Module:Citation/CS1/Configuration: Difference between revisions

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Subscription/Registration help; Via cat fix; identifier protocol relative urls; PMC identifier fix; iso639-1 support;
(distributor for cite sign)
(Subscription/Registration help; Via cat fix; identifier protocol relative urls; PMC identifier fix; iso639-1 support;)
Line 40:
-- include category when 'via' parameter is not used in the citation
['subscription'] = '<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-size:90%; color:#555">(subscription required (<span title="Sources are not required to be available online. Online sources do not have to be freely available. The site may require a paid subscription." style="border-bottom:1px dotted;cursor:help">Help</span>))</span>', ..
'[[Category:Pages containing links to subscription-only content]]',
['subscription_no_via'] = '<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-size:90%; color:#555">(subscription required)</span>' ..
'[[Category:Pages containing links to subscription-only content]]',
['registration']='<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-size:90%; color:#555">(registration required (<span title="Sources are not required to be available online. Online sources do not have to be freely available. The site may require registration." style="border-bottom:1px dotted;cursor:help">Help</span>))</span>' ..
'[[Category:Pages with login required references or sources]]',
['registration']='<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-size:90%; color:#555">([[Wikipedia:Verifiability#Access to sources|registration required]])</span>' ..
'[[Category:Pages with login required references or sources]]',
['language'] = '(in $1)',
['via'] = " &ndash; via $1", -- [[Category:Subscription requiredremoved usingbecause via]]", shouldn't add a subscription
['event'] = 'Event occurs at',
['minutes'] = 'minutes in',
Line 326 ⟶ 325:
citation_config.id_handlers = {
['ASIN'] = {
parameters = { 'asin', 'ASIN' },
link = 'Amazon Standard Identification Number',
label = 'ASIN',
mode = 'manual',
COinS = 'info:asin',
separator = '&nbsp;',
encode = false;
['DOI'] = {
parameters = { 'doi', 'DOI' },
link = 'Digital object identifier',
label = 'doi',
mode = 'manual',
prefix = '',
COinS = 'info:doi',
separator = ':',
encode = true,
['OL'] = {
parameters = { 'ol', 'OL' },
link = 'Open Library',
label = 'OL',
mode = 'manual',
COinS = 'info:olnum',
separator = '&nbsp;',
endode = true,
['ARXIV'] = {
parameters = {'arxiv', 'ARXIV'},
Line 359 ⟶ 330:
label = 'arXiv',
mode = 'external',
prefix = '', -- protocol relative tested 2013-09-04
encode = false,
COinS = 'info:arxiv',
separator = ':',
['ASIN'] = {
parameters = { 'asin', 'ASIN' },
link = 'Amazon Standard Identification Number',
label = 'ASIN',
mode = 'manual',
COinS = 'info:asin',
separator = '&nbsp;',
encode = false;
['BIBCODE'] = {
Line 373 ⟶ 353:
COinS = 'info:bibcode',
separator = ':',
['DOI'] = {
parameters = { 'doi', 'DOI' },
link = 'Digital object identifier',
label = 'doi',
mode = 'manual',
prefix = '',
COinS = 'info:doi',
separator = ':',
encode = true,
['ISBN'] = {
Line 408 ⟶ 398:
label = 'JSTOR',
mode = 'external',
prefix = '', -- protocol relative tested 2013-09-04
COinS = 'rft.jstor',
encode = true,
Line 428 ⟶ 418:
label = 'MR',
mode = 'external',
prefix = '', -- protocol relative tested 2013-09-04
COinS = '',
encode = true,
Line 442 ⟶ 432:
encode = true,
separator = '&nbsp;',
['OL'] = {
parameters = { 'ol', 'OL' },
link = 'Open Library',
label = 'OL',
mode = 'manual',
COinS = 'info:olnum',
separator = '&nbsp;',
endode = true,
['OSTI'] = {
Line 448 ⟶ 447:
label = 'OSTI',
mode = 'external',
prefix = '', -- protocol relative tested 2013-09-04
COinS = 'info:osti',
encode = true,
Line 457 ⟶ 456:
link = 'PubMed Central',
label = 'PMC',
mode = 'manual', -- changed to support unlinking of PMC identifier when article is embargoed
mode = 'external',
prefix = '//',
suffix = " ",
COinS = 'info:pmc',
Line 489 ⟶ 488:
label = 'SSRN',
mode = 'external',
prefix = '', -- protocol relative tested 2013-09-04
COinS = 'info:ssrn',
encode = true,
Line 506 ⟶ 505:
--iso639-1 language codes and names.
