Species: Difference between revisions

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[[File:Species origin.png|thumb|Estimated species origins. It should be noted that most species have, by the present day, migrated far and wide, and not all origins are yet fully known or understood. Furthermore, this map is not recognised by all scientists l.]]
Urth has a large variety of sapient species that have each evolved to a general parity in physicality, intelligence, and problem-solving skills. Many societies are made up of many species, while others are nearly exclusive to only one or several. It is not uncommon for certain species to oppress others though there is no pattern of oppression; many species are victims in some countries while being the aggressors in others. The classification and evolution of the bipedal mammals has been heavily contested for decades and there is little agreement. One theory purports that all bipedal mammals belong to the clade [[Bipedaliforma]].
==Classification and evolutionary history==
The full evolutionary history of most of the sapient species is not well document or widely agreed. This in part is due to the incredibly long history, diverse environments and conflicting ideologies and beliefs.
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Other non-scientific or pseudoscientifc theories include:
* '''Creationism''': This theory is found in religions such as but not limited to [[Paxism]], [[Thaerism]], [[Akronism]], [[Tunseism]] and [[Verk'ohism]], as well as those who believe that the universe is a simulation, which states that a deity or universal force created sapient beings and imbued them with sapient properties.
* '''Creative Evolution''': Is also found in mostly but not exclusively religious circles whereby an external force such as a deity or universal spirit etc. directed the natural evolution of living things to bring about the emergence of sapient beings.
* '''Extraterrestrial Origin''': This suggests that one or more advanced extraterrestrial civilisations created sapient beings to populate the planet. ForVarious whatexplanations purposefor ormotivations how,and thismethods theoryhave andbeen itssuggested, descendentsalthough dothey notare haverife singlewith speculation and answerconspiracy.
== Interbreeding ==
Different species are capable of breeding with each other, though the offspring are often infertile. Such mingling between species can be frowned upon in some societies, while being completely acceptable in others. Similarly, it is not unheard of for relationships to develop between biologically incompatible individuals, who may either consider alternative methods such as adoption or simply accept childlessness. The ability for some species to create fertile, viable offspring with others has led to academic circles in certain nations proposing that they are different variants of the same species, similar to dog breeds, and not separate species per the biological principle of speciation. Others still propose that speciation is refuted by the presence of these multispecies crosses. A list of known crossbreeding outcomes can be expanded below.
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Elves are believed to share the most recent common ancestor with humans of any sapient species on Urth, and appear largely identical to humans except for their characteristic pointed ears. According to the [[Bipedaliforma|Unified Bipedalism Theory]], Elvines belong to the ''Primus primus dryadalis'' species in the ''Priminiforma'' subfamily. Elves are also taller on average than humans, and while elves across Urth exhibit large variation in lifespans, a key identifier of elves is their longer natural life span than humans. At the far end of the spectrum, Kaohlat elves live an average of 170 years, and Usprian elves can expect to live 200 years or more although life expectancy is affected by environmental and other factors as with any other species. Like humans, elves exist on all continents except for Sempiterna, and they demonstrate variety in external features like skin pigmentation or hair colour. ElvesThe are believedsome toscientists havewho believe that elves originally evolved in central or western [[Yasteria]].
==== Elven Subspecies ====
{{See also|Golden Elves}}
There are several Xotikobiologically recognized sub-species of elves, however this recognition is not universal and the status and validity of subspecies among Elves remains contested as discussion on the topic continues, with competing models to describe in what way elves are subdivided amidst notable biological differences among members of the species. Some of the key debates that have been raised regarding the use of the term "sub-species" (what some models consider "sub-sub-species") is that similar classifications are not made for humans and other priminid, with a few scientists having gone so far as to use the term "scientific racism". Other scientists, however, note the disparity between the classification of elves and the generally accepted forms of scientific racism, in that there is significant biological differences in Elves - including the ability of tetrachromatic vision and vast differences in lifespan and reproductive capability which can not be seen in other Primoids. Given the complex biological nature of the Elven group and the social, economic and political issues that surround them, it is unlikely that a single answer will emerge in the foreseeable future.
