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'''The Almodarian Civil War, The Almodarian Civil Conflict, or The Almodarian Reformation War''' '''(2000-2002),''' Was the major civil conflict in [[Almodaria]] that caused the deaths of over 1.5 Almodarians and was home to hundreds of large genocides caused by both sides of the conflict which ended with the Anderson Agreement. Many causes for the war have been thought up from corrupt government to disgruntled citizens. This war led to what is now the Almodaria First Policy and the first reformation of the Almodarian Constitution.{{Infobox military conflict
'''The Almodarian Civil War, The Second Almodarian Wars, or The Almodarian Reformation War''' '''(2000-2002),''' Was the major civil conflict in [[Almodaria]] that caused the deaths of over 1.5 Almodarians and was home to hundreds of large genocides caused by both sides of the conflict which ended with the Anderson Agreement. Many causes for the war have been thought up from corrupt government to disgruntled citizens. This war led to what is now the Almodaria First Policy and the first reformation of the Almodarian Constitution.{{Infobox military conflict
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== Pre-War Politics (1999-2000) ==
== Pre-War Politics (1999-2000) ==
Before the war started, the country was falling apart internally. Over 78% of the population was pro fascism and the pro federalist population made up the rest of the percentage (apart from a small sliver made up of state socialists). The two sides had fights in the streets over the smallest of things which led to schools being closed down for long periods of time and the shopping district practically became an arena full of angry nationalists and fascist overlords. The Great Leader Viktor Yurichenko would host public executions of any federalist civilian they could pluck off the street (Some of these "federalists" were called federalist at random so they could find sacrifices). Towards the turn of the century, the country was rocked by multiple terrorist attacks caused by both sides of the political fight and the Army was called in and the capital of the city was put under Martial Law with no restrictions. This lockdown caused the supply chain to rupture, and the country went dark. The lack of checks and balances against Yurichenko let the tyranny continue into the 2000s and in January of 2000 the Viturian Reformists Army was formed and was named after the city it formed in. Other small arms forces formed which included the Almodor Freedom Coalition and the Aranistani Fighting Force of Steel. These forces would quietly gather arms and soldiers and on May 19th, 2000, a large Mutiny occured at the Navy and Air bases in Skavari which officially started the conflict. [[File:Viktor Yurichenko.png|thumb|Viktor Yurichenko (1965-2003) Leader of Almodaria (URAS) in the war and led the mass genocide campaigns.]]
Before the war started, the country was falling apart internally. Over 78% of the population was pro fascism and the pro federalist population made up the rest of the percentage (apart from a small sliver made up of state socialists). The two sides had fights in the streets over the smallest of things which led to schools being closed down for long periods of time and the shopping district practically became an arena full of angry nationalists and fascist overlords. The Great Leader Viktor Yurichenko would host public executions of any federalist civilian they could pluck off the street (Some of these "federalists" were called federalist at random so they could find sacrifices). Towards the turn of the century, the country was rocked by multiple terrorist attacks caused by both sides of the political fight and the Army was called in and the capital of the city was put under Martial Law with no restrictions. This lockdown caused the supply chain to rupture, and the country went dark. The lack of checks and balances against Yurichenko let the tyranny continue into the 2000s and in January of 2000 the Viturian Reformists Army was formed and was named after the city it formed in. Other small arms forces formed which included the Almodor Freedom Coalition and the Aranistani Fighting Force of Steel. These forces would quietly gather arms and soldiers and on May 19th, 2000, a large Mutiny occured at the Navy and Air bases in Skavari which officially started the conflict. [[File:Viktor Yurichenko.png|thumb|Viktor Yurichenko (1945-2003) Leader of Almodaria (URAS) in the war and led the mass genocide campaigns.]]

