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Under Abel's leadership, the AoP became considerably more radical and willing to arm their members, assisting in terror attacks in and around Lower Suvania. These actions started off small and interspersed, but gained more and more steam with the success of [[Meagharia]], which both galvanized and instilled confidence in the Secularist Movement which the AoP now stood at the fringes of, developing their modern ideology of Neo-Progressism based on a consolidation of the ideas of the Militant Resistance as well as taking from other secular states such as [[Meagharia]], Upper Suvania and [[Durakia]].
The relationship between the Suvani Socialist Republic and AoP has been one that has been long-developed, though only became more notable after the Silent Revolution, with Upper Suvania and the Army of Progress having a cooperative military intelligence sharing network, as well as the recent joining together in arms as the AoP made their claim to the Province of Tsaizal with the blessing of the Suvani Socialist Republic, a controversial choice within the Ajikhota School Association, with some making quiet critique of the decision due to it's incompatibility with the idea of Pansuvanism, though these criticisms were silenced by threats from Chairman Jasrai, stating the fine line between the Left Pansuvanism practiced in Upper Suvania and what he referred to as the '''Imperialist Right Pansuvanism of fools such as Khulan.''<nowiki/>'
===Khulan Administration===
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The '''October Conflict''', also known as the '''2020 Adelisian Border Conflict''', was a conflict between Upper and Lower Suvania over the line of occupation in the Adelisia region, it occurred after a minor skirmish between the Suvani People's Army and the Imperial Suvan Army was escalated into a swift invasion of the region by Upper Suvania. The conflict began on October 9th, when a Upper Suvani soldier reported to have been shot at by Lower Suvan forces, This claim has been given considerable criticism by a majority of independent sources, with the build-up of Upper Suvani military forces in the region, as well as the ACC Infiltration used to gain a military advantage in this conflict indicating a premeditated assault. As part of agreements made with the ACC, [[Rodenia|Rodenian]] troops supported the Lower Suvan defence considerably, however the ACC failed to fully bear the arms available as [[Vistaraland]], who had offered military support to Lower Suvania within the realms of the ACC, left the table after the offer was refused despite [[Rodenia|Rodenian]] pressure. This was due, in part, to the 1984 Adelia Agreement which defined the occupation borders that were currently being fought over. The Agreement stipulated that any Vistari military movement into Eastern Adelisia would result in war, and Khulan refused to renegotiate such, much to the annoyance of the other members of the ACC.[[File:Adelisia.jpg|left|thumb|200x200px|Rodenian forces in South-Eastern Adelisia]]While Rodenia had a slight upper hand on the general proficiency of their troops in comparison to Upper Suvania, the decisive Communist victory came down to three factors. The first, and arguably most major, was the control of the skies, with the absolute destruction of the long neglected and generally outdated Suvan Imperial Air Force gave the People's Suvani Air Force incontestable air control of Eastern Adelisia, allowing them to provide close air support to fuel the momentum of their concentrated assaults in the first few days of the conflict. The second played much more of a role towards the end of the conflict, but it remained key due to its value in halting any [[Rodenia|Rodenian]] counterattack. The factor was more geographic than tactical, with the Upper Suvani forces much better suited and knowledgeable to relation to the local terrain of Adelisia, with the early capture of easily defendable positions in the Adelia ridge and along the Hëtzer river, making it almost impossible to dislodge without the sufficient force that the Suvan-Rodenian Forces couldn't muster. The last factor was a general disparity between the forces of Upper and Lower Suvania, with the latter comprising mostly of demoralized men from the East, with the few Adelisian troops the Imperial Army could muster prone to desertion and defection, a fact which had led to why the Lower Suvan forces did not comprise many locals. These men, fighting in lands that felt almost foreign to them and under a leadership they had generally grown progressively more resentful towards, were prone to scattering and disorganization against the superior Upper Suvani forces. Despite [[Kirk Santon|Santon]] himself taking head of the Rodenian forces, it was not enough to steady the defences of General Oiodv's forces, the Lower Suvan troops making piecemeal assaults at little gain. On the 15th of October, after nearly a week of fighting, Ukhnaagiin Khulan deemed it necessary to cut his losses as the two nations laid on the brink of a war Lower Suvania was not prepared for. Jasrai and Khulan met in the eastern sector of the City of Adelia (known to both as Adelkhota), forcing Khulan to reluctantly agree to a ceasefire on the new line of contact, renouncing his claim to North-Eastern Adelisia.
