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== Antoran Precepts ==
[[File:Joan of Arc - John Everett Millais.jpg|alt=Marta Lilía de Conzelaña, widely considered the most famous woman knight, was said to be the perfect embodiment of all Precepts, here depicted kneeling in armor and a red skirt holding a sword, looking upwards|thumb|200x200px|Marta Lilía de Conzelaña, widely considered the most famous woman knight, was said to be the perfect embodiment of all Precepts]]
The ''Antoran Precepts for Honorable and Chivalric Life'' were written in 1355 by King Marius Ignatius II of Réal. The king was considered a scholar in his day and was a great student of philosophy. The Precepts were written as part of a larger effort by Marius Ignatius II to set standards for behavior in his court and on the battlefield. The entire text was unique at the time for its total disregard for religious doctrine and lack of theological content. The king argued that for one to act properly, one did not have to believe in any higher power, as he had seen many men who were avowedly atheist or of the more spiritually relaxed sects of Votive practices act with more honor than some Tunseist knights of his court. Marius Ignatius II would go on to use the Precepts as the measuring stick by which he measured his court; only those worthy of the office would be knighted and any who were found to have violated a Precept were stripped of their knighthood. This, while unpopular with many members of the Réoran nobility, would ensure that the corps of professional ''caballeros'' the king retained were so respected and so skilled they remain immortalized in Antoran culture as 'The Righteous Brotherhood.'
The Precepts are still used today as the code for the knights of The Precepts are still used today as the code for the knights of Antora, revised from the originals slightly:, revised from the originals slightly:
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# As a knight, you will be in all things Fair, Just, and Good, as the expectations of your people, lord, and monarch are with you at all times.
# As a knight, you will maintain your physical and mental prowess, for you have earned this office in the expectation you will use your prowess when called upon.
# As a knight, you will exercise the prowess of which you possespossess upon the issues of your lord and monarch, be they enemies of the state or the dilemma of the debate floor.
# As a knight, you will never act with enmity towards those with less than you, even if they are criminal or enemy, for all people deserve respect.
# As a knight, you will use only commensurate force against those you are called to combat, and never cause undue or collateral harm.
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# As a knight, you will have the power to make those who embody the heritage and ideals of your office into knights of honor, so long as it is documented and recorded for your lord and monarch.
The courtly reforms were so successful that the royal knights of Réal quickly became made up of only the most skilled, moral, and responsible ''caballeros'' in the Kingdom. The common folk brought most issues before a royal knight to be judged rather than their own lordslord's knights, which prompted the nobility to send their retainers for study at the court of the king. The royal knights also became highly desirable social matches for unwed ladies, which further prompted more gentlemen to attempt to live by the Precepts in hope of good marriage prospects. Marius Ignatius II is credited with transforming the Réoran feudal system from one with a strata of morals into one that was filled with lords and gentlemen who were always considerate, kind, generous, and welcoming. The lords of Casilló were so impressed by the manners of their longtime enemies they too adopted the Precepts, with one unnamed Count at the Arranzic court in 1371 remarking, "we all, gentlemen, have been willingly domesticated by the chivalry of the West."
=== Aspects of a Knight ===
According to tradition, there are several Aspects of knighthood that are essential for someone to function and be viewed as a 'true' knight.
First and most importantly is the actual act and record of being knighted, known as Creation. A person who possesses any chivalric title may dub another person as a Knight, through proper ceremony and paperwork. This involves tapping both shoulders of the dubbee twice with a sword, a sprinkling of olive oil across the forehead, and having them repeat each of the fourteen Precepts before reciting "I am a knight, and a knight I shall die, save if I dishonor they who have granted me this boon." This is considered the spiritual beginning of the new knight, though the dubber must fill out an official document, currently a legal form known as a C-180-k. This document requires an explanation for the knighting and must be cosigned by the dubbee and two witnesses. This document is then sent to the Ministry of Civil Services for archival and is then sent to the Monarch, who reviews and rubber stamps it. However, only the Monarch may grant a person thea title higher than the basic Knight.
