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|national_motto = The Stronger We Are, The Longer We'll Stand!
|national_anthem = Hold the Colors High!
|image_map = [[File:AlmodariaMapTFRAMAP.png|thumb|The Map of Almodaria showing the capitals (and name) of all five states]]
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==== The Tuvarian Industrial Revolution (1760 CE-1830 CE) ====
Meanwhile, the Tuvarians who had the biggest blow in the war, actually recovered successfully and were able to find success in Trade, Arms Manufacturing, and inventions of new machinery. In the 1760s, Tuvaria was able to seal a trade deal with the Kingdom of Arafors (modern day Phoenixia) which boosted their economy but kept their lower and middle class impoverished beyond controllable levels. Tuvarian arms manufacturers like Gastovna made branch companies that produced other civilian grade equipment like furniture, kitchen equipment, and more. Windmills began being placed next to rivers with large water wheels for easy powering of the windmill and proper grain production. By all definitions, Tuvaria was prospering unlike its state Aranistan but really who is to blame for that anyways? (Hint: Tuvaria).produc
==== The Post-War Skavari ====
Skavari, who at first was by all standards succeeding in the war, quickly began to decline as the countries around it began to decline as well. Skavari was built off of fish trade and weapons creation for Defense Pact members but there was no longer a viable business since Varatistan was dead in the water, Aranistan was locked from the world, Tuvaria hates Skavari, and Almodor...well Almodor wasn't doing anything important. Skavari could no longer help the surrounding countries and in 1776 the Defense Pact dissolved under the executive powers of the founder: Skavari. Skavari now focused on bettering the people. Sagrovna continued their arms manufacturing but also manufactured canned goods at low costs so the lower middle class could live. The farmland was also able to recover and in so forth led to an economic revival towards the turn of the century. But if anything was known, Skavari was done fighting for the foreseeable future.
==== The Tuvarian Class Rift ====
Tuvarian high life was booming in the late 1700s, trade with the foreign neighbor the Kingdom of Arafors, boosted the economy to new heights...for those who had some piece of a large corporation. Tuvarians who were actually rich got to experience all the luxuries while the middle class became the slums to put it simply. Disease was also boosted to new heights due to healthcare being too expensive, and the government not handing out financial aid or any aid of the matter. This formed a sort of lower-class resentment for higher class people and upper class who found themselves down in the slums were usually found at a later hour bruised and bloodied. Crime also went on the rise during this time.
==== The Tuvarian Stalker Rampage (1770 CE-1774 CE) ====
During the time of class-to-class violence, crime began to rise as well. This also led to the rise of the mysterious Tuvarian Stalker. There is no exact idea of who this man is as he was never caught but he became a prolific serial killer in the beginning of 1770. His first kill was confirmed in 1770 in a back alley behind a general store. The police questioned those in the area who may have heard or seen it, but no one came up with a furrow answer in fact, some said the body was just there for a while, but the decay would not match the theory of it being there for a while. The investigation was abandoned shortly after, but the police wouldn't get a break as over the next four years, '''23''' different bodies were found in a similar way as the first with multiple stab wounds and in a back alley. A public service announcement was put out by the government reminding civilians to be careful in the suspected area he was stalking. In 1774, a woman by the name of Mira came to the Tuvarian Central Police office in a panicked hurry, she said she was being stalked by a tall man with a bag over his head and a butcher's knife. She led two officers to where she said she saw him but no evidence of him was found apart from a large footprint in the muddy street. After this occurrence, no further bodies were found in the manner the stalker would have murdered them in and the case was closed. The Tuvarian Stalker is still a popular figure in Almodarian Pop Culture and is the theme of many "Finding the Killer" esque shows and horror films.
==== The Recovery from the Aranistan Famine (1776 CE-1780 CE) ====
The Famine killed off the Aranistan that was once known. The starving and the dead were found curled up on the sides of roads, and rubble and weapons from the Almodarian Wars were still strewn about. For an unknown reason however, the Tuvarian government in 1776 decided to bring the army down to the state to clean up the mess of things and bring food to the starved. The cleanup would take place through the rest of the 1770s and would cost the country nearly 200,000 Almodats (In today's money nearly 2 million). The cleanup also led to the creation of a mass grave of nearly 1,500 bodies meanwhile the rest of the corpses which counted into the tens of thousands, were burnt. Modern investigation has concluded that nearly 52,000 people were killed from starvation approximately and Tuvarians today deny the deaths accounted for by the Famine.
==== The Lower-Class Rebellion (1782 CE-1783 CE) ====
By the 1780s, members of the Lower-Class were fed up with the conditions they were forced to live in. Remember the Neo-Almodaria Movement from the early 1700s? Well, they still existed...sorta. By now. the group was a third of its original size and was dying out if it couldn't find new membership. Now, the group was gonna abuse the fact that everyone is mad at the government to reel in more members. The group would begin recruiting in the slums again this time picking up career criminals, the homeless, disgruntled workers, and oddballs of all the sort. By 1782, the group had a force of 450 members. The group created a plan to force the government to bring more aid to the slums with force by rioting in the streets and possibly kidnapping a member of government. The plan would take place on August 24, 1782.
===== The Plan Begins =====
The Neo-Almodaria Movement meets behind a bakery in the square outside of the Tuvaria (The Capital) government building. The first group behind the bakery was deemed "Red Group" three other groups were in the surrounding alleyways in the strength of hundreds. These groups were Yellow, Blue, and Black Groups and they were going to convene in the city square that afternoon.
Red and Yellow entered the square at 3 o' clock PM. They carried bricks and rocks, and some carried around lofty plywood ready to cause damage for the cause. At 4:30 that afternoon, each of the groups arrived in the square and began to chant the phrase '''''"SMRT U ČAST ZIVOTA" (Death in honor of life)''''' which was believed to have been said due to the belief that the death caused by the maltreatment of the poor must be reciprocated onto the rich in honor of life which is backwards, but the Neo-Almodarians believed it was right.
====== The Protest ======
Soon after arriving in the square, the groups began raiding and pillaging stores, banks, bakeries, and homes and causing further damage with the makeshift weaponry brought with them. The police arrived with military grade weapons including muskets at 5:00 after a brief argument with the chief of police and the President of Tuvaria over the question of civilian casualties. Protesters began charging at police with about 45 being picked down by the first round of musket fire but the rest made it to the police lines and proceeded to violently beat to death many whom they encountered. At 5:12, the leader of red group was shot and killed inside a bakery by an unknown assailant as the police after the incident would say that none of the other officers shot the man who was out of sight of the defending cops. Cop casualties rose from 25 to nearly 63 in the coming hour and a half skirmish.