=== Early Stages of the War (FebuaryFebruary-May 2021) ===
=== Summer Offensive (May-August 2021) ===
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==== Defection of the Cascadyjski ====
Following the outbreak of the [[Second Cascadyjski Civil War]], the regiment of troops that had sent to fight alongside the other troops of the [[Douglasa Accords]] were left stranded in Suvania, given no knowledge of the situation back home in an attempt to ensure they remained loyal to the Elven State of Suvania. Continuing to follow the commands of the ESS, they launched an assault into a heavily forested region of Eastern Tsaizal, soon becoming lost behind Tsaizic lines, losing contact with ESS High Command, as well as morale in their isolation. On the 28th of July, the forces were surrounded in their camp by a division of the Tsaizic Self-Defence Forces, who set off a blank and lit lanterns to alert the lookouts. After a short conversation, the Cascadyjski were informed of the situation in their homeland. Angered and discouraged by the sense that [[Cascadii]] had betrayed them, and dissolutioned by the High Command that had sent them on such a death mission, the troops, under Col. Arkadiusz Kobus made an agreement to hesitantly accept the hospitality of the Army of Progress, with the regiment announcing a defection to Tsaizal on the 30th, being referred to by the AoP as the '''Forest Vanguard'''.
On the 28th of July, the forces were surrounded in their camp by a division of the Tsaizic Self-Defence Forces, who set off a blank and lit lanterns to alert the lookouts. After a short conversation, the Cascadyjski were informed of the situation in their homeland. Angered and discouraged by the sense that [[Cascadii]] had betrayed them, and dissolutioned by the High Command that had sent them on such a death mission, the troops, under Col. Arkadiusz Kobus made an agreement to hesitantly accept the hospitality of the Army of Progress, with the regiment announcing a defection to Tsaizal on the 30th, being referred to by the AoP as the '''Forest Vanguard'''.
=== Stabilization of Fronts (August-November 2021) ===
Following the early ending of the Summer Offensive, a period of uneasy stability met the fronts, and little progress was made by either side. This was due to a scarcity of supply in Lower Suvania, with the Suvan Countryside (in which most fronts were contained in) having not the necessary infrastructure for land travel, while air control remained in the hands of Upper Suvania due to the lack of airfields outside of Communist control that could be operated within the region, as well as the relative cost of air transport within a hostile sky. Outside observers considered the possibility for this period to last through the winter, however military actions as well as supply reorganization on all sides led to the period lasting only until November.
==== Ulaanuura Bombing ====
On October 12th, 2021, the detonation of a bomb, that was deemed 'to an almost certain degree' to have been planted by the [[Cryria|Cryrian]] Intelligence Service, in the Tsaizal-controlled village of Ulaanuura destroyed the poorly-built foundations of the local school that the Army of Progress had been using partly as a supply centre, while also - according to both Army of Progress sources as well as the Vistari GovernmnetGovernment via a report made in assosiationassociation with the General Directorate of International Development and Living Standards - still functioning as an educational institution. The building collapsed, killing around 30-40 civilians, as well as a number of AoP reserve troops, notably some which included AoP members born in [[Cryria]] and [[Ellesborg]]. While the attack gained little strategically, with a majority of the supplies having been retrieved, the bombing was notable as a rallying point for the Neo-Progressist movement in the region, with a majority of sympathy for the NKS in North-Western Tsaizal evaporating, despite the Khanate allegedly not having ordered or condoned the planting. The weeks leading up to the blast saw the release of leaked SÄPO reports through a number of social media outlets. The reports, later picked up by Cryrian News Networks, indicated that the Mandate of Ellesborg was thought to face a "significant risk" of AoP-sponsored attacks in light of recent actions undertaken by the group in the region. According to one of the few statements released by Abel Menstrat, such plans did not exist, further noting:
{{quote|I believe something must be said on the rather impressively thin rationalization Cryria gives to the targeting of our children. If you really are to posit that the Arcturian Branch wished to do such an action on Ellesborg, I should wonder how you managed to think it would be planned in a warzone in Yasteria.}}
The Government of [[Cryria]] quickly denied the assertion that they carried out such an attack following the publicization that the bomb had stuck a schoolhouse, a notion which has little credibility due to the lack of corroboration with previous claims made by the Cryrian Intelligence Service. Provisional First Minister of the NKS, Temuulen Altani, stated that while the NKS was not involved in the attack, there was little evidence the former school was not solely used as a supply centre. The Khan refused to comment on the matter, a controversial decision heavily criticized by Upper Suvania, with Chairman Jasrai stating 'The Khanate must answer for the atrocities of those who they have incited against us and our comrades-in-arms.'
Despite [[Cryria]]'s claims, states allied to Upper Suvania took the stance of denouncing [[Cryria]] for the perceived involvement the state took in such actions, with [[Katyunon]] issuing unilateral sanctions against [[Cryria]], with [[Durakia]] and [[Ekvatora]] doing the same on the 12th of November, following talks between the two on a joint response. Following the multilateral sanctions, a discussion began on the matter within the [[League of Novaris]] spurred on by the government of [[Casilló y Réal]], however the discussion ended shortly after it began, with the directly involved parties concluding that the status quo would be maintained, with [[Cryria]] issuing no reciprocation of sanctions.
=== The 'White & Red' Offensive (November 2021-Present) ===