[[File:Ming Gold Belt Plaques (16907707407).jpg|thumb|225x225px|An ornate example of a knight's belt, which would be connected by interlocking hinges and backed by a felt band.|alt=An ornate example of a knight's belt, about two dozen golden plates about the size and shape of playing cards decorated with animal carvings and gemstones, which would be connected by interlocking hinges and backed by a felt band.]]
Second, are the Arms of a knight, which involve the traditional military functions they are expected to perform. These are the Mount, the Armor, and the Weapon. Convention dictates that all these must be in good, functional condition and well taken care of. A knight who was found to be missing parts of his armor, or had no lance, or rode an old pony would be dismissed from the troop and if unlucky, stripped of his knighthood. While the specifics on the Arms are not set in stone, it was generally expected that a knight have at least a lance, a side arm of some kind be it sword, axe, or mace, armor that at least covered his chest, head, and hands, and a horse that was in good physical condition and of a certain size. The fashion of the Arms would change with the time period, most often due to advances in armor making. Modern knights can fulfill these Aspects through an armored vehicle of some kind, which they need only ride in and not necessarily drive, a long gun and a sidearm, and body armor. Some more traditional members of the chivalric school of thought will use body armor that is evocative of medieval designs and carry a sword or baton.
The third Aspect is the Gold. Knights would wear a set of gold spurs, a belt of gold plates, and often a collar of the same. They would traditionally receive these at their knighthood ceremony from the officiant or dubber, and be expected to wear at least the spurs while in armor and the belt at formal occasions, though it was up to the individual to decide what to wear, when. Lack of Gold is viewed as a sign a knight is an unsuccessful or failed soldier, as it implies they cannot fight well enough to either buy their own Gold or have the favor of a wealthy enough patron to provide them Gold. In a similar vein, official squires of knights would be given silver spurs by tradition, to trade in for gold once they reached knighthood. Today, most knights who follow tradition will use a single gold plate belt buckle and gold pins on their shoes.
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==== The Order of the Golden Eagle ====
The Order of the Golden Eagle is the oldest Order. It was created in 1298 by Queen Lidia Carmen of Casilló, and bears the heraldic familiar of the House of Naranza as its sigil. This Order was intended to be a show of favor to the Queen's favorite knights and lords, and can only be granted at the discretion of the monarch through special ceremony. Those who were granted the honor of being inducted into the Order were said to be "elevated by wings of gold." Such knights were usually the Queen's champions at tournaments or in disputes. It is thought that many of the first members of the Order were Lidia Carmen's paramours after her husband died. Subsequent Arranzic monarchs treated the Order as simply a great honor for knights of renown, and members were not given special personal treatment besides the monarch's favor of them for their military skill. Today, it is viewed as the most difficult Order to be inducted to, reserved for the highest achieving individuals in Antoran society. Consequently, members are shown much deference and often become minor cultural icons for their day.
[[File:Blason de la ville de Cappel (Moselle)Votivecoa.svg|thumb|150x150px|Badge of the Order of the Sepulchrepng|alt=Badge of the Order of the Sepulchre, depicting a white church on a red field, behind which is a slanted gold lance|thumb|153x153px|Badge of the Order of the Candle]]
The ranks of the Order are unique in that they give the bearer military authority over knights of a similar rank. Contemporary members of the Order must be military servicemembers for this authority to apply. There are three: the Golden Knight (''Caballero Dorado'',) the Golden Captain (''Capitán Dorado'') and the Golden Banneret (''Banderado Dorado.'') The fourth rank, Master of the Golden Order (''Maestro de la Orden de Oro'') serves as the administrative head of the Order, but has not been used since the 17th century as the Order became more ceremonial.
==== The Order of the SepulchreCandle ====
[[File:Badge of the Order of Alcantara.svg|thumb|150x150px|Badge of the Order of Eleçeron|alt=Badge of the Order of Eleçeron, depicting a green four pointed cross with fluer de lis on each point]]
The Order of the SepulchreCandle was created in 1424 by King Victor of Réal. A more military Order than the Golden Eagle, it was designed to provide defense for the various AntoranVotive Deusspiritual churchessites across Réoran territories. These churches wereplaces often brokenwere intoburgled and stolenor fromdefaced by criminal elements or disgruntled members of other religions. Knights of the SepulchreCandle were charged with living with the clergy of their assigned church, nunnery, abbey, or monastery.station This way, they could learnundergo pietyspiritual betterment while also being available to defend the clergy. Larger religious institutions were assigned more knights; the largest monasteryhermitage would likely include twelve fully-fledged Knights of the SepulchreCandle and their associated retinues. Over time this Order would be intrinsically linked with Deusismthe Votive Way in Réal, and many members were simultaneously frocked clergyphilosophers0000000000000000 and knights.