==== Alkari Elves ====
Alkari elves are native to the regions of Alksearia and Balistria, but have a presence on most continents. One major distinction from other elven sub-species is the pronounced canine teeth. These developed over time as a result of the rich protein diet that is present in Alkari culture, and in the hardened fruit that they would consume.
===== Azral Elves =====
Azral, commonly known as Azra (Kæzhyn: Az'ra) elves are native to Northeastern [[Borea]] and are found predominantly in [[Rohyca]],[[Kæra'zna]] and northern [[Syrtænzna]]. Their small population is partially the result of the selective breeding done between Z'rei elves and anAzral extinctElves elvenin subspecies commonly referred to as the Proto-Az[[Kæra'razna]]. While manysome categorize them as difficult to distinguish from Z'rei in contemporary analysis, they bear much more light-greyish skin pigmentation and hair pigmentation, as well as an extended lifespan averaging around 129 years. They notably still do possess the tetrachromatic vision found in their Z'rei relatives as well as the Usprian elves.
Azral eyes contain a unique pigmentation which dampens Ultraviolet rays hitting the eye, notably effective in preventing the onset of photokeratitis, due to this - their eyes are most often shades of black, grey or pink, though can rarely present as red or hazel. Despite this they notably, in many cases, possess some degree of tetrachromatic vision found in their Z'rei relatives as well as the Usprian elves.
Another notable difference between Azra and other elves is a quirk in the Azra ability to sense heat. Relatively recently discovered was that Azra posses a considerably low amount of the warm-receipting protein [[W:TRPV1|TRPV1]], known as the [[W:Capsaicin|capsaicin]] receptor. This makes Azra elves considerably insensitive to not only chilli peppers, but generally hot temperatures and warm stimuli, which some Xotikobiologists have accredited to the lack of environmental need for warm receptors in Northern [[Borea]] against the necessity of cold-receptors, though such a theory remains hotly debated in the scientific community.
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Dwarves are closely related to humans. They have a short stature. Some anthropologists believe that they originated from central [[Novaris]]. According to the [[Bipedaliforma|Unified Bipedalism Theory]], Dwarvines belong to the ''Primus primus pumilio'' species of the ''Priminiforma'' subfamily. Averaging a height of four feet, dwarves are shorter than most species on Urth due to their curved spine. Their limbs, compared to other humanoids, are shorter. The same can be observed with their fingers. Their knees and elbows are more constrictive, resulting in poorly mobile elbows and bowed legs. Their heads are larger, displaying a larger and higher forehead and flatter nose bridge. Regardless of sex, facial hair grow more rapidly with some dwarven men regrowing shaved beards just under a few days. Despite their stature, dwarves are naturally stronger than their fellow humanoids. Dwarves are able to lift thrice their weight even without exercise. Along with this, dwarves are armed with incredibly long memories.
=== NekomimiKemonomimi ===
Kemonomimi are primarily human-like with the major differences having animal ears and tail. However there are a few subspecies that lack tail and have moderately different facial structure, but still seeming human. As well, some types of kemonomimi have a heightened sense of smell, hearing, but lack vision capabilities to the degree of humans. Differences in Kemonomimi again lie within the animal influences on their body. Such as certain types of kemonomimi having fluffier ears like one of a fox to both better hear and to protect their ear drums from harsher weather in climates where sandstorms are more common. The spread of Kemonomimi has given way to a wide variety of subtypes, while still primarily keeping to the human biology template. However the various climates, geography, diseases and diet of each of the various kemonomimi have given way to slight differences in internal biology, prime example being the Borean Nekomimi having a much shorter life span but an increased fertility rate when compared to their human counterparts. Another example is the kitsunes having an above average human life-span but lower disease resistance.