The protesters broke through police lines at 5:25 and made their way to the capital building of Tuvaria. Using anything that could be found, the defenders busted through the front doors and raided the many rooms of the capital (which fun fact is now the capital of Almodaria) with members of Blue group taking politicians hostage and Black group beating many of them to death. For unknown reasons, the national library of Tuvaria was set on fire and quickly burnt all the way through, destroying nearly 400-500 years' worth of documents including the original treaty that ended the Succession Wars! At 5:30, the president of Tuvaria was captured by Black group and was carried outside to where he was then put on a cross and crucified on the street that led to the slums.
After this horrific event, another brigade of cops arrived with members of the Tuvarian Army to take down the remaining rampaging protesters. The event which is now deemed '''The Weekday Massacre''' was successful in killing two dozen of the protesters in the first round. The trained Tuvarian soldiers were able to successfully charge into the crowd using bayonets and take out remaining combatants before the rest of the group spread out into the sprawling neighborhoods. The soldiers continued to fire but by 6:28 the Protest was over.
There was an attempt to remove the president from the cross, but he was declared dead at the scene.
==== The Liberty Trials and the banning of the Neo-Almodaria Movement (1784 CE-1786 CE) ====
Nothing like these protests have happened in that scale since the Prostoric Reformation in the Middle Ages. The members who spread out into the city were soon all found by 1784 and were put on a mass trial popularized as the Liberty Trials. The members were not allowed to plead not guilty and were not allowed to say their side of the story in order to get them executed for their capital punishment. Each member was found guilty of treason of the highest degree and were sentenced to the Iron Crush (if you don't remember it details having your head squashed by an anvil). The new president of Tuvaria had the Neo-Almodaria Movement banned in 1786 and people who recreate their actions were able to be punished with the same fate as the former Neo-Almodarians. Due to the size of the group, the members were executed ten at a time each day until all 400 or so surviving members were killed. There was one case where a member of black squadron was dropped into the ocean with a block of concrete connected to their leg occurred but the leading theory of why their death was different was because they assisted in crucifying the president amongst other things.
Now there was the question of whether the protest did anything to get the poor on their side and to get more it didn't do anything life changing in fact it did the opposite. In 1792, a law was passed banning the creation of large-scale groups and unionization which only made the rights of the people more limited. In fact, it would've been better if the protest never happened in the first place.
==== Tuvarian assistance in Varatistan (1793 CE-1800 CE) ====
Varatistan during the saga of events taking place in Tuvaria, was a wild and crime rampant country. Gangs of all kinds controlled the streets, and the president had no control, the army was corrupt, and the police were defunct. Tuvaria, which wanted to expand influence into former Defense Pact countries, opened communications with the Varatistani government to begin making steps to recovery. In 1793, the Tuvarian Army entered Varatistan with the goal of bringing back peace to the region through force. Gangs were rounded up, jailed, and soon enough executed through Tuvarian matters which angered Varatistani officials who believed the Tuvarians were trying to force their power into the countries...they were right somewhat but the people were grateful for the intervention. In 1794, the Tuvarian army was caught in a confrontation with the corrupt Varatistani Army in the western desert area of Varatistan which marked the first time a fight in that kind of terrain was fought by Tuvaria. It was a Tuvarian victory with the general being executed by pouring the hot sands into the mouth of the general until they choked to death. The execution was treated like a concerning escalation by the Varatistani's but was shrugged off since the cleansing of the crime ridden roads was fundamental for the rest of the country.
===== The Skavarian reaction =====
The exhausted and morale drained Skavari was less than excited about hearing the Tuvarian Army doing operations in Varatistan however, the Skavarian military did nothing to react to the possible resurgence in combat in fact, the generals refused to follow through with potential orders if they're given due to the exhaustion. Instead, a warning was sent to Tuvaria to not go past the humanitarian efforts in Varatistan and entering Skavarian territory would have severe consequences. The reply came quickly and pretty much said "Ok.".
==== The end of the Varatistani Crisis (1800 CE) ====
By 1800, the Tuvarian army was able to execute and wipeout the main gangs in the country, but one remained in a stronghold north of the Capital City of Varatistan. The gang was referred to as the '''Freemen of Varatistan''' by their leader and were nefarious for their pillaging and murder campaigns. In January of 1800, a Tuvarian force of 700 entered the territory of the Freemen and opened with an ultimatum of peace and security of their members. The ultimatum was ignored, and shots were fired later that same day. The Tuvarians made quick work of the main force and entered the compound.
===== Inside the Compound =====
The Tuvarians commenced Close Quarters Combat using their bayonets while the Freemen were left using pistols and rifles from a distance. Casualties rose on both sides but the Tuvarians were able to make it farther into the compound. The leader of the Freemen '''Besim Manjagovic (1767 CE-1801 CE),''' was captured later into the conflict and was used to force a surrender where from then the rest of the defense was chained up and sent to the capital for execution. Besim was forced to watch his men have their skulls crushed in execution and would starve to death in prison on May 6th, 1801.
==== The Tuvarians leave Varatistan (1806 CE) ====
Once peace was confirmed to be brought back to the state, the next 6 years would chronicle economic and political aid as the government rebuilt in the country. Although a lot of blood was spilt, the country was in one piece again and the next years would be prosperous for the desert state. In 1803, the Treaty of Varatistan was signed, officially ending Tuvarian martial law in the country and setting their leave for 1806. When the announcement of Tuvarian intervention ending being made known to the civilians, a sense of concern arises but the new government reassured their citizens that all threats had been dealt with and peace was finally secure in Varatistan.
==== Sagrovna Arms and the rise of late modern muskets (1804 CE-1846 CE) ====
It was now the 1800s and technology was on the rise. Sagrovna pioneered the first Almodarian Muskets back in the 1700s and the original design took on many different iterations as the years went on. By 1800, the sagrovna musket was referred to as the '''Sagrovna Mark 1 Rifle''' and used a new design that shortened the reloading process and lessened the recoil with a more comfortable stock. The rifle was proven to be more efficient than the muskets used during the Almodarian Wars and were stockpiled in mass amounts, making the Skavarians stronger than ever and making Sagrovna even richer. This made Gastovna higher ups in Tuvaria mad as Gastovna had slowed down their production immensely after the war to focus on advancing in the civilian sector. In order to make more cash, in 1810, Gastovna began selling Muskets to citizens who had a special license which was soon copied by Sagrovna. In 1814, Gastovna allowed dealers to sell weapons to known criminals if they had a license which specifically went against Tuvarian law but was ignored by Gastovna higher ups due to the lucrative market.
