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• The administrative territory of '''[[Paradis]]:''' Despite its location close to '''Centro''', '''[[Paradis]]''' was largely unsettled for hundreds of years. Vastly different to mainland Tawuse, it hosts a single city on the coast of the Strait of Paradis named Tenerre. A network of hamlets and small towns dot the mountains with a sizeable lupine population. Due to clashes between island natives and Tawusian settlers, settlement of the island was shelved. However, large coal and precious metal deposits are prompting the revival of previous settlement plans.
Provinces are given devolved powers, each containing their own regional provincial congress. However, each province elect representatives to the National Congress and Risolveré. Although governmental sectors such as education and health are centralised, devolved powers include the ability to designate funding for infrastructure and internal management of subsidies.
The administrative territory of '''[[Paradis]]''' was not given the title of province mainly due to the lack of development within the island. Left mainly untouched, lupine villagers are governed under the authority of '''Centro''' due to the province being closest to the island. '''[[Paradis]]''' doesn't elect members of a regional congress but have the ability to elect representatives to represent Paradisian concerns within both the National Congress and Risolveré. One representative for the island in the Risolveré and a three representatives being leaders of the three lupine tribes to represent tribal matters in the congress.
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