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'''Mauism''' is a monotheistic/pantheist religion which originates from and is the majority religion of [[Polynesian Union|Polynesia]] based on the teachings of [[Ahua the Great]] and forms a branch of [[Thaerism]]. It is practiced by small communities of Oan expatriates and descendants living in [[Great Morstaybishlia|Morstaybishlian]] and other [[Aurora|Auroran]] countries.
Mauism is claimed to originate around 1000 years ago, when Ahua the Great united the West PacificCerenerian Island Peoples and became the [[Rangitanga-a-te-Moana]]. Others contest it was de factor found in 1245 at the start of the ministry of Priest Pohinga. It is regarded as a branch of [[Thaerism]], but it diverges so heavily from the main tenets of Mainland, Reformed and Valerian Thaerism that some scholars believe that it is a different religious branch altogether - a claim which Polynesian scholars and spiritual leaders vehemently deny. In fact, they do not use the name Mauism but prefer the Insular Thaerism.
== History ==
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The Oan Isles and surrounding island nations largely practiced the worship of the ancestors, several gods and nature spirits. Their beliefs were varied and diverse depending on their needs and circumstances. From 700 to 900 CE, missionaries of Thaerism from Aurora landed on the Polynesian Islands and spread their religious beliefs. Many people converted to Thaerism but they disagreed on some of its tenets and continued to practice syncretism with their native religions. Several scholars held their own interpretations. The Purist school believed in sticking to Thaerism and disavowing other Deities and religions. The Moderate school called for a combination of Thaerism and folk beliefs. The Traditionalists believed that folk beliefs held precedence over imported ideals.
Around 1000 CE, the islands of the West and South PacificCerenerian faced many challenges such as natural disasters, population pressures and political disagreements which exacerbated religious differences. In the midst of these religious debates the Kingdom of Tokamotu had established itself as the champion of Thaerism. It used this momentum as well as its wealth and military might to exert control over surrounding islands and lay the foundations of the imperialism that would emerge under Ahua the Great.
===Thaerist Expansion ===
Ahua the Great took over from his father Manupatea in 983. The Kingdom of Tokamotu was notoriously well-trained and had great ships. According to legend, Ahua the Great saw a vision of Maui in the form of a Spix Macaw which gave him the power to unite the West PacificCerenerian Island people, gave his bloodline the right to rule forever and taught him about the universe. Historians and critics claim this was a ploy to secure legitimacy for his imperialistic and genocidal tendencies while others claim he was a messianic figure who brought Thaerism to the Oan Isles. The prevailing opinion in academic circles is that he was a bit of both.
Ahua the Great used this to claim the divine right to rule. He brought together the teachings of folk religions and the Thaerist purists in a way that appealed to moderates and undecided people. People rallied around him and established a cult of personality. Many joined his forces and ascribed to his teachings. He eventually defeated most South West PacificCerenerian tribes and united them as the Oan Isles (named for Heaven, the divine realm of the Almighty Atea). The word for the Creator deity, Atea, is derived from the proto-Yasteruon word Thaer or Daer which was used in Aurora as the name for the Creator deity.
===Mauist Schism===
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His teachings lived on and gained the support of a considerable class of nobles, priests and members of the royal court such that in 1312 CE, an assembly of over 1,000 prominent persons was held on Manaakitangamotu to call for the acceptance of the teachings of Pouhinga as doctrine. This resulted in a civil war between the Mauists and the Thaerists. In 1321, the Mauists won. They forced the Thaerist Rangitanga-a-te-Moana, Ihone II to abdicate in favour of his infant son, Ihone III who would be raised as a Mauist. A Mauist Regent, Prince Repahe, reigned and declared Mauism as the official religion and sought recognition from mainland Thaerists.
There were differing opinions to the extent that two conflicting bulls were issued that remain contested to this day. Traditional Thaerism was persecuted and pushed out in favour of Mauism. The rise of Mauism led to missionaries from the Oan Isles going to the Strathepole Archipelago to proliferate its message. The people in these islands having cultivated unique identities such as the JùsJūs of JustelvardJusdelva and the Kohatuans of the Kohatu Isles and East Gemica) received Mauism enthusiastically because it preserved their folk beliefs and rituals.
Prominent scholars arose who built on the beliefs that Ahua established. Ahua was venerated for bringing Thaerism to the Polynesian people and for the favour that Maui bestowed on him. Ahua's line has remained unbroken for a thousand years. People continue to see his descendant - the modern Emperor of Polynesia - as the head of the Mauist religion and spiritual Incarnation of Ahua the Great. Scholars such as Tamatea Waitangi, Aotearoa Marama and others shaped the modern religion. Each one supported a different school of thought or sect. Today, there are many sects and the Mauist religion is highly diverse.
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