== The first year of the war (2000-2001) ==
== The first year of the war (2000-2001) ==
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== The final months of the war (January 2002-August 2002) ==
== The final months of the war (January 2002-August 2002) ==
[[File:AlmodariaCivilWarKids.jpg|thumb|Children pose in front of the wreck of an A-20 Apex Main Battle Tank. Children found fun out of the worst times even when their homes were just rubble.]]
2002 started off as the stalemate that was caused by the URAS defense at the end of 2001 during the invasion of Vituria. URAS recalled all forces from the west and north (they left forces in Skivari to prevent an uprising) and sent all troops to Vituria. URAS began shelling the city alongside the artillery on both sides already shelling the city and continued to execute citizens. Viturian High General Josip Juranovic drew up a plan with the rest of the war council to end the war as soon as possible with a swift and powerful punch into the core of URAS operations. It was called Operation Pack a Punch and the idea was that a UH-12 Jumbo equipped with a SR-2T with FK-2 Screechers for air support would launch the Missile directly at the central government agency which Viktor Yurichenko was held up with the rest of Almodarian high command and would be far enough distance where soldiers wouldn’t be affected. The odds of it working were almost 0% but Viturian and Aranistani forces were setting there doubt aside in the hopes that this would work however, in the chance that civilians are being held in preparation for an execution their lives could be taken as collateral damage. The issue was ignored, and the plan was set to take off at 10 am the next day. The day came and two UH-12 helicopters (the second one was a backup incase the first one is shot down) and a squadron of FK-2 jets with smaller SR-1T Air to Ground Missiles to take out Anti Air installments. They took off and arrived at Tuvaria from Almodor at 10:30 and URAS forces were unexpectedly ready to retaliate. Soon after the UH-12 helicopters got into position a AA-10 Striker Ground to Air Missile shot down the backup chopper and the close vicinity of the two choppers damaged the main ones tail which set off multiple alarms in the chopper (the sensor was damaged, and no serious damage was caused) and in fear of crashing before the mission was done the pilot fired off the missile early. The FK-2 fighters fired off their AGMs and took out the two AA-10s that were in combat positions and the missile was seemingly on track until it arched down before it hit the building and crashed into the first floor of the 3-story building and exploded which completely destroyed the first floor but didn't destroy the central support structure that would've taken the whole thing down and Yurichenko survived. The only casualties were 8 soldiers, but 52 civilians were injured due to being newly held by the building. The remaining UH-12 turned away attempting to escape the range of Anti-Air but sadly before they could even try getting away another missile from the Striker directly hit the helicopter and killed the crew and sent burning steel down upon entrenched forces on the ground. The FK-2s however escaped unscathed after unloading remaining AGMs and Operation Pack a Punch was over. The massive failure that was the operation costed the resistance 4 airmen, two helicopters, and two extremely delicate and powerful AGMs. Now the resistance scrambled for a backup plan before URAS can retaliate and kill more entrenched soldiers and decided that a night advance would be best. Under the protection of air forces and Viturian artillery the Aranistani forces would push through the entrenched zone and surprise URAS troops and finish this war. The plan was set for March 14th, 2002, as Operation Finalizer. The plan began at 3:30 AM and all was set and ready. Aranistan troops began to slowly climb out of their trenches and treaded lightly under the signal went off for the artillery barrage to begin. The sky began to glow, and rumbling shook the city as hundreds of artillery guns fired off towards the base of operations of URAS troops which were quickly alerted and awakened and immediately mobilized. Fighting was moved indoors as Resistance members ducked for cover inside buildings which forced URAS troops to dangerously breach areas that were lodged full of angry and delirious soldiers which cause URAS troops to lose morale and become jumpier and more vulnerable. At one point the artillery got so close to hitting Yurichenko's position that the unshattered glass splintered due to the shockwaves and the explosions were just outside. Yurichenko was therefore moved to the reinforced steel basement of the former parliament building along with his planning staff and generals. Fighting intensified as A-20 Main Battle Tanks joined the fight on the side of URAS. 20 MBT's were transported via train from Varatistan to Tuvaria to ramp up the defensive. With a lack of anti-tank equipment, the attackers resorted to tossing grenades and mortars at the tanks which proved to be effective. Resistance members took useless fuel canisters and poured them in a line to make a flame barrier against the defenders however, it didn't stop the surviving 16 tanks that continued to roll at them. The attack continued as the sun rose over the horizon and the sky grew brighter. This is when FK-2 Screechers with AGM's took off from the Almodorian Airbase they were stationed at and raced to Vituria which was over one hour and a half away and arrived at 9:30 AM that day targeting the advancing tanks and troops. The bombing run was successful and destroyed advancing troops and destroyed 6 of the 16 advancing tanks. Resistance forces took this time to advance deeper into URAS territory with some finding disabled tanks and dropping grenades in through the hatch killing all inside before they could even scream. The mission ended at noon that day and URAS troops scrambled to regroup, and the resistance got comfortable in new positions. Skirmishes