==== The Great Prostoric Confusion (1816 CE-1817 CE) ====
The prostorics believed that the Famine, Economic Collapse, and total loss of security meant the end of the world was here, but it was now 1816 and no one could find an answer to why nothing happened. The followers of Prostor wouldn't find it possible for their god to lie to them for why would he lie to his devoted followers? Others believed that simply the predictions were incorrect. But even though it was the most reasonable and obvious answer, the arrogant followers thought it was a heresy answer to think they could possibly be wrong with their choice. The confusion brought by this new schism led to many becoming astray from the teachings of Prostorism and adding their own beliefs to fill the void caused by it. Theologian '''Yuri Kamorov (1783 CE- 1845 CE)''' said that '''"The true confusion in the question of Prostor is why his devoted followers would so quickly branch away from the teachings?"''' he was against the branching from the original texts because of a discrepancy and instead blamed the followers who would blame Prostor over such a trivial thing.
The next few months would be filled with silence from the Prostoric higher ups and followers alike as each branching idea of Prostor alienated themselves from the rest of the religion to make their own idea of the false revelation. It wasn't until the start of 1817 where a voice would echo through the broken Prostoric world, a man who would go by '''Stefan Dorsenova (1792 CE-1877 CE)''' who claimed that he had a vision of Prostor speaking to him in his sleep. In specifics, he said he recalled Prostor telling him of the reason why the end of the world did not come during the climax of the Great Suffering with according to Stefan Prostor saying that '''''"It just wasn't time for the end yet."''''' and if we are to believe that Stefan told the truth, then this could bury the old ideas of Prostor giving up on his people. This theory was believed by many full time Prostorics but skepticism still remained. Many thought he just wanted the publicity while some believed he could be the next prophet like that of Zvrtko while a minority believed he ''was'' Prostor in human flesh which was debunked by many as impossible. Either way, the church loved Stefan as thanks to Stefan, the confusion was believed to have been cleared up and put to bed with Stefan being made into a High Priest of the religion in August of 1817.
==== The Rebirth of the Aranistani Identity (1817 CE) ====
Aranistan had been Tuvarian Territory for the better part of nearly 20 years. Their land was ruined, their economy was dead, and their people were dying but since then they've rebuilt, and the state was prospering once again. But Aranistani born citizens were tired of the tyranny of the Tuvarian government and wanted more Autonomy or Death. Many called for the end of their occupation while some wanted to stay in Tuvaria. The Tuvarian side of the equation had many who could care less about Aranistan being part of the country because that meant there would be less mouths to feed. However, the uptight Tuvarian government believed otherwise. They believed that Tuvarians fought too hard for the land only to give it up because they asked kindly. In other words, they fought the Aranistani secessionists were dumber than rocks. This of course offended Aranistani's who learned of this belief and only made the rift between the two states wider. Many pro-secessionists fought politically to revive the Aranistani identity that has been muffled and beaten down by the Tuvarians who wanted to drown Aranistan in their politics. Aranistani members of Tuvarian Parliament took their time to speak as a chance to unite Aranistani peoples under a single unitary banner, free from the rules shoved down their throats.
In 1818, The Aranistani side of Tuvarian government officially left their offices and sent a peaceful request for secession to the Tuvarian side of government. This first proposal was rejected and the Aranistani government would continue to be silent and astray.
===== The Second Attempt at Secession (1822 CE) =====
The Aranistani government went oddly silent after the first secession attempt and were hoping that a second attempt would be looked further into and could actually be successful. In 1821, another request was made and sent to the Tuvarians and was rejected to the dismay of the Aranistani's. In 1822, Third times the charm became the unofficial slogan for this attempt and finally it was accepted by the Tuvarians who said their full independence could be redeemed by 1824 if all goes well and good behavior is recognized.
==== Aranistan becomes independent (1822 CE-1824 CE) ====
In order to fulfill their independence, Aranistan needed to undergo multiple procedures up until 1824 to complete their exit from the union. They would need to remove their stakes in Tuvarian state businesses, remove their soldiers from the state, complete final votes in Tuvarian Parliament, and upgrade their current government entity into a country level entity. In 1823, Aranistani Delegates in Tuvarian Parliament made their final votes before leaving the building after emptying their offices as they began their journey back to Aranistan to begin their work at home. There was difficulty in deciding how the military could be split so Aranistan can have some kind of power, it was argued on whether the army should be given up to the new country or not but in the end, it was decided that the new country will have to form their own military with the equipment they have at their forts and bases inside the country currently. This was disappointing to the new Aranistani government, but it was shrugged off for now since their independence was more important. Sagrovna Arms, which had major investments from Aranistan, was damaged economically by the loss of their investors which caused a short dip in production for a month or two, but they recovered with payments from the government.
While the secession proceeded, Skavari was watching closely as it went on. The suspicious Skavarians were trying to find out whether this was a ploy by the government or if the Tuvarians were really being sincere. Since their intervention in Varatistan, it seemed like Tuvaria was becoming a better place with a nicer government coming every year. Maybe there was the odd chance that Skavari could be friends with their century's long enemy, maybe they could be stronger together than against eachother. In 1823, it was decided that Skavari would purchase a truce between the two countries that would leave the two countries as forced allies until the 1900s. This brought relief to both the government and the people who were glad that no war was to be fought and no blood should be uselessly killed in combat.
In 1824, Aranistan was officially declared independent, and they were free to do as they wished for the rest of their time sovereign. Celebrations occurred in the streets as the freedom from tyranny had finally come. Tuvarian banners were torn down, their businesses were closed down and vandalized, and many sighed a breath of relief as the end had finally come.
And the Tuvarian reaction back home? There was none they could care less about the country they released from their borders. The economy was now allowed to transition back to prewar expectations, and all was good once more in Tuvaria.
