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The Q-107 Grackle is a single-engine, multirole fighter jet developed by the Axdelian defence company ARMS. It was the first all-new combat aircraft developed domestically since the fall of the Noroist government, entering development in 1998. The aircraft had a troubled development, going far over it's initial budget due to several delays in development and allegations of embezzlement. Despite this, the plane is considered highly successful in what it aimed to be capable of, and has seen success in the export market. Since merging with Sentinel in 2017, the planes are now produced by Sentinel-ARMS. There are two variants, with the Q-107A taking off conventionally and the Q-107B having vectored thrust enabled V/STOL capability. A CATOBAR variant, tentatively named Q-107C, was cancelled in 2007 due to the aforementioned budgetary overruns and lack of international interest.
The Q-107 was named the Grackle in 2010, however it have since been given several nicknames by air forces fielding it, such as "Fat Bird" and "Smiler" based on its appearance, and as "Gracc attacc" [''sic''] on social media.
== Development ==
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(This is partially because they were corrupt as hell and banking on being bailed out as an important supplier of military materiel, and thus blatantly overspent)
(The need to design for the export market also raised costs, mostlyas dueARMS toconsidered requiringforeign thrustdesign vectoreddemands V/STOLin fororder smaller carriers and species accommodations for the augmentedto realitysecure headsetdeals)
(GoingThe economy going from technically still a command economycentralised, through the 1999 liberalising financial reforms and back into formalised worker ownership probably didn't help ARMS at all)
(Despite this it still got to market just before its main competitor, the Joint [[South Hills|SH]]-[[North Concordian Economic Forum|NCEF]]-[[Federation of the Southern Coast|Federation]] developed HK-45)
== Design ==
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