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In 403 BCE, the king of Sarti, one of the richest states in southern Auravas, died without a legitimate heir, sparking a civil war. While both Urav and Dukala backed powerful noble families with claims to the throne, the League already held a great degree of influence in Sarti and had been working to empower one of their candidates enough to take power after the death of the king, and once the king died, the League backed their candidate in the three way ''Sarti War of Succession (403-378 BCE).'' In the end, the League prevailed due to Urav and Dukala being weakened by their previous constant conflicts and then a number of major revolts that erupted in the 380s BCE in both spheres of influence. This conflict and the subsequent revolts would devastate ancient Auravas, bringing the Urbanization period to a bloody end.
==== Rise of the Auravasi Confederation ====
Revolts continue to cripple the Edoic League and Dukalan lands, intensifying after the defeat at the hands of the Shviesist League. Throughout the next portion of the 4th century BCE, the Shviesist League would capitalize on the instability present in the newly independent reams to maneuver religious leaders sympathetic to the League to power. In 366 BCE, the various leaders of the League signed the ''Accord of Unification'', considered one of the most important legal agreement in Auravasi history, declaring the formation of a unified authority over the League, known as the Auravasi Confederation and therefore over the states in which the League had power. Although the Accord was largely supported by the members of the League, a minority in the League who wanted to preserve their autonomy and many aristocratic families rose in revolt against the League, though they were crushed by the League's forces. The rapidly falling Urav would battle the Confederation in the ''War of Uravi Subjugation (362 BCE - 360 BCE)'', and what remained of Urav's empire would be incorporated within the Confederation, uniting the polities of mainland Auravas. By this time, the Confederation, despite still drawing their authority from its religious status, had become more secular in terms of practical administration.
Similar to the defeat of the Tasirad Kingdom at the hands of the Dictrian Coalition, the defeat of Dukala at the hands of the League accelerated the internal conflicts that has intensified during the war as the member states of the Peace of the Vultures broke away from the Dukalan alliance, many of them backed by Confederation money. What would have spilled into a second long warring period was curbed by the intervention of the Confederation, which saw an opportunity to extend its influence and safeguard its eastern seaboard and trade, as a Confederation army moved from the south of the island to the north, forcing the polities of the island into submission. The nobles of Kalana had grown used to the autonomy they had built over the period fo Dukalan rule, however, so they remained as relatively autonomous vassal states, similar to their relation to the Dukalan crown, rather than be completely dissolved and integrated into the Confederation as the mainland territories were.


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