==== Formation of the Progressivist Party of Tuvaria (PPT) (1826 CE) ====
The Tuvarian government since its beginnings had been a single party state with their candidates being elected from inside the party. Many wanted more space for new political ideologies that didn't line up with the current '''Tuvarian Peoples Party (TPP)''' which had very narrow beliefs that haven't been refined since the early 1700s. In 1826, a group of politicians who believed in a Tuvaria built upon the advancement of social and economic standards formed the '''Progressivist Party of Tuvaria (PPT)''' and became an official party in 1828. The party found a lack of popular support in people younger than 60 with the average age of their voters being 26 to 32 years old. In politics, the party was influential in getting bills like prison reformation and the banning of the Iron Crush in Tuvaria and gained great reception from the civilian life however, their colleagues in office grew a gradual disliking towards them which led to grudges and stubbornness stopping the passing of new bills. The TPP still held pride in being the majority however, by 1836, new statistics showed that by as early as 1844, the PPT would have dominant control over parliament and with the presidential election of 1840 coming, the new President could be a Progressivist, and members of the TPP hated the idea of such a scenario and a group of them made a sinister plan in the case it happens...
===== The Presidential Election of 1840 =====
The dreaded Presidential Election of 1840 began with two main candidates coming up to the podiums. A rich politician by the name of '''Peter Kusanovic''' who was a member of the TPP, and '''Mikhail Misovna''' who was a progressivist member of PPT. Both early on in their campaign practically tied up the popularity polls and were both well-liked by their own factions of government. The full election was led with concerns mostly from the TPP with members questioning the politics after a new party is put in power, but many were not with that idea. A small group of about 14 politicians under a ringleader named '''Nikolai Valenska (1806 CE-1876 CE) (Val for short)''' formed the '''Syndicate of Val'''; a criminal secret police of sorts that specialized in suppressing opponents as hired to do sort of like a hitman agency.
A plan was made under the name "Operation Contingency" as a plan for if Mikhail became President. It would begin when Mikhail enters Parliament for his first briefing to the whole Parliament, from the crowd, the 1 of the 14 syndicate members would make his way to the front of the stands, wield a pistol, and fire a round at the President at lethal range. The rest of the group would act in the panic as concerned members and will tackle the assailant, killing the assailant in the chaos to silence him and the group would go on with Kusanovic becoming President if all goes well.
Sadly, the election found Mikhail as winner and he was sworn in that same day.
====== The Assasination of Mikhail Misovna (1841 CE) ======
The new President was scheduled to brief Parliament in 1841 which would be the first full year of his term. The syndicate had grown in size after the TPP defeat with a membership of 36 but even with new membership, the plan remained. August 1st, 1841 would be the day Misovna would enter Parliament. Val selected '''Jaroslaw Bolshevich (1799 CE-1841 CE)''' to be the one who would carry out the plan and the worthy sacrifice for the Syndicate. The rest of the crew were armed with pocketknives in the case one of them get close enough to Jaroslaw to finish him off. Operation Contingency was a go for completion.
====== The day of the assassination ======
The day of the assassination was a busy one with the entirety of Parliament excitedly waiting for the appearance of a new leader; a Progressive one. The streets were full of people holding signs and celebrating a new time in Tuvarian politics. The members of SoV entered their positions at the middle of the large Parliamentary building with the 36 filling up the two rows. Val himself was at the front and sitting next to him was Jaroslaw whose gun was holstered inside his jacket pocket.
At 11:30 AM, President Mikhail Misovna enters the chambers of Parliament to a standing ovation from the members waiting inside. Val gestured to Jaroslaw that he had less than a minute before the assassination. He then gestured to wait until the President got up to the podium to shoot. At 11:35 AM, Mikhail gets up to the podium and begins to unravel his speech which was folded in his shoulder pocket. He begins to speak, and this is when Val nods to Jaroslaw that it was now or never. At 11:36 AM, Jaroslaw Bolshevich rises from his seat and pulled out a '''Sagrovna Quick Reload Pistol''' also known as the '''Mark 6''' and fires a round into Misovna's chest. Immediately, Jaroslaw is tackled by the members of the Syndicate and is stabbed multiple times in a concealed manner before the rest of Parliament got their hands on him. During the commotion, the Master of Parliament Mathias Prichevic, grabs the President (who was still alive and breathing heavily), and carries him out of the building with the support of other guards at 11:40 AM. At 11:45 AM, Parliament is evacuated by the overseeing guard members and the rest of the Syndicate prepare their escape. Meanwhile, the body of Bolshevich remains in his chair until paramedics could arrive.
At 11:50 AM, the Syndicate members remove their coats and cover their faces and disappear into the crowd of hundreds who convened at the building after the attack occurred. The group would never be seen for the next weeks. Meanwhile across from the Parliament building, Misovna was resting in a medical bed at a small clinic with signs of severe damage to the ribs and a collapsed lung. Surgery was necessary to remove the musket ball from the lung cavity, but the surgery would be too costly and could kill the President. The President was declared dead at 12:20 PM on August 1st, 1841.
===== The Following Investigation (1841 CE) =====
The investigation began the day after the assassination at noon. The capital police ordered that all members of Parliament would recall back to the chambers to conduct a recreation of the moments before the shot was fired. All members were told to sit in their same seats which included the currently unknown Syndicate of Val whose members sat nervously during the proceedings of the recreation. The police had actors be in the place of Jaroslaw and the President to simulate the shot being fired. The members of Parliament who sat next to Jaroslaw were interrogated thoroughly as well because Jaroslaws abdomen was covered in injuries sustained from multiple stabbings which couldn't be done by one man alone since there was simply too many. Nikolai Valenska was the first to be interrogated at random. Police Reports post examination recalled him being '''''"Extremely Kind and full of horror"''''' as he was right next to where it all happened. If only they knew his dark secret. He was cleared by the police and the rest of the members who sat with him were interrogated. One member said he wanted to give up who planned it but waited for his lawyer. That same night, he was found dead in a back alley with multiple stab wounds. This piqued interest to the police and ramped up the investigation. New theories came up with many believing there was an inside job from inside the TPP which had a known grudge against the new party.
The investigation continued with Police beginning interrogations of the family of Jaroslaw. His brother who was well informed on what Jaroslaw was up to, told police that his brother for the past week had been acting more distanced from the world as if he had something on his mind or was busy with something but he had a hunch that Jaroslaw was in some bad business. The investigation began to slow down until that November when a member of Parliament randomly turned themselves in for the conspiracy to assassinate. Their name was '''Thomas Fredericks''' and claimed that he was part of a '''''"Syndicate of vile assassins."''''' in his own words. He claimed that his group was known as the Syndicate of Val but he didn't know who Val was. This seemed oddly suspicious to police and they decided to keep him locked in holding until they could get him to talk again. But out of no where, he was found dead in holding with multiple bruises and cuts covering his body. This is the second time during the investigation that a body was found brutally beaten and stabbed and the police finally understood that an inside job was at hand. The case was closed but the government began making wavers telling people to look out for a supposed "Syndicate of Val".
