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Svetlana, being a member of the Bertov family, became very influential among Communist and [[Wikipedia:Stalinism|Vanguarist]] circles in her home country, which critics of her have pointed to as a reason for her fame being undeserved, referring to her and her family as '''Red Royalty''': a derogatory term associated with the families of communist leaders of Durakia. However, she has reliably been shown to act of her own merit through her actions in the Kansol Students' Union as well as her articles in the Avorgrad: the radical leftist newspaper. She also co-authored the report: "''Classrooms and Class: A Study of Students in Novaris"'', In which her, Vladimir Ansof and Walter Brauner performed participant observation studies in schools across the continent - including [[Tretrid]], [[Alyunthia]], [[Cryria]], [[Varleuteiche|Varletia]] and [[Ekvatora]] - comparing how Social Class influences the results, treatment and behaviour of their Students. The report was rather popular amongst the Sociologists for it's detailed quantitative data and use of ethnographic methodology. While it did take an inherently negative look, it noted how material deprivation has become much less of a factor in Novari Schools, while subconscious discrimination of teachers towards working class students is still a key issue that needs to be addressed in order to create a truly equal education system. This report was especially notable in [[Tretrid]], where it would be taken into consideration by the Tretridian goveenment in it's continued efforts to reform education to allow more equality. Bertov herself, alongside Brauner, visted the city of Cyneburg to speak on the findings of this report and how these results may be implemented by the Social Democrat led government of Tretrid.
Svetlana has also acted as an impassioned speaker throughout her time in the Students' Union, with her most notable speech being made at the 2019 Memorial Service for Durakans who died in the [[Meremaa Civil War]]. She made a heartfelt speech on how the deaths of Durakan Volunteers has been overly politicized by the [[Social Democratic Party]], stating that "These men and women died fighting for a cause they believed in, a cause in which Durakia has always stood for. Those who refuse to pay respects to them spit in the face of the very fabric our nation is built on." This speech, of course, was controversial amongst the moderate left, however it saw Svetlana come into her own as a young activist, rather than staying in the shadow of her grandfather.