Cónaí Crisis of 1944: Difference between revisions

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=== Background ===
Nestled within the [[Range of Abhaile]], the city of Cónaí and the region it is located in are considered the "fountainhead and cradle of [[Abhailism]]", as well as the only true inward gate of the [[Golden City Cladachórail]] through which Abhailist pantheons have journeyed and achieved Godhood upon their arrival. Thus, a pilgrimage to Cónaí is a popular act of worship encouraged by the Codex of Abhaile, to be undertaken at least once in one's life. In some sects of the Codex, it is an obligatory religious duty.
Following the beginning of the [[War of Trinterian Succession]], the City of Cónaí fell firmly within the control of congressional [[Mirhaime|Mirhaimian]] forces though multiple uprisings and offensive thrusts spearheaded by Morlethian [[Thalor|Thalorian]] attempted and failed to wrestle it away. For a period of 11 consecutive years, pilgrims from the Trinterian east were prevented entry due to the war, though a tacit understanding was reached after the cessation of hostilities between the Trinterian powers to allow pilgrims to reach the city unharassed.
[[Category: Trintersphere]]


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