In the modern day, Knights of the SepulchreCandle continue to protect Antoranplaces Deusassociated Churchwith property.the EveryVotive securityWay. guardIt hiredserves byas theofficial Churchsecurity for itsall largersites andoperated important locations are inducted intoby the Ordervarious onceVotive they pass three months of service. The Church security also uses the Order's rank structure as its ownaspects. The ranks are: Knight of the SepulchreCandle (''Caballero delde la SepulcroVela,'') Defender of the SepulchrePath ( ''Defensor del SepulcroCamino'',) Sergeant of the SepulchreHearth (''Sargento'' ''del SepulcroHogar'',) Captain of the Sepulchre (''Capitán'' ''del Sepulcro'',) Commander of the SepulchreFlame (''Commandanté'' ''del Sepulcro'',) and Paladin of the SepulchreHonor (''Paladín'' ''delde SepulcroHonor.'') The Order is also awarded to membersVotive ofpractitioners thewho generalundergo clergythe whorite have achieved noteworthyof successesExchange. The rank reserved for these members is Steward of the SupulchrePath (''Mayordomo del SupulcroCamino.'')
==== The Chivalric Order of Eleçeron ====
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==== The Chivalric Order of Málama ====
[[File:Cross Santiago sabreChivalricorderofmalamabadge.svgpng|alt=Badge of the Order of Málama, depicting a red four pointed cross in the shape of a downturned sword, with the topblack three-pronged points having fluer de lis and the bottom point lengthened and sharpenedcrown.|thumb|149x149px150x150px|Badge of the Order of Málama]]
The Chivalric Order of Málama was created in 1566, also by King Félipe I. Over the course of the Thirty Year's Bloodshed, the territory between Réal and Casilló became a war-torn frontier. This region was travelled across and battled over thousands of times, changing hands back and forth. Félipe I decided to create another Order of knights to help hold the territory in Casilló's name. The Order of Málama took its badge from the Málama Cross, a popular Deusist symbol shaped like a sword. The membership was, like the other Orders of this time, open to application. All one needed to join was a sword, a set of armor, and a horse, and one was knighted and sent off to take and hold frontier territory. Knights were given the authority to administer whatever territory they took in the king's name, and were generally allowed to do whatever they wished so long as they paid tribute back to Félipe and ensured no Réoran raids were successful. The rather unscrupulous nature of this system lead to many knights of the Order being termed 'Muddy Knights' due to their equipment's dubious origins and need of repair, as well as their general reputation as warlords. However, the Order was highly successful in seizing towns and strategic areas along the frontier, and is credited with holding the line against Réoran counterattacks during the final Arranzic offensive strategy.
The only rank besides the Grand Master is that of Knight-Mayor (''Alcalde Caballero'', or ''Gobernador Caballero''.) Knights of this Order were given legal administrative control over whatever land they could hold against the enemy, and commonly set policies and tax rates for the settlements in their purview. This had some problems, especially with several of the larger Knight-Mayor polities turning to banditry after the war. However, most Knight-Mayors had only a few dozen to a hundred soldiers in their command and generally fortified and defended a single town or castle, and the surrounding region.
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==== The Chivalric Order of the Red Eagle ====
The Chivalric Order of the Red Eagle is the youngest order. It was created in 2022 by King [[Sebastián II]] together with his brother, Prince-Emeritus [[Astolfo de Naranza-Carratéo|Astolfo]]. The Prince-Emeritus had recently re-entered public life after being believed dead for over thirty years. He had built himself as the leader of the world's most prominent mercenary company under a false identity. His exposure of corruption and treason within the government led to wide-sweeping reforms, including that of the Royal Corric Guard. The King agreed to include the most skilled and trusted members of Astolfo's [[The Company of the Quill|Company of the Quill]] alongside the Guard to create an organization that not only protects against threats to the Monarch, but to Antora as well, even if said threat is the Monarch themselves. The Order of the Red Eagle is the most militant of any current Order, maintaining a standing force of elite soldiers independantindependent of any other organization. Membership is highly exclusive and is an appointment given only to those soldiers who have proven their fitness, skill, wit, and loyalty to the nation and its people. A special review board for addressing personnel needs and vetting candidates exists within the Order to limit the influence other government departments have over membership.