==== Nekomimi ====
Nekomimi have a human-like appearance and they have feature triangular ears at the top of their heads, similar in shape and expressional ability to those of domestic cats. According to the [[Bipedaliforma|Unified Bipedalism Theory]], they belong to the ''Primus nekomimi'' species in the ''Priminiforma'' subfamily but some taxonomists believe that they should fall into the ''Caulidae'' tribe along with Tieflings. These are in addition to ears on the sides of their head that are identical to those of humans. They also have cat-like tails. Their cat-like features are an example of [[Wikipedia:convergent evolution|convergent evolution]], as nekomimi are offshoots of a recent common ancestor with humans and not genetically related to Felines. They are believed to have originally evolved in the islands far to the east of Novaris after a period of isolation from other populations, in particular the island that is today Infinite Loop. Nekomimi populations are known to have migrated to South East Yasteria in antiquity, and today can be found in some capacity on every continent. Significant amounts of nekomimi live in Borea and western Yasteria.
==== Borean Kemonomimi ====
Borean Kemonomimi is considered to be in the Nekomimi branch of the Kemonomimi tree. Well they look traditionally Kemonomimi, their internal biology great differs from non-Borean Kemonomimi. Having a much shorter life span compared to the non-Borean counterparts, only living up 60 to 70 years primary due to [[Kemonomimi Genetic Immunodeficiency Disorder]] but has a much greater fertility rate. The animalistic parts of the Borean Kemonomimi tend to be much fluffier compared to most non-borean Kemonomimi , and often lacking human ears but this isn't always the case.
==== Kuduk Nekomimi ====
Kuduk Nekomimi are a subspecies of Nekomimi that inhabit small diaspora at the eastern coast of Kuduk. Similarly to the Peregrin Nekomimi, the classification of Kuduk Nekomimi is debated on whether they should be considered a subspecies or just an ethnic group. Physical characteristics that distinguish Kuduk Nekomimi are coiled hair, bushy eyebrows, and honey-colored skin.
==== Peregrin Nekomimi ====
Peregrin Nekomimi are a subspecies, or ethnic group, of nekomimi that inhabit Peregrinia. While it is disputed exactly what classification these nekomimi deserve, it is agreed that they represent a genetically distinct group. Marks of this genetic distinction include fair, almost pale skin, a proclivity for heterochromia, and hair that is often several shades of color from blonde to scarlet.
==== Yaki ====
Yaki are a subspecies of Kemonomimi found predominantly in [[Kuduk]]. They can be distinguished from their animal-like horns protruding from the sides of their heads. Yaki's horns can greatly differ in shape and size from the horns found on Tieflings. Those native to the Hey and Anana tribes have horns that resemble deer antlers, while those from the Great Plain tribes have buffalo-like horns. The skin color range of Yaki goes from a dark almond to a honey-colored shade. A distinguishing factor of Yaki from the Yevak tribe is a large presence of dimorphism, in which Yevak Yaki males are on average much smaller than their female counterparts.
=== Orcs ===
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''Main article: [[Cava]]''
Cava are a species of bipedal therapods resembling corvids native to Aurora. Evolving from an arboreal climbing species descended from dromaeosaurs, modern cava first appeared in the fossil record 2 million years ago in the [[Ethaln Plains|Ethaln Plain]] and became the dominant sapient species on Aurora. Cava are tetradactyl, and possesshave digitigrade legs with anisodactyl feet. Cava possess a beak quite similar to corvids as a result of their omnivorous diet. TheLike cavanother boneParavians, structureCavan isbones are hollow and possesseswith many interior struts, makinggiving them bothan lighterexceptional andstrength strongerto weight ratio despite being significantly lighter than the bones of other species. CavanCava produce speech organsusing their syrinx and are highly developedadept at mimicry, but their beaked anatomy causes difficulty pronouncing certain sounds in fast speech produced by lips and teeth common in human group languages. There exists little sexual dimorphism and the species is generally considered to be visually androgynous. The plumage of cava is entirelytypically blackdark, exceptalthough fornatural variations of white, grey and blue in various patterns are present across the population, and they have a set of colorfulcolourful crest-feathers on the back of the head. These feathers strongly reflect UV light, which cavacavan tetrachromatic eyes are sensitive to.