Peter Kusanovic was sworn in as President and the TPP was happy just like Nikolai Valenska had planned.
==== The TPP Internal Corruption Investigation (1842 CE-1846 CE) ====
After the assassination of Mikhail Misovna, blame for who conspired it fell to the Tuvarian Peoples Party which had known resentment of the Progressivist Party of Tuvaria. And, after two murders of TPP members who were calling out the so-called Syndicate of Val, it was clear that there were members of the party who were trying to silence the whistleblowers. An internal investigation of the party was initiated by the President using executive powers and Parliament was shut down for the full investigation. Records, past members, current members, and past controversies were all researched and documented for use in a trial of possible corrupt members. The Syndicate of Val which was veiled in a cover of mystery after its discovery, was discovered to be founded by the TPP in 1843. This bombshell shattered the integrity of the TPP and its public image which was found to be a good PR moment for PPT.
The investigation gained more steam in 1845 when multiple high up members of the Parliament were found to have a record of bribing election officials, paying hush money, and embezzling the State Bank. This of course enraged voters and voting officials, and other members of the Upper and Lower Houses alike. The investigation concluded in 1846 and declared that the members found guilty of career corruption were to be put on trial for the following years. The officials put on trial numbered nearly 46.
===== The TPP Corruption Trials (1847 CE-1850 CE) =====
The rest of 1846 was the planning period for this immense trial. Each member judging on how long and how much they did for the crimes of Corruption, Embezzlement, Bribery, and Purgery would receive a sentence from 40 to 50 years or life in prison. There were a few who were on trial that attempted to leave the country but were quickly found, sent back to Tuvaria, and put in jail for life just for trying to escape.
====== 1847-1848 ======
The first trial of 1847 began with to the shock of many: the Master of Parliament himself Mathias Prichevic. This trial was clearly the largest and purposely the jury was chosen by bias which meant they could get him behind bars no matter what he may say. He was charged with Corruption, Embezzlement, Bias (ironically), and Purgery and was given the maximum sentence.
In 1847 and 1848. 16 of the 46 incarcerated were found guilty of each crime and put to jail for life respectively. A standout trial was the trial of Nikolai Valenska aka the leader of the Syndicate of Val (no one knows it was him yet). When he went to the trial, his jury was oddly calm, and the judge was surprisingly kind to the cold face Nikolai. Nikolai looked emotionless on the outside but inside he was a nervous mess. The trial was amongst the longest and surprisingly he was found...not guilty. Now why was he found not guilty? Well, the Syndicate had grown beyond the party and the Judge was amongst the SoV. The Judge and Jury were all chosen to be SoV members to get a not guilty verdict and Valenska was back on the streets. This seems to be the only recorded case of internal corruption during a trial and the continuing trials had no cases alike to this one.
====== 1849-1850 ======
1849 and 1850 would see the remaining 30 on trial be sentenced to death in prison. These 30 were specifically put down to death because of their possible relation to events like the illegal persecution of Aranistani peoples, and the assassination of Mikhail Misovna which still lingered in the thoughts of many. Though this decision was deemed to be the most correct answer, many of course disapproved and called for their freedom. They were too late, and the 30 men were executed via Iron Crush (which was unbanned prior to the trial) in 1850 bringing an end to the Corruption Trials yet out of all of those killed, only two were part of the group that really did it.
==== The Reconstruction of Government (1851 CE-1866 CE) ====
The period after the prosecution of Parliament was a reconstruction of sorts. Policies and rules for members of government were reshaped, added, and removed.
== Etymology ==
The term Almodaria has loose origins going back to long before any of the five states became countries back during the tribal age. Prior to staynish becoming the language of Almodaria there were tribal languages that commonly used the word Almodar which meant roughly "All" or "All people" as used in the context found in excavations of tribal sites. The word evolved alongside the people which resided in modern day Almodaria and expanded with the earliest use of the full world Almodaria being traced back to writings from the 760s CE. The word Almodaria prior to 760 was used for fertile land and the name of the short-lived Kingdom of Almodaria.
== Government ==
[[File:Capitol of Almodaria.jpg|alt=original image is the capitol of croatia and was found off the internet|thumb|The Capitol Building of Almodaria which houses The President's office and the houses of Parliament. The building has been around since the days of separation for hundreds of years dating back to the 1400s.]]
The Almodarian government is divided into two houses parliamentary houses the Upper House and the Lower House. These houses make laws and decisions for what they're connected to while the President of Almodaria oversees both houses to keep order in Legislature while leading the Almodarian people.
=== Upper House ===
The Upper House of Parliament makes laws and decisions for Domestic Affairs within the country which gives them the alternate name of the Domestic Affairs Council. They oversee things like public transportation or education for example. The Upper House has 76 members that serve terms of 5 years and can be reelected twice.
[[File:Avros.jpeg|thumb|Avros Jabronos in Tuvaria prior to winning the 2022 Election.]]
=== Lower House ===
The Lower House of Parliament makes laws and decisions for Foreign Affairs outside the country which gives them the alternate name of the Foreign Affairs Council. They oversee the Armed Forces of Almodaria and diplomatic relations with other nations in the continent however foreign diplomatic policies hardly come about due to the government leaning towards a hermit society where the outside world is ignored. The Lower House has 60 members that serve terms of 5 years and can be reelected twice.
=== President of Almodaria ===
The President of Almodaria is the highest title in the government and is held by one person every 4 years and can be reelected up to 3 times. They oversee everything that goes on in Parliament and attend ceremonial and diplomatic events held throughout the country.
=== Governorships ===
The Governorship is the name of the sub government of one of the 5 states. The Governor is elected in the state election and acts as a mini ruler of their state. They follow the laws passed by parliament and have their own mini parliaments as well. The governors serve for 4 years like the President.
== Politics ==
Almodarian Government historically have ignored foreign politics with the Lower House being smaller than the higher house. But that doesn't mean they're absent from politics.
=== Foreign Affairs ===
==== Almodaria First Policy ====
look at the thing of the same name in domestic affairs they're the same thing.
==== United Malordia ====
In January of 2023, the Lower House and foreign diplomats successfully made a trade deal with [[United Malordia]] where shipments of Oil would be sent in return for MBT's. This is the biggest foreign political occurrence in decades.
==== Phoenixia ====
Since the 1750s, Phoenixia has been regularly trading with Almodaria. Back when the trade began it was between the Kingdom of Arafors and Tuvaria but continued and paused during [[Great War|the great war]] but resumed soon after then paused again as the two nations swapped between dictatorships before finally unpausing in 2004 with now all of Almodaria as part of the trade. Relations continue to be peaceful.