The rank structure is divided between three branches: The Silver Band, whichthe Red Band, and the Black Band. The Silver Band assumes much of the duties of the Royal Corric Guard by guarding the members of the royal family and their residences, as well as important government officials and locations. This Band is contrasted by theThe Red Band; is a special enforcement, defense, and emergency situation unit that deals with matters of domestic security and special assignments not suitable for the armed forces, and the. Black Band; is an investigative security unit that operates in parallel with the various Cabinet intelligence agencies: the Department of Investigation's Special Questioning Unit, the Department of Public Security's Domestic Integrity Office, and the Department of Interconnectivity's Office of Special Representatives. Within the Silver and Red Bands, ranks mirror that of the regular Armed Legions and range from OR-4 Knight-Corporal (''Cabo Caballero'') to OF-3 Knight-Commander (''Comandanté Caballero''.) The Silver Band also has the unique ranks of Warden of the Royal Household, Sentinel of the Royal Blood, and Paladin of the Royal Body. These are ceremonial positions that denote the position of soldiers within the Band; most are Wardens, carrying out whatever duties are required, few are Sentinels responsible for the safety of the royal family and their personal property, and fewer still are Paladins with the distinct honor of serving as personal, permanent guards of members of the royal family. The Black Band, meanwhile, possesses a rank system more in line with an intelligence agency.
Members of the Order of the Red Eagle are granted substantial benefits along with their title of knighthood, though functionally all possess a rank within the peerage equivalent to that of a Knight-Sergeant, making them ineligible for political or land privileges. Upon admission, a Band-appropriate colored metal badge is issued to distinguish members from each other.
=== Knightly Orders of Antora ===
Distinct from the Chivalric Antoran Orders, the Knightly Orders of Antora are independantindependent organizations that do not draw authority or patronage from the Monarchy. In structure, they are mostly identical to the Chivalric Orders. Each has a series of ranks and responsibilities for members as well as individual traditions. None can claim the history or prestige of the Chivalric Antoran Orders, however; the oldest, the Order of the Oak Arrow, was founded in 1855. The Knightly Orders are geared more towards traditional chivalric values and action than the Chivalric Orders, which exist today as more of a system of status and accomplishment. Each Knightly Order manages their own members, funds, and operations. The Monarchy allows them to operate on their own in exchange for Oaths of Honorable Fealty that prevent the Orders from acting against the interests of the Antoran state, people, or the Monarchy itself.
==== Knightly Order of the Oak Arrow ====
The Knightly Order of the Oak Arrow is the oldest Knightly Order, founded in 1855 in Cartevedra. Created by a group of merchants, craftsmen, foresters, and lower nobles, this Knightly Order is distinct in their admission of any who wish to join. The Order's mission statement is the preservation, care, and protection of the nations' natural environment, expanded in 1917 from the original which was concerned mainly with large areas of forest. Members of the Order belong to 'Troops' based in their local area and perform a variety of tasks for ecological upkeep depending on their Troop; some will run fundraisers and public outreach programs, some will proactively repair degraded ecologies, and some act as law enforcement officials for protected areas. Ranks within all Troops follow the same model: Fellow, Trustee, Guard Second Class, Guard First Class, Corporal, Sergeant, Captain, Commander, and Paladin. While mostly modeled after other knightly ranks, the Order of the Oak Arrow does not adhere to traditional chivalric military standards. Rather, advancement of rank is dependent on a board of an individualsindividual's peers and superiors which reviews acts of community service and protection of the environment. As a whole, comparisons have been drawn between the Order and 'scouting' type organizations in other nations. As Knightly Orders can be categorized as militias, fraternities, extensions of the government, and nonprofit organizations, these comparisons are relatively surface -level.
==== Knightly Order of the Southern Sun ====


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