Evidence suggests that for a brief period of time approximately 500,000-300,000 BCE some cava in modern Staynes had developed primitive agriculture before reverting back to hunter gathering for an unknown reason. This happened again around 100,000 BCE in Axdel, with some metal artefacts also recovered, with the reason for reverting back to a hunter gather lifestyle likely being cooling and glaciation forcing migration and a return to hunter gathering. Cava intermingled and shared a range with elven migrants to Aurora in approximately 200,000 BCE and later humans 50,000 BCE, both of which settled primarily in the more amenable center and east of the continent. However, few if any Cava migrated north into Yasteria. Cava are found globally, but the majority reside in Aurora and South Arcturia, with sizeable minorities in Yasteria, the states of the [[Cerenerian Ocean]], and eastern Novaris. Some Cava are indigenous to Sempiterna, living in the sparse, snowy tundra at its most northerly points, making them the only sapient species native to the continent.
Records indicate cava had agricultural societies from 500,000 BCE up to approximately 300,000 BCE, and again around 100,000 BCE with a period of glaciation in between. Cava intermingled with elven immigrants to Aurora around 200,000 years ago but were no longer the dominant sapients in archeological record as of 50,000 BCE. Modern cava populations exist in Aurora, specifically [[Axdel]], with smaller numbers in the southern regions of Arcturia and Yasteria, the states of the [[Pacific Ocean]], and eastern Novaris.
=== Cervines ===
Cervines are a species of bipedal cervid-like mammals that are native to northern Novaris. According to the Unified Bipedalism Theory, they are known as ''Cervis cervis''. Cervines are the only unguligrade sapient species on Urth - they possess hard hooves made of keratin. Similar growths also cover some cervine's fingertips. The speciesDimorphism is ableprominent towith rotatemales theirbeing earsmuch intaller aand widemuscular rangethan offemales. motion. Most males of the species grow antlers, with some shedding every winter and others keeping them year-round. Male cervines can reach 7 ft 6 in (2.31 m) without antlers, while females average a height of 7 ft 1 in (2.16 m.) With antlers, males can average up to 9 ft (3 m) tall. It is customary in some cultures for cervines to trim their antlers to better use facilities and vehicles built for smaller species, but many traditionalist practices view this as taboo. CervineThough furfemales variesrarely ingrow patterns and colorsantlers, withtheir the most common being shades of browngrowth and blonde.size Red, black, white, and grey are alsois knownlinked to manifest.testosterone Cervinelevels, younginfluenceable possessvia smallhoromone stripestreatment or spots from birth in a lighter tone than the rest of their furimbalance. TheseOther fadespecies aroundthus 14cannot yearsbe ofsure age.if Alla cervinescervine moltwith betweenantlers winteris andmale summeror coats of fur. Cervines can live an average of 70 years for females and 68 years for malesfemale.
Cervines have an average of two children per pregnancy, which lasts six months in warmer climates and ten months in colder ones. The cervine species is made up of about 65% females and 35% males. Cervine fur varies in patterns and colors, with the most common being shades of brown and blonde. Red, black, white, and grey are also known to manifest. Cervine young possess small stripes or spots from birth in a lighter tone than the rest of their fur. These fade around 14 years of age. All cervines molt between winter and summer coats of fur. Cervines can live an average of 70 years for females and 68 years for males. To help with balance, cervines possess fur-covered tails of around three feet in length. Cervine nasal passages and speech organs are highly developed towards long-distance communication, and give their languages a unique aspect unpronouncable to other species. DimorphismThe is prominent with males being much taller and muscular than females. Though females rarely grow antlers, their growth and sizespecies is linkedable to testosteronerotate levels,their influencableears via horomone treatment or imbalance. Other species thus cannot be sure ifin a cervinewide withrange antlers is male orof femalemotion.
