Third Suvani War: Difference between revisions

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This includes the '''Elven State of Suvania (ESS) l'''ed by the son of Prime Minister Khulan and the majority of what was the civilian government of Lower Suvania before the War, who are supported by the '''Dagagchid''' (''Codexian: 'Followers')'', a newly formed militant group of Radical [[Ayalism|Ayalists]] on both the [[Theocratic Socialism|Theocratic Socialist]] Left, as well as the Conservative Fundamentalist Right. Dagagchid garnered some limited support for [[Alva]] as the only other majority [[Ayalism|Ayalist]] state, with Alvan Volunteers comprising a not insignificant amount of forces .
Their main internal opposition is the '''New Khanate of Suvania (NKS)''', a broad coalition of Royalists, Conservatives, Liberals and Communist-Opposed Socialists brought together under [[Royalistic Populism]], Species Equality and promises from the Khan for a true [[w:Representative_democracy|Representitive Democracy]] to be created following the civil war. The Khan has stated his support for using the [[Norgsveldet|Norgsveltian]] system, however this idea has been controversial within the already uneasy Coalition, with the more Leftist and Populist supporters of the NKS forming the Liberty-Labour Coalition under nominal support from [[South Hills]], while the pro-Khan mainstream - known as the Noble Opposition - is progressively rising in animosity towards the splinter group, keeping peace by nessesity.They have been nominally assisted by some members of the NCEF, with Vistari Volunteers assisting in the war effort, as well as alleged non-combat support from the Western Provinces. This has also allowed cooperation between the NKS and the forces sent to assure security on the borders, with an infromal agreement that no border forces will fire upon NKS troops so long as the border is respected/.