=== Domestic Affairs ===
Home affairs can be rough with sides of Parliament being against each other on everything as governments usually are. Administration historically has been tough and unforgiving for many, but the government is capable of good things. The main rift in Parliament is that many members were previously members of the Dictatorship government.
==== The Almodaria First Policy ====
The Almodaria First Policy or the Peace of Tuvaria, was the agreement made between the defunct United Republic of Almodarian States government and the Tuvarian Reformists Army of Almodaria. The policy laid out the basic rights of all Almodarians, limited government power, shrunk the army, and set up the '''Almodarian War Crimes and Terror Tribunal (AWCTT)''' which put high ranking officials in URAS on trial for their crimes against the country. The Almodaria First Policy is technically the first Almodarian Constitution, and its rules are still abided by government officials. This policy is also used by ultranationalists as a pass for their rampant behavior.
===== The Anderson Agreement =====
The Anderson Agreement in 2003 (named after Head of State Ethan Anderson), was the policy that set up the Council of Welfare during the reconstruction period following the '''Almodarian Civil War (2000-2002).''' It was technically a sub policy under the '''Almodaria First Policy''' but is alongside it inside the '''Federal Vault of Almodaria'''.
==== No Internet Policy of 2022 ====
The No Internet Policy of 2022 was a short-lived bill in which low-income citizens were banned from using the internet during the waning days of the Leo Skavardi administration. This was done to consolidate power so Skavardi could stay in his position for a time beyond the term limit, but he was soon arrested and sent to prison for extortion among other things. The policy continued to be used during the early days of the Jabronos administration but just last month the Policy was revoked in a very close vote.
== Culture ==
=== Sports ===
Almodaria is big on soccer and has its own national soccer team the '''Almodarian National Football Team''' or the '''"Apex Reds"''' since the national animal is the red tiger. They formed in 1990 with the foundation of the URAS but were barred from international competition by Yurichenko and the hermit government and were relegated down to club scale games. After the Civil War, the team was disbanded from 2003 to 2006 as the country rebuilt and returned in 2007 still playing club level. In 2013, the Galaxy Stadium was completed and is the largest stadium in Almodaria and has since been home to ANFT.
=== Religion ===
Since prior to the uniting of the 5 states religion has been a strange topic. The idea of a god commanding and controlling the world seemed false to many in Tuvaria and Skavari. Folk religions existed of course amongst the population which led to a rift between the secular majority and the religious minority. Secularism and Atheism became an enforced law after the uniting of the country and has since been a major law although underground churches a religious communities have formed, they've for the most part been taken down by the police.
==== Prostorism ====
Prostorism is an Almodarian Religion that has been around for nearly 2 thousand years. It was originally banned during the Kingdom of North Almodar era but was reinstated as an official religion in Skavari during the Early Modern Period. Since then, the religion has dwindled in popularity extremely and has been deemed a folk religion in underground churches.
=== Astronomy ===
During the Skavarian Golden Period/renaissance, the concept of planets and stars became more popular to the public especially scientists of the time. The expansion of perception of what is space became the goal of many astronomers of the time in Skavari with the first categorizations of stars being documented in 1660 CE.
== Economy ==
The Almodarian Economy is built on the foundation of Government owned businesses. Nearly 75% of the business in Almodaria is owned by the government and in exchange, lower taxes are possible. People owned Businesses can gain funding from the government in the chance that economic help is needed or can be bought out by the government to be saved from bankruptcy. Education in Almodaria is free due to the belief that education is universal and accessible to all. Trade makes up nearly 30% of the economy and ties in with the biggest markets: Fishing and Weapon Manufacturing.
=== Overseas Trade ===
Almodarian states began overseas trade with Tuvaria in the 1750s. Tuvaria in need of an economic boost, opened up trade with the Kingdom of Arafors (now known as phoenixia) in a co trade company entitled '''Phoenixia and Trgovina Trade Company (PTTC).''' The trade route continues to be the most important trade route in Almodaria and is a big boost for the economy.
=== Fishing ===
Skavari since prehistoric times, has been an important scene for fishing. The fish in the area are abundant when it is warmest and go for high prices when caught fresh from the ocean but are also grown in containment in big fish farms in Skavari for cheaper prices. Fish is one of the biggest foods in the country and are part of what is sold in PTTC bringing back high yields of money in the form of Almodats.
=== Sagrovna Arms Manufacturing ===
Sagrovna Arms has been known for making weapons for the National Army of Almodaria for nearly 440 years but, weapons by Sagrovna are also sold to civilians for high prices. In previous history during hard times, the company was also known for making canned goods and furniture!
==== Controversies ====
Sagrovna has been scrutinized by both the government and the people for their guns being willfully sold to groups like [[Anti Tuvarian Militant Organization|ATMO]] and the '''Syndicate of Val.''' ATMO has been a known terroristic group that the government has banned civilian contact with the group, but weapons were still allowed to be sold to members against the ban. Sagrovna has since apologized but it is unknown whether they still sell to ATMO agents and SoV members.
=== Brzina Motor Vehicles ===
'''Brzina Motor Vehicles (BMV)''' is a vehicle manufacturing corporation founded in 1903 in Tuvaria by the two brothers '''Victor and Morgan Brzina''' and has since been the #1 government owned manufacturer of vehicles in the country. BMV have also made vehicles such as the AA-10 Striker due to the company being a Military Contractor and also own the production lines the massive A-20 Apex tank runs on!
=== Aerospace ===
==== Almodarian Air ====
Since the first Almodarian made plane in 1915, The air industry has expanded from just small one-seater wooden planes, to full on jets. Almodarian Air was founded in 1966 as an international flying airline made specifically for the 5 states as is why it was named Almodarian Air. The airline racks in millions of Almodats a year and one of their smaller passenger jets were modified for the Dictator Yurichenko in 1996 for his personal use.
===== Controversies =====
The company had its most disturbing setback when in 1992, an Almodarian Air flight numbered Flight-206 encountered a hydraulic failure in the left wing. The left wing completely shut down and the loss of control sent the plane into a rolling nosedive. The wings soon were torn off by the sheer force and the front fuselage tore away from the plane at nearly 22,000 feet. The rear end of the plane fell into a flat spin and collided with the ground a 3 minutes later while the front of the fuselage would crash shortly after outside of the town of Ivanograd.