Cervines became anatomically modern in the tundra and boreal forests of northwest Novaris between 500,000 and 550,000 years ago. Heavy glaciation and environment change led to their migration south according to archeological finds, though upon the glaciers receeding large portions of the population travelled back to their ancestral homelands. ContemporaryCervine cervinesocial societiesstructures took their first stepsbegan around 50,000 years ago, and the oldest confirmed civilization existed around 7,000 BCE. Today the cervine population is smaller than most other species on Urth, existing primarily in the [[Kelamí League]] in Novaris and in lesser amounts elsewhere.
=== Felines ===
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''Main Article: [[Vulpine|Vulpines]]''
Vulpines are a species of anthropomorphic bipedal mammals that superficially resemble the various genera of foxes. According to the [[Bipedaliforma|Unified Bipedalism Theory]], they belong to to the species ''Alepis alepis''. Vulpine males average a height of 5 ft 5 in (1.66 m) while females average around 5 ft (1.54 m.) The vulpine senses are finely tuned, especially their eyesight, and their brains are capable of notably quick thinking and high memory retention. The species does not possess a subcutaneous fat layer and relies on their fur to adapt to different climates. Northern vulpines have longer, dense fur, while southern vulpine fur is short and somewhat oily to assist in swimming, and fennec vulpines have moderately long fur, including fur on their feet which helps manage hot surfaces. Typically fur colors include mixtures of red, brown, white, and grey in patterns similar to nonsapient foxes. BothAll types of vulpines can grow hair on their heads. While birth defects are rare, vulpines are much shorter lived than other species. They reach middle age around 40 and their lack of subcutaneous fat and small hearts mean their physical health deteriorates quickly after this point. The species is also susceptible to a large number of diseases.
Vulpine evolution is not as well-understood as other sapients but it is known they first reached their modern form around 1 million to 500,000 years ago. Evidence of tools and advanced culture has been found in [[Vekaiyu]] that indicates vulpines mastered manufacturing of primitive implements in this timeframe. Vulpine migration was limited in the interglacial periods and today their population can be found mostly in central and north Yasteria. Vekaiyu is one of the most notable vulpine-dominated nations.
== Names in different languages ==
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|Binomial nomenclature
|[[Bipedaliforma|''Primus primus homo'']] / ''Primus sapiens''
|[[Bipedaliforma|''Alepis alepis'']] / [[User:Acronis2/Sandbox|''Vulpus sapiens'']]
|[[Lupine|''Lycanis lycanis'']] / [[User:Acronis2/Sandbox|''Lupus sapiens'']]
|[[Bipedaliforma|''Gatis gatis'']]
|[[Bipedaliforma|''Kokkikopantis kokkikopantis'']] / ''Ailuris sapiens''
|[[Bipedaliforma|''Vidrus vidrus'']] / [[User:Acronis2/Sandbox|''Lutrinus sapiens'']]
|''[[Aurian|Crotalina sapiens]]''
|''[[Cava|Sapiopteryx cava]]''
|[[Bipedaliforma|''Arcoudis arcoudis'']] / [[User:Acronis2/Sandbox|''Ursus sapiens'']]
|[[Bipedaliforma|''Primus chamanis'']]
|[[Bipedaliforma|''Primus buccinus'']] /
|''Cervis cervis''
|[[Bipedaliforma|''Primus primus dryadalis'']] / [[User:Acronis2/Sandbox|''Primus laeta'']]
|[[Bipedaliforma|''Primus primus pumilio'']] / [[User:Acronis2/Sandbox|''Primus sapies parva'']]
|''Adliausora metamorphogenicus'' (Slime) & ''Krommetra anegonian'' (Host)
|[[Bipedaliforma|''Primus primus chavliodontus'']]/ ''[[Orc|Cuspis duodentis]]''
|[[Kæzhyn language|Kæzhyn]]
|Yfdulsa Lysa
|Yfdulsa Zolka
|Yfdulsa Nykosa
|Yfdulsa Dy'fedza
|Yfdulsa Aksy Aryz'una
|Yfdulsa Dysra
|Yfdulsa Fedza
|Yfdulsa Erta
== Further reading ==
* [[Specism]]
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