Third Suvani War: Difference between revisions

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=== Stabilization of Fronts (August-November 2021) ===
Following the early ending of the Summer Offensive, a period of uneasy stability met the fronts, and little progress was made by either side. The period became known as the Traulingiin Dain (''Trawling War''') in Suvan, owing to the efforts taken by units to organize their own provisions in some cases. This was due to a scarcity of supply in Lower Suvania, with the Suvan Countryside (in which most fronts were contained in) having not the necessary infrastructure for land travel, while air control remained in the hands of Upper Suvania through the People's Suvani Air Force, due to the lack of airfields outside of Communist control that could be operated within the region, as well as the relative cost of air transport within a hostile sky despite the NKS having limited access to modern aircraft through their foreign allies. Outside observers considered the possibility for this period to last through the winter, however military actions as well as supply reorganization on all sides led to the period lasting only until November.
==== Ulaanuura Bombing ====