The following year long investigation found that a faulty valve which was damaged by poor maintenance, froze up and blocked the Hydraulic power that kept the left wing in control. The company was forced to pay nearly 10 million Almodats to family members and flights would resume in 1993.
==== Possible Space Program? ====
During the 1970s and 80s, a board was made in Tuvaria in 1979 known as the Tuvarian Board for Endeavor's in Space (TBES). They specified in making concepts and designs of what a possible Almodarian mission to reach the vacuum of space could look like. The board was ordered to be as cheap as possible but not dirt cheap and designs were made for a 15-foot Solid Rocket Motored Multistage Vehicle (SRMMV) in 1984. The design would encompass the use of 4 stages each getting smaller in smaller as they rose higher into the atmosphere but wouldn't be orbit capable. The SRMMV vehicle donned the new name '''''Svemirski letač (Space Flyer)''''' unofficially. In 1990, the Yurichenko Regime canned the project and shut down TBES but kept their members to continue missile development for the army. Currently, plans for space are not a matter of thought in Parliament.
=== Ethnic Relations ===
==== Tuvarian-Aranistani Relations ====
For hundreds of years now, the Tuvarian thought has been that the Aranistani people are part of a lesser Tuvarian population which the Aranistani people deny and believe that the Tuvarians are bloodthirsty vampires who feed off of the weak links. Tuvarians have always targeted Aranistani peoples in persecutions, genocides, and famines. To the south, the Skavarian government condemned Tuvarian actions and all the way to today, they still believe that the Tuvarians are fear mongerers and treacherous peoples which can be backed up by history.
==== Skavarian-Aranistan Relations ====
Skavarians are more morally just than their northern neighbors but still treat Aranistani's like black sheep who need protection all the time in order to prevent catastrophe. Of course, the Aranistani's don't like this viewpoint in the slightest and still give Skavari the side eye but look for help when the chance appears.
==== Varatistani-Almodorian Relations with Everyone ====
The Varatistani's like the Almodorians are pretty much void from domestic politics and ethnic relations. Varatistan is close with Skavari but they're looked away from because of their undesirable location in the most barren piece of the country. Almodor on the other hand is just...forgotten as it is easily confused with Aranistan and has an almost even mix of Tuvarians and Skavarians in its land making it "Grey Area".
==== Skavarian-Tuvarian Relations ====
For as long as recorded history, the two polar opposite peoples have been at eachothers necks for years. When Yurichenko entered control in 1990, Skavari was one of the most suspicious and concerned out of the 5 and had to be persuaded into joining the United Republic of Almodarian States. The two have been rocky and continue to be at eachothers necks with some shops in Skavari barring off people with Tuvarian ancestry or are Tuvarian which is unconsitutional but manages to still exist.
== Geography ==
Almodaria is made up of many different types of land from arid and dry deserts to beautiful beaches. Almodaria has nearly 367 rivers and around 100 lakes littering the landscape with many artificial lakes in the mostly desert Varatistan. The forests in Central and Northern Almodaria can cover hundreds of acres and sadly are filled with debris and destruction that stay as memories of a brutal war that devastated the land and the country.
=== Rivers and Lakes ===
==== Bilosiva River ====
The Bilosiva River is the longest lake in Almodaria spanning from the top of Tuvaria down to a delta in Aranistan. The river famously was the site where Milorad Dorsevic was killed in action and has always been under government protection against vandals and poachers. The river is colored green because of its high algae and bacteria count and ends in the famous Bilosiva Falls which has a 15-foot drop. Many come to the waterfall for cliff diving and a nice swim.
==== Lake Jezero ====
Lake Jezero quite literally translates to "Lake Lake" making it the most uncreative of all Almodarian marked lakes. It isn't the largest nor deepest but has some of the clearest water and best views than other lakes and is a hotspot for water sports like tubing and water skiing. It is found in Aranistan not too far from the capital making it a great vacation spot if you want to go from Jezero to Aranistan (Capital). The lake itself is actually sorrounded by deep forest giving it the nickname of "the Mystery Lake" because from a distance it's a mystery of where it is.
== Military ==
The '''National Army of Almodaria (NAA), Nacionalna armija Almodarije''', is the main fighting force of Almodaria. The Army first formed in 1991 after the first unity and was dismantled after the war and was then reinstated in 2005 with the new republic. Two percent of the nation's GDP is used yearly to fund the military.
[[File:AlmodarianMilitary.jpg|thumb|Almodarian National Army members participating in April Combat Drills. The Army is trained for any kind of attack on any kind of terrain although the equipment in use has been around for decades.]]
=== Ground Forces ===
[[File:AlexanderCherkasy.jpg|thumb|Alexander Cherkasy (1958-Present) is the Commander of all Ground Forces in Almodaria since the 1970s.]]
The '''Ground Forces of Almodaria''' is the largest branch out of all military groups with 76,000 active personnel and 180,000 in reserves. Conscription laws require each Almodarian man to serve in the army for 8 years when they turn 18 which has kept the army alive with fresh recruits and veterans with highest ranking officials being mostly veterans from the civil war. Although spending is high, the civil war and restrictions from the 90s left the ground forces with ancient tanks from the 70s and 80s while development of new weaponry came to a halt. Due to the lack of advancement in technology, Almodarian forces rely on heavy hitting advances and artillery shelling in concentrated areas in order to wipe the enemy off the map or decimate their forces in seconds. Intelligence from drones and spy planes is given to the ground forces so they can keep going with the shock attacks. Soldiers are trained in CQC and close quarters fights in neighborhoods and cities.
==== Ground Forces Equipment ====
The Ground Forces use a variety of weaponry from marksman rifles to heavy machine guns. Weaponry for the '''GFA''' have been manufactured by the Skavarian company '''Sagrovna Weapons Manufacturers''' for hundreds of years and specializes in cheap but effective weapons.
===== Automatic Rifles =====
====== Sagrovna S.80 ======
The Sagrovna S.80 is the main rifle used by the National Army of Almodaria foot soldiers and infantry. It encompasses the use of a strong bipod allowing bunkered down soldiers to compensate for recoil and have better shots on incoming attackers. Its heavy design makes it more strenuous to carry but lowers the amount of natural recoil. It has been in use since the 1970s by all 5 states.
====== Sagrovna S.38 ======
The Sagrovna S.38 is a marksman rifle used by NAA/AFA snipers in the field. The design is essentially the S.80 with only Semi Auto capabilities, a magnified scope, and a shortened magazine. This Rifle has been deemed a "Citizen Killer" because as the name suggests, its use in the Almodarian Civil War was mainly for snipers wanting to take civilian lives to add to the death toll and are still favored by NAA snipers to this day.
