The Five Rights Bill

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The Five Rights Bill

The First Right

All people deserve to be provided the proper necessities of life, being food, water, shelter, and heat. No member of society should go without any of these needs.

The Second Right

All people deserve the right to work, to contribute to the good of the Commune, and to aid in securing the needs of themselves and all people

The Third Right

All people should be secured their rights to healthcare, education, and leisure time. To revoke these rights from any person is a disservice to all people of the Commune.

The Fourth Right

No rights should be afforded through monetary implementation. To refuse the honoring of any rights due to economic standing is a disservice to all people of the Commune.

The Fifth Right

No crime is justly punished by excessive measures. All punitive measures should be both appropriate and reformative. Non Reformative Prisons are a disservice to all people of the Commune.