would ensue from March to June with neither side having a proper counterattack or attack. Citizens still made their way to and from stores and shops (unless you were in URAS hands which meant your future was dim to be honest) to get food for their families however both sides had snipers that would go array and snipe civilians on different sides of the frontline. Sniping became the new threat during the silence and the resistance answer to the issue was to make refugee zones with EMT equipment to protect future targets (It would've been smarter and less expensive to just evacuate the civilians but there were still too many). Operation Finalizer did less than ''end'' the war as intended so one last plan was made and this time it would be over. The plan was simple: destroy everything in your way until you reach the parliament building and capture Yurichenko and end the war. The operation was planned to end once Yurichenko was caught, and it was decreed an all-out strike with every single thing in the resistance arsenal in use on the battlefield. The mass loss of civilians was overlooked, and all must be done to end the conflict that has torn the country in half for two years now. The attack was set for July 13th, 2002, in the dead of the night once again. No stealth was called for and it was every man for themselves as long as the capital was secured. Operation Neutralizer was set. 12:30 AM that day was the same as any other day until the roar of every battle-ready man awakened the silent city. Artillery hammered down on the sleeping troops who didn't learn a lesson from the previous attack. The fighting started quickly and A-20 MBT's mobilized soon after the first alert however, Viturian troops and Aranistani troops learned how to deter the armored vehicles with the use of improvised mortars, grenades, and Molotov's. Air Support responded much faster due to the air force being alerted much earlier than the rest of the resistance and the tanks became fodder when AGM's and unguided 500 lb bombs turned them to scrap. Weeks would pass since the beginning of the operation with URAS forces retreating at a worrisome pace and the resistance continuing to push deep into the city. URAS command began to fall apart, and commanders surrendered their troops upon meeting their enemy as the still burning capital came closer to view (further damage after Operation Pack a Punch caused severe structural damage to the building and the integrity was deemed completely unsafe). In the week of August 1st to the 6th, URAS forces were worn out and surrendering at any possible chance and resistance forces surrounded the capital building. Unsure of their fate after being caught, two high generals who were bunkered down with Yurichenko in the building took their lives with the use of their service pistols while the other generals including Yurichenko prepared to calmly leave and sign a formal surrender. On August 6th, 2002, a group of resistance members entered the ash filled lobby of the capital and entered the large basement which was perfectly intact and arrested Yurichenko and the living generals which signaled the end of the conflict.
[[File:AlmodariaCivilWar1.jpg|thumb|Almodarian Tanks cruise through the town of Vorka towards the end of the conflict. URAS forces continued to try conquering territory as a final attempt at winning.]]
2002 started off as the stalemate that was caused by the URAS defense at the end of 2001 during the invasion of Vituria. URAS recalled all forces from the west and north (they left forces in Skivari to prevent an uprising) and sent all troops to Vituria. URAS began shelling the city alongside the artillery on both sides already shelling the city and continued to execute citizens. Viturian High General Josip Juranovic drew up a plan with the rest of the war council to end the war as soon as possible with a swift and powerful punch into the core of URAS operations. It was called Operation Pack a Punch and the idea was that a UH-12 Jumbo equipped with a SR-2T with FK-2 Screechers for air support would launch the Missile directly at the central government agency which Viktor Yurichenko was held up with the rest of Almodarian high command and would be far enough distance where soldiers wouldn’t be affected. The odds of it working were almost 0% but Viturian and Aranistani forces were setting there doubt aside in the hopes that this would work however, in the chance that civilians are being held in preparation for an execution their lives could be taken as collateral damage. The issue was ignored, and the plan was set to take off at 10 am the next day. The day came and two UH-12 helicopters (the second one was a backup incase the first one is shot down) and a squadron of FK-2 jets with smaller SR-1T Air to Ground Missiles to take out Anti Air installments. They took off and arrived at Tuvaria from Almodor at 10:30 and URAS forces were unexpectedly ready to retaliate. Soon after the UH-12 helicopters got into position a AA-10 Striker Ground to Air Missile shot down the backup chopper and the close vicinity of the two choppers damaged the main ones tail which set off multiple alarms in the chopper (the sensor was damaged, and no serious damage was caused) and in fear of crashing before the mission was done the pilot fired off the missile early. The FK-2 fighters fired off their AGMs and took out the two AA-10s that were in combat positions and the missile was seemingly on track until it arched down before it hit the building and crashed into the first floor of the 3-story building and exploded which completely destroyed the first floor but didn't destroy the central support structure that would've taken the whole thing down and Yurichenko survived. The only casualties were 8 soldiers, but 52 civilians were injured due to being newly held by the building. The remaining UH-12 turned away attempting to escape the range of Anti-Air but sadly before they could even try getting away another missile from the Striker directly hit the helicopter and killed the crew and sent burning