=== Subdivisions ===
The ground forces are broken down further into three subdivisions.
==== Universal Artillery Branch ====
The Universal Artillery covers all Artillery used in the ground forces. out of the 76,000 active personnel, 26,000 are part of the Artillery branch and of the 180,000 reserves, 45,000 are part of the branch. The main artillery armament in service is the AT-500 150mm howitzer which was first in service with the armies of multiple states prior to uniting and a replacement, the AT-500XL is in development. Smaller artillery for close range is also in use with the AT-350 and the AT-400 50mm howitzers which are also ancient.
==== Armored Forces of Almodaria ====
[[File:R (1) T-62 tank from online search.jpg|thumb|The A-20A Main Battle Tank participating in April Military Exercises. The A variant uses weak improvised armor to lessen the impact of explosives, and tank fire. ]][[File:BVP М80А VS.jpg|thumb|The AIV-80 IFV sitting in a lot outside of Vorka in an undisclosed military facility.]]
The Armored Forces of Almodaria are the second largest group in the army with 21,000 members in active Personnel. Armored Forces make up a big chunk of the brute force that makes up the entire army and works in cooperation with Universal Artillery. The MBT that makes up most of '''AFA''' is the '''A-20 Apex''' which was originally developed as a joint project between free Tuvaria and free Varatistan in the 1960s. The '''AFA''' is also made up of Anti Infantry Vehicles such as the '''AIV-80''' which was developed in the mid 90s but didn't have service in the civil war due to it still being in range testing and experimentation (lack of funds also left it abandoned in the late 90s). '''AIV-80''' has a 20mm A-55 cannon and an AT-18 "Predator" ATGM capable of firing two missiles. Below is a list of prominent vehicles and weaponry in AFA.
==== Vehicles and Weaponry ====
===== A-20 Apex =====
Main MBT of AFA but is very much out of date see above for more details.
===== AIV-80 =====
The main IFV used by AFA and ground forces alike and has been in service since the 90s. Look above or more info.
===== A-220 Super Apex =====
The A-220 is an in-development vehicle which is planned to replace the A-20 Apex. With a new more powerful cannon and thicker armor with included armor plates and improved night vision, the a-220 can dominate the battlefield.
===== United Malordian MBT's =====
In 2022, the United Malordian and Almodarian government sealed a trade deal which would expand the Almodarian military into the 21st century with modern Main Battle Tanks. They are expected to enter service sometime in 2023 once tank crews are given proper training for the vehicles.
==== National Air Defense Forces of Almodaria ====
The National Air Defense Forces of Almodaria (NADFA) make up all of the Almodarian air forces and is the third largest group in the military with 14,000 airmen in active personnel. NADFA's main weaponry includes strike fighters, interceptors, fighter aircraft, bombers, Helicopters, and Ground to Air Missiles. The oldest and most well-known jet in the arsenal is the '''FK-2 Screecher'''. The Screecher began its life as a trainer aircraft in Tuvaria, Varatistan, and Almodor prior to the union and was modified and brought into full service in 1993. In the 2000s it was part of the Siege of Tuvaria and Operation Pack a Punch which was an immense failure and waste of weaponry. It is slowly being phased out by the '''FK-3 Hawk''' which began service in 2012. Below is a list of prominent vehicles and weaponry in NAFDA:
===== Aircraft and Helicopters =====
===== FK-2 Screecher =====
Former trainer plane and current multirole aircraft see NADFA section above for further details.
===== FK-3 Hawk =====
[[File:Mirage 2000C in-flight 2 (cropped).jpg|thumb|The FK-3 Hawk over Almodarian Airspace during flight trials in 2012.]]
FK-3 Hawk is the new Multirole fighter for NAFDA which began service in 2012. This is the first Almodarian jet to use a fully glass cockpit and digital displays, a lighter airframe makes the aircraft supermaneuverable and dominant to other Almodarian jets, and it can be armed with the new SR-T3 AGM and the SA-T2 AAM making it extremely modular.
===== IK-1 Lightning =====
IK-1 Lightning is the current interceptor in NAFDA and is currently in development and is expected to be in service by the time the FK-2 is completely phased out. Similar in design to the FK-3, the IK-1 has a heavier frame, a lack of a machine gun with only missiles as a weapon and has a new 360 infrared or night vision camera for scouting missions.
===== UH-12 Jumbo =====
The UH-12 Jumbo is a massive utility helicopter used by NAFDA and the Almodarian Search and Rescue Squadron. First developed in 1962, the UH-12 has been the workhorse of NAFDA ever since the union and has been unmatched since it's unveiling. It is capable of lifting cargo as heavy as it is and can carry drop crews of up to 12 for combat operations. It can also be mounted with SR-T2 AGMs like the ones used in the civil war.
==== Ground Equipment and Weaponry ====
[[File:AA-10Striker.jpg|thumb|The main ground to air Armament used by NAFDA. Its versatile design allows it to be used almost anywhere except water.]]
===== AA-10 Striker =====
The AA-10 Striker is an Anti-Air Armored Vehicle used by NAFDA and the rest of the armed forces. It is the most versatile anti-air vehicle in service currently and has been in service since 1987. Striker carries 4 missiles that use heat tracking to lock onto a target however, they can be dodged with the use of flares.
=== Other Weapons and Ground Crew Equipment/Weaponry ===
==== AS-119 Ripper ====
[[File:AS-119Ripper.jpg|thumb|The AS-119 is a SPH used by the Almodarian Armed Forces/Armed Forces of Almodaria. Picture taken during the April Military Drills.]]
The AS-119 Ripper is a Self-Propelled Howitzer used by the '''AFA''' in artillery operations. It was first put into service in 1992 and has since been the backbone of SPH forces. The main armament is an AG-77 Howitzer mounted onto a 360-rotation turret. The gun is able to fire up to 26 miles away and is common in sieges.
==== AS-07 Arrow ====
[[File:AS-07Arrow.jpg|thumb|The AS-07 is the most powerful SPH in the AFA/AAF and has been in use in all states since the 70s. Picture taken during the April Military drills of 2021.]]
The AS-07 Arrow is a huge Self-Propelled Cannon used by the '''AFA''' for artillery operations mainly sieges. The gun has one of the highest calibers in service at a whopping 203 MM. It entered service in Skavari in 1976 and joined the rest of the AFA in 1990. It was used during the siege of Tuvaria in the Almodarian civil war and continues to be in service today.
[[Category:Work in progress]]


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