citation_config.iso639_1 = {
["aa"] = "Afar",
["ab"] = "Abkhazian",
["ae"] = "Avestan",
["af"] = "Afrikaans",
["ak"] = "Akan",
["am"] = "Amharic",
["an"] = "Aragonese",
["ar"] = "Arabic",
["as"] = "Assamese",
["av"] = "Avaric",
["ay"] = "Aymara",
["az"] = "Azerbaijani",
["ba"] = "Bashkir",
["be"] = "Belarusian",
["bg"] = "Bulgarian",
["bh"] = "Bihari languages",
["bi"] = "Bislama",
["bm"] = "Bambara",
["bn"] = "Bengali",
["bo"] = "Tibetan",
["br"] = "Breton",
["bs"] = "Bosnian",
["ca"] = "Catalan",
-- ["ca"] = "Valencian",
["ce"] = "Chechen",
["ch"] = "Chamorro",
["co"] = "Corsican",
["cr"] = "Cree",
["cs"] = "Czech",
["cu"] = "Church Slavic",
-- ["cu"] = "Old Slavonic",
-- ["cu"] = "Church Slavonic",
-- ["cu"] = "Old Bulgarian",
-- ["cu"] = "Old Church Slavonic",
["cv"] = "Chuvash",
["cy"] = "Welsh",
["da"] = "Danish",
["de"] = "German",
["dv"] = "Divehi",
["dv"] = "Dhivehi",
["dv"] = "Maldivian",
["dz"] = "Dzongkha",
["ee"] = "Ewe",
["el"] = "Modern Greek",
["en"] = "English",
["eo"] = "Esperanto",
["es"] = "Spanish",
-- ["es"] = "Castilian",
["et"] = "Estonian",
["eu"] = "Basque",
["fa"] = "Persian",
["ff"] = "Fulah",
["fi"] = "Finnish",
["fj"] = "Fijian",
["fo"] = "Faroese",
["fr"] = "French",
["fy"] = "Western Frisian",
["ga"] = "Irish",
-- ["gd"] = "Gaelic",
["gd"] = "Scottish Gaelic",
["gl"] = "Galician",
["gn"] = "Guarani",
["gu"] = "Gujarati",
["gv"] = "Manx",
["ha"] = "Hausa",
["he"] = "Hebrew",
["hi"] = "Hindi",
["ho"] = "Hiri Motu",
["hr"] = "Croatian",
-- ["ht"] = "Haitian",
["ht"] = "Haitian Creole",
["hu"] = "Hungarian",
["hy"] = "Armenian",
["hz"] = "Herero",
["ia"] = "Interlingua",
["id"] = "Indonesian",
["ie"] = "Interlingue",
["ie"] = "Occidental",
["ig"] = "Igbo",
-- ["ii"] = "Sichuan Yi",
["ii"] = "Nuosu",
["ik"] = "Inupiaq",
["io"] = "Ido",
["is"] = "Icelandic",
["it"] = "Italian",
["iu"] = "Inuktitut",
["ja"] = "Japanese",
["jv"] = "Javanese",
["ka"] = "Georgian",
["kg"] = "Kongo",
-- ["ki"] = "Kikuyu",
["ki"] = "Gikuyu",
-- ["kj"] = "Kuanyama",
["kj"] = "Kwanyama",
["kk"] = "Kazakh",
-- ["kl"] = "Kalaallisut",
["kl"] = "Greenlandic",
["km"] = "Central Khmer",
["kn"] = "Kannada",
["ko"] = "Korean",
["kr"] = "Kanuri",
["ks"] = "Kashmiri",
["ku"] = "Kurdish",
["kv"