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===Second Suvani War===
[[File:Second Suvani War.png|left|thumb|190x190px|The region of Suvania preceding the Second Suvani War (1969), with Upper Suvania in Red, Lower Suvania in Green and Autern in Purple.]]
While the Suvan Republic had reached their goal of independence from the oversight of the Khanate, many who had fought in the First Suvani War came back unsatisfied with Upper Suvania and its newly democratic administration. While Upper Suvania was a much more progressive and free nation than the Semi-Constitutional Monarchy of Lower Suvania, many found themselves without the reforms they had fought for, including universal suffrage, nationalization of key industries and geoist land reform. This began to cause many to rally behind the Suvani Communist Party (SKN) and Salvation and Labour Front (SKAB) in droves. This led to the ruling Social Liberal Forum (NLF) issuing a blanket ban on all 'anti-democratic' parties, leading to multiple arrests and executions of Progressist, Communist and Trade Unionist leaders within the capital. While this was envisioned to reinforce stability in the new democracy, it forced the SKAB to leave government and begin obstructing NLF policies, accelerating the dissolution of the working class population, who soon turned to the SKN, who began openly calling for revolution, reaching a breaking point in the 1969 Burgundy Revolution, toppling the Suvan Republic. The Revolutionaries began referring to themselves using the old Suvani demonym, one which had fallen out of use as the Khans of Suvania began to glorify their Alvan legacy. After four months of fighting, the establishment of the Suvani Socialist Republic became unopposed, at least in Upper Suvania itself. This led to a pre-emptive strike on Khamyeta by the Suvan Imperial Army, leading to Upper Suvania declaring the '''Second Suvani War'''. The War saw a string of minor victories for the SSR under Tabur Arslan, who was made Chairman-for-Life of Upper Suvania. However, these victories did not come without consequence.
Both Upper and Lower Suvania lost population in their tens of thousands, with disease taking just as many on the front, if not more. Lower Suvania saw great losses of territory throughout the 15 years of war, with the north of the country being divided between the SSR and Autern, which joined with the Ademarist dominated territories of Grenstroom and Lijnveld to form the Western Provinces, causing further economic devastation in Lower Suvania and the modern day division of the region of Adelisia/Edalavia via the 1984 Adelia Agreement, signed by Upper Suvania, Lower Suvania, [[Vistaraland]] and the Western Provinces following an armistice on the 2nd of September, 1984.
=== History of Adelisia ===
The regional entity of Adelisia (''[[W:Dutch language|Vistarian]]: Edalvaia''} is located in the historic borderlands between [[Vistaraland]] and Suvania, acting as one of the largest points of cultural mix between the two. However, such a status has forced the region into many a conflict, with it acting once as a battleground between Vistarian and Suvan forces, with the breakup of Suvania only adding more contention to the region's correct borders. The region was first settled by the pre-Alvan Suvanians, known as the Bhaapista, as well as the Symphic peoples who settled by the Hëtzer river. However, both groups would be severely affected by [[Alva|Alvan]] raids throughout the 13th Century, which divested the populations who were not well equipped the face the Alvan Hordes. It was in this the region was first divided, with the migration of the Symphibians westwards while many of the Bhaapista married into Alvan warriors, seeing their offspring be known to the Alvans as the 'people of the channel', or '''сувгийн эрчүүд''<nowiki/>', later shortened to '<nowiki/>''сувгнэр''<nowiki/>', becoming the origin for Suvania. The Symphibians, however, became subjects of the ever expanding Vistari statesStates to the West, forming a regional identity within the rain shadow of the Vistara and the west banks of the Hëtzer, known as the Slijks. The Slijks and the Bhaapista held a strong resentment to each other over this split, with Slijks seeing the Proto-Suvani as collaborators with the Alvans in the attempted irradicationeradication of the Symphic peoples.
Following the War of the Eastern Frontier, which saw the Vistari States push out the Alvan tribes from all of modern day [[Vistaraland]], the newly declared Vistari Empire began to look towards the lands around the Hëtzer River, forming settlements of Slijks in lands now apart of Adelisia and the Western Provinces, forming the Duchy of Edalavia in 1348, centring around the town of Adelstad. Edalavia became a border region between areas of Vistari and Suvan Influence, with the border usually settling on the easternmost tributary of the Hëtzer. While the border moved slightly over the years, it generally remained consistent until the late 1700s, following the 12 Years' War. This stability allowed the region of Edalavia to develop it's own subculture, which blended Vistari, Slijk and Suvan culture, seeing a unique blend of culture and art develop throughout the 16th and 17th Century.
==== 12 Years' War ====
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By 1965, the Mannenraad functioned as a healthy democratic legislature, with multiethnic coalitions able to work together without much issue. The position of largest party changed between the Economically Centre-Left, Culturally Centre-Right Vierist Social Union, or '''VSU''', (''[[W:Dutch language|Vistarian:]] Vieristische Sociale Unie'') and the Right-Wing Adelisian Unity Party, or '''AENN''' ''(Suvan: Adyeliziany Ev Negdliin Nam).''Both parties formed tended to from coalitions to the centre, balancing out the more larger parties by more moderate, multiculturalist bilingual parties like Democratic Action (''DA in Vistarian, AAK in Suvan'') and Purple & White (''PW in Vistarian, NYT in Suvan''). While the Slijk minority saw a decline under Suvan rule, they still obtained a political presence under the Centre-Right Slijk People's Party, or '''SVP''' ''([[W:Dutch language|Vistarian]]: Slijk Volksparti)''j, who acted as a kingmaker in much of the coalition building, allowing it to pressure the two major parties to act in the interests of the Slijks.
==== The Second Suvani War and the Years of Partition ====
Following the outbreak of the Second Suvani War in 1969, general consensus in Adelisia was a passive opposition to the war. While not sympathetic to the Communist cause, the war was unpopular in Adelisia, with [[Katyunon|Katyunion]] Political Scientist Dr. Lev Helsinov noting, {{quote|While my collegues may insist the divide between Suvania and Adelisia was inevitable based upon only the cultural differences that underpinned them, the war inarguably was the moment in which the line was drawn between Adelia and Tugrikhota. It was not in the wills of the Adelisian Proletariat to fight for the cause of a monarch which did not represent them against a revolutionary movement which sought to further their goals at the expense of their masters. As such no efforts of socialization could truly allow the war to be anything but an impossible sell to the Adelisian People, sparking the resistance that would cause the region to divide.}}
=== The Army of Progress ===