dvalheim and give fullup independencecontrol toof Dvergerland. Shrinking the Tieresh population from an estimated 17,1 million to its current 11,6 million. Though it still disputes its borders and has refused to recognise [[Dvergerland]] as an sovereign state.