steel down upon entrenched forces on the ground. The FK-2s however escaped unscathed after unloading remaining AGMs and Operation Pack a Punch was over. The massive failure that was the operation costed the resistance 4 airmen, two helicopters, and two extremely delicate and powerful AGMs. Now the resistance scrambled for a backup plan before URAS can retaliate and kill more entrenched soldiers and decided that a night advance would be best. Under the protection of air forces and Viturian artillery the Aranistani forces would push through the entrenched zone and surprise URAS troops and finish this war. The plan was set for March 14th, 2002, as Operation Finalizer. The plan began at 3:30 AM and all was set and ready. Aranistan troops began to slowly climb out of their trenches and treaded lightly under the signal went off for the artillery barrage to begin. The sky began to glow, and rumbling shook the city as hundreds of artillery guns fired off towards the base of operations of URAS troops which were quickly alerted and awakened and immediately mobilized. Fighting was moved indoors as Resistance members ducked for cover inside buildings which forced URAS troops to dangerously breach areas that were lodged full of angry and delirious soldiers which cause URAS troops to lose morale and become jumpier and more vulnerable. At one point the artillery got so close to hitting Yurichenko's position that the unshattered glass splintered due to the shockwaves and the explosions were just outside. Yurichenko was therefore moved to the reinforced steel basement of the former parliament building along with his planning staff and generals. Fighting intensified as A-20 Main Battle Tanks joined the fight on the side of URAS. 20 MBT's were transported via train from Varatistan to Tuvaria to ramp up the defensive. With a lack of anti-tank equipment, the attackers resorted to tossing grenades and mortars at the tanks which proved to be effective. Resistance members took useless fuel canisters and poured them in a line to make a flame barrier against the defenders however, it didn't stop the surviving 16 tanks that continued to roll at them. The attack continued as the sun rose over the horizon and the sky grew brighter. This is when FK-2 Screechers with AGM's took off from the Almodorian Airbase they were stationed at and raced to Vituria which was over one hour and a half away and arrived at 9:30 AM that day targeting the advancing tanks and troops. The bombing run was successful and destroyed advancing troops and destroyed 6 of the 16 advancing tanks. Resistance forces took this time to advance deeper into URAS territory with some finding disabled tanks and dropping grenades in through the hatch killing all inside before they could even scream. The mission ended at noon that day and URAS troops scrambled to regroup, and the resistance got comfortable in new positions. Skirmishes would ensue from March to June with neither side having a proper counterattack or attack. Citizens still made their way to and from stores and shops (unless you were in URAS hands which meant your future was dim to be honest) to get food for their families however both sides had snipers that would go array and snipe civilians on different sides of the frontline. Sniping became the new threat during the silence and the resistance answer to the issue was to make refugee zones with EMT equipment to protect future targets (It would've been smarter and less expensive to just evacuate the civilians but there were still too many). Operation Finalizer did less than ''end'' the war as intended so one last plan was made and this time it would be over. The plan was simple: destroy everything in your way until you reach the parliament building and capture Yurichenko and end the war. The operation was planned to end once Yurichenko was caught, and it was decreed an all-out strike with every single thing in the resistance arsenal in use on the battlefield. The mass loss of civilians was overlooked, and all must be done to end the conflict that has torn the country in half for two years now. The attack was set for July 13th, 2002, in the dead of the night once again. No stealth was called for and it was every man for themselves as long as the capital was secured. Operation Neutralizer was set. 12:30 AM that day was the same as any other day until the roar of every battle-ready man awakened the silent city. Artillery hammered down on the sleeping troops who didn't learn a lesson from the previous attack. The fighting started quickly and A-20 MBT's mobilized soon after the first alert however, Viturian troops and Aranistani troops learned how to deter the armored vehicles with the use of improvised mortars, grenades, and Molotov's. Air Support responded much faster due to the air force being alerted much earlier than the rest of the resistance and the tanks became fodder when AGM's and unguided 500 lb bombs turned them to scrap. Weeks would pass since the beginning of the operation with URAS forces retreating at a worrisome pace and the resistance continuing to push deep into the city. URAS command began to fall apart, and commanders surrendered their troops upon meeting their enemy as the still burning capital came closer to view (further damage after Operation Pack a Punch caused severe structural damage to the building and the integrity was deemed completely unsafe). In the week of August 1st to the 6th, URAS forces were worn out and surrendering at any possible chance and resistance forces surrounded the capital building. Unsure of their fate after being caught, two high generals who were bunkered down with Yurichenko in the building took their lives with the use of their service pistols while the other generals including Yurichenko prepared to calmly leave and sign a formal surrender. On August 6th, 2002, a group of resistance members entered the ash filled lobby of the capital and entered the large basement which was perfectly intact and arrested Yurichenko and the living generals which signaled the end of the conflict.

== Aftermath ==
== Aftermath ==

Latest revision as of 09:33, 20 April 2023

The Almodarian Civil War, The Second Almodarian Wars, or The Almodarian Reformation War (2000-2002), Was the major civil conflict in Almodaria that caused the deaths of over 1.5 Almodarians and was home to hundreds of large genocides caused by both sides of the conflict which ended with the Anderson Agreement. Many causes for the war have been thought up from corrupt government to disgruntled citizens. This war led to what is now the Almodaria First Policy and the first reformation of the Almodarian Constitution.

The Almodarian Civil War
Multiple images from the siege of the City Capital in the final months of the war. The major water tower in the core of the city was completely ruined and was demolished in 2005, crosses in rows after the siege with many of the dead being women and kids, citizens remained in the city for the duration of the conflict unlike other cities which had major evacuations and mass removals.
Date19 May 2000 - 6 August 2002
Status Ended
The United Republic of Almodarian States The Viturian Reformists Army of Almodaria
Commanders and leaders
Viktor Yurichenko Josip Juranovic
Gio Jorona
Units involved
The National Army of Almodaria The Viturian Reformists Army of Almodaria
The Aranistani Steel Force
Casualties and losses
456,897 Almodarian Soldiers 321,789 Viturian Soldiers and other fighting forces
760,234 Civilians

Pre-War Politics (1999-2000)

Before the war started, the country was falling apart internally. Over 78% of the population was pro fascism and the pro federalist population made up the rest of the percentage (apart from a small sliver made up of state socialists). The two sides had fights in the streets over the smallest of things which led to schools being closed down for long periods of time and the shopping district practically became an arena full of angry nationalists and fascist overlords. The Great Leader Viktor Yurichenko would host public executions of any federalist civilian they could pluck off the street (Some of these "federalists" were called federalist at random so they could find sacrifices). Towards the turn of the century, the country was rocked by multiple terrorist attacks caused by both sides of the political fight and the Army was called in and the capital of the city was put under Martial Law with no restrictions. This lockdown caused the supply chain to rupture, and the country went dark. The lack of checks and balances against Yurichenko let the tyranny continue into the 2000s and in January of 2000 the Viturian Reformists Army was formed and was named after the city it formed in. Other small arms forces formed which included the Almodor Freedom Coalition and the Aranistani Fighting Force of Steel. These forces would quietly gather arms and soldiers and on May 19th, 2000, a large Mutiny occured at the Navy and Air bases in Skavari which officially started the conflict.

Viktor Yurichenko (1945-2003) Leader of Almodaria (URAS) in the war and led the mass genocide campaigns.

The first year of the war (2000-2001)

Conquests at the beginning were slow and bloody. Forces in Skavari were outnumbered and surrounded and the URAS Navy made a blockade on the coast and began shelling the city which destroyed major infrastructure and had the first civilian casualties of the war, URAS began taking food from the west and cut off supply lines between Viturian and Skavari forces while in Aranistan the resistance which was made up by former soldiers and high army officials began a lightning campaign to cut off URAS troops with small numbers of casualties. Viturian soldiers resorted to guerilla warfare and rooftop sniping during the night and bombing runs with grenades in the day. Attrition grew as neither side made progress and in December of 2000, Mirosaw Norgichev from the War Department of Almodaria sent a proposal to Yurichenko called "Operation Tiger's Vengeance" which if ratified would begin a new program of mass executions of anyone the army could get their hands on. Yurichenko accepted it gladly and December 12th, 2000, would be the single bloodiest day in Almodarian history and was dubbed "The Feeding of the Tiger". Soldiers broke into the homes of citizens in Vituria and rounded them up in the city square over the span of a few hours and proceeded to gun down every single one of them which led to over 8,000 dead in under 12 hours. Although this made URAS command less insecure this only made the resistance angrier and by the end of the year a new counter offensive was planned.

The second year of the war (2001-2002)

This became the most productive year of the war for resistance members as the mass genocide under Operation Tiger's Vengeance continued. Skavari forces sabotaged the nearby ammo depot on the outskirts of town which gave the fighters a chance to break out. Skavari began the counter offensive in January of 2001 and had exciting progress at the cost of many lives. Surprisingly, the city of Almodor declared independence and joined the resistance and gained control of the major air force base placed smack dab in the center of town which gave the resistance some much needed air support with over 100 FB-5 Bombers and 400 FK-2 Screecher Fighter Jets which all scrambled in North, East, and South to give covering support for advancing troops. Aranistan used this air support to claim multiple villages neighboring the major city as ammunition began to be scarce in the growing army. When Aranistani fighters arrived in the village of Borna they were greeted by the sight of a mass grave with a possible 300-500 dead villagers in a pit in the ground. These villagers were one of many victims of the worsening genocide. Viturian forces were starving and low on ammunition after URAS advances in the city. On February 14th the Viturian forces were forced to leave the capital in order to regroup and fled to the coastline. Almodor fighter groups and bombers began bombing campaigns in Vituria and commenced the Siege of Vituria (anti-air was prioritized around air bases and army posts and so the city was completely undefended). Spring came by and Aranistani Military Command turned their attention over to Vituria which was still under control of URAS even after the almost daily bombardments and so the offensive was moved north towards the city in the Spring Offensive of 2001 and as this went down the Viturian Reformists Army with fresh recruits and ammunition began their march back to the city. Skavari however was back into a stalemate and was unable to advance after multiple desertions and naval shelling that continued to take lives and destroy the landscape. On May 16th, 2001, the Skavarian Freedom Coalition surrendered to Almodarian troops and soon after the Surrender of Yurichenko was signed, the remaining resistance members were brought together and executed. URAS now had a major airbase and a major naval port under their control and the blockade was moved up the shoreline towards the capital in preparation for retaliation and in the meantime continued to execute civilians and supposed "Spies" in occupied territory. The Summer was slow apart from Viturian forces regrouping on the edge of the city where the date was set for the reclamation of Vituria: September 9th, 2001. The invasion started strong with FK-2 jets equipped with incendiary bombs conducting low passes over the city and scorching it until nothing was left, this led to hundreds of injured and dead civilians and crippled URAS soldiers. The first battle of Vituria began with Viturian soldiers moving in through the eastern suburbs with explosives and small arms and snipers while Aranistani forces landed deeper in down in southern Vituria where scorching raids were being conducted prior to landing with many casualties. URAS forces held majority of their forces at the central government actions agency (CGAA) where Yurichenko was commanding all remaining Almodarian soldiers and losing him would mean the war ending. The first battle of Vituria was in favor of the attackers until UH-12 helicopters (which were captured in Skivari after their surrender) equipped with SR-2T Air to Ground Missiles began the counter attack and decimated the heavily clustered Aranistani forces with a recorded 882 casualties in the first cycle of attacks. Surviving soldiers were now commanded to stay away from buildings since they were immediate targets of the distant artillery that was supposed to protect them which now meant the injured force had less cover for the advance but they could not advance further over the risk of being caught and retreated and prepared to entrench in the city. Meanwhile, Vitruvian forces used homemade mortars and nail bombs to continue pushing forward but fell to the same fate as the Aranistani force and was bombarded heavily. The Viturian forces were inside of buildings during the bombardment and as what usually happens when bombs go off, the buildings got catastrophically damaged and the buildings collapsed in on soldiers with about 1,415-2,000 casualties from the first cycle. Remaining troops entrenched and the rest of the year was a forced stalemate with small skirmishes in the city while the mass execution of civilians continued.

Soldiers from the Viturian Artillery Regiment firing shells into Vituria during the siege and first battle of Vituria September 2001. The soldiers were mostly citizens who have never seen battle which led to many being jumpy around artillery.
Aranistani Fighters advancing in the Spring Offensive of 2001. The fighting was intense in the region due to thick foliage and tough and barren terrain.

The final months of the war (January 2002-August 2002)

Children pose in front of the wreck of an A-20 Apex Main Battle Tank. Children found fun out of the worst times even when their homes were just rubble.
Almodarian Tanks cruise through the town of Vorka towards the end of the conflict. URAS forces continued to try conquering territory as a final attempt at winning.

2002 started off as the stalemate that was caused by the URAS defense at the end of 2001 during the invasion of Vituria. URAS recalled all forces from the west and north (they left forces in Skivari to prevent an uprising) and sent all troops to Vituria. URAS began shelling the city alongside the artillery on both sides already shelling the city and continued to execute citizens. Viturian High General Josip Juranovic drew up a plan with the rest of the war council to end the war as soon as possible with a swift and powerful punch into the core of URAS operations. It was called Operation Pack a Punch and the idea was that a UH-12 Jumbo equipped with a SR-2T with FK-2 Screechers for air support would launch the Missile directly at the central government agency which Viktor Yurichenko was held up with the rest of Almodarian high command and would be far enough distance where soldiers wouldn’t be affected. The odds of it working were almost 0% but Viturian and Aranistani forces were setting there doubt aside in the hopes that this would work however, in the chance that civilians are being held in preparation for an execution their lives could be taken as collateral damage. The issue was ignored, and the plan was set to take off at 10 am the next day. The day came and two UH-12 helicopters (the second one was a backup incase the first one is shot down) and a squadron of FK-2 jets with smaller SR-1T Air to Ground Missiles to take out Anti Air installments. They took off and arrived at Tuvaria from Almodor at 10:30 and URAS forces were unexpectedly ready to retaliate. Soon after the UH-12 helicopters got into position a AA-10 Striker Ground to Air Missile shot down the backup chopper and the close vicinity of the two choppers damaged the main ones tail which set off multiple alarms in the chopper (the sensor was damaged, and no serious damage was caused) and in fear of crashing before the mission was done the pilot fired off the missile early. The FK-2 fighters fired off their AGMs and took out the two AA-10s that were in combat positions and the missile was seemingly on track until it arched down before it hit the building and crashed into the first floor of the 3-story building and exploded which completely destroyed the first floor but didn't destroy the central support structure that would've taken the whole thing down and Yurichenko survived. The only casualties were 8 soldiers, but 52 civilians were injured due to being newly held by the building. The remaining UH-12 turned away attempting to escape the range of Anti-Air but sadly before they could even try getting away another missile from the Striker directly hit the helicopter and killed the crew and sent burning steel down upon entrenched forces on the ground. The FK-2s however escaped unscathed after unloading remaining AGMs and Operation Pack a Punch was over. The massive failure that was the operation costed the resistance 4 airmen, two helicopters, and two extremely delicate and powerful AGMs. Now the resistance scrambled for a backup plan before URAS can retaliate and kill more entrenched soldiers and decided that a night advance would be best. Under the protection of air forces and Viturian artillery the Aranistani forces would push through the entrenched zone and surprise URAS troops and finish this war. The plan was set for March 14th, 2002, as Operation Finalizer. The plan began at 3:30 AM and all was set and ready. Aranistan troops began to slowly climb out of their trenches and treaded lightly under the signal went off for the artillery barrage to begin. The sky began to glow, and rumbling shook the city as hundreds of artillery guns fired off towards the base of operations of URAS troops which were quickly alerted and awakened and immediately mobilized. Fighting was moved indoors as Resistance members ducked for cover inside buildings which forced URAS troops to dangerously breach areas that were lodged full of angry and delirious soldiers which cause URAS troops to lose morale and become jumpier and more vulnerable. At one point the artillery got so close to hitting Yurichenko's position that the unshattered glass splintered due to the shockwaves and the explosions were just outside. Yurichenko was therefore moved to the reinforced steel basement of the former parliament building along with his planning staff and generals. Fighting intensified as A-20 Main Battle Tanks joined the fight on the side of URAS. 20 MBT's were transported via train from Varatistan to Tuvaria to ramp up the defensive. With a lack of anti-tank equipment, the attackers resorted to tossing grenades and mortars at the tanks which proved to be effective. Resistance members took useless fuel canisters and poured them in a line to make a flame barrier against the defenders however, it didn't stop the surviving 16 tanks that continued to roll at them. The attack continued as the sun rose over the horizon and the sky grew brighter. This is when FK-2 Screechers with AGM's took off from the Almodorian Airbase they were stationed at and raced to Vituria which was over one hour and a half away and arrived at 9:30 AM that day targeting the advancing tanks and troops. The bombing run was successful and destroyed advancing troops and destroyed 6 of the 16 advancing tanks. Resistance forces took this time to advance deeper into URAS territory with some finding disabled tanks and dropping grenades in through the hatch killing all inside before they could even scream. The mission ended at noon that day and URAS troops scrambled to regroup, and the resistance got comfortable in new positions. Skirmishes would ensue from March to June with neither side having a proper counterattack or attack. Citizens still made their way to and from stores and shops (unless you were in URAS hands which meant your future was dim to be honest) to get food for their families however both sides had snipers that would go array and snipe civilians on different sides of the frontline. Sniping became the new threat during the silence and the resistance answer to the issue was to make refugee zones with EMT equipment to protect future targets (It would've been smarter and less expensive to just evacuate the civilians but there were still too many). Operation Finalizer did less than end the war as intended so one last plan was made and this time it would be over. The plan was simple: destroy everything in your way until you reach the parliament building and capture Yurichenko and end the war. The operation was planned to end once Yurichenko was caught, and it was decreed an all-out strike with every single thing in the resistance arsenal in use on the battlefield. The mass loss of civilians was overlooked, and all must be done to end the conflict that has torn the country in half for two years now. The attack was set for July 13th, 2002, in the dead of the night once again. No stealth was called for and it was every man for themselves as long as the capital was secured. Operation Neutralizer was set. 12:30 AM that day was the same as any other day until the roar of every battle-ready man awakened the silent city. Artillery hammered down on the sleeping troops who didn't learn a lesson from the previous attack. The fighting started quickly and A-20 MBT's mobilized soon after the first alert however, Viturian troops and Aranistani troops learned how to deter the armored vehicles with the use of improvised mortars, grenades, and Molotov's. Air Support responded much faster due to the air force being alerted much earlier than the rest of the resistance and the tanks became fodder when AGM's and unguided 500 lb bombs turned them to scrap. Weeks would pass since the beginning of the operation with URAS forces retreating at a worrisome pace and the resistance continuing to push deep into the city. URAS command began to fall apart, and commanders surrendered their troops upon meeting their enemy as the still burning capital came closer to view (further damage after Operation Pack a Punch caused severe structural damage to the building and the integrity was deemed completely unsafe). In the week of August 1st to the 6th, URAS forces were worn out and surrendering at any possible chance and resistance forces surrounded the capital building. Unsure of their fate after being caught, two high generals who were bunkered down with Yurichenko in the building took their lives with the use of their service pistols while the other generals including Yurichenko prepared to calmly leave and sign a formal surrender. On August 6th, 2002, a group of resistance members entered the ash filled lobby of the capital and entered the large basement which was perfectly intact and arrested Yurichenko and the living generals which signaled the end of the conflict.


Following the end of the war the declaration of peace was signed on August 7th, 2002, under the formal name of the Anderson Agreement (named after Ethan Anderson who was a high-ranking officer in the resistance who would go on to being part of the government) which decreed the sovereignty of the new government and the disbanding of all former titles associated to the former government. Yurichenko was put on trial for his crimes and executed via firing squad on April 9th, 2003, alongside his biggest generals and officers. Civilian unrest stayed high through the 2000s as no compensation for victims of the Almodarian Genocide could be provided due to funds being used for reconstruction and creating the new government. The Regency Council of Welfare (RCW) came into power to control the citizens of the new state as the government focused on rebuilding. The many monuments which once stood were demolished and history that dated back as far as before any of the five states existed were turned to dust and history as Almodaria knew it would have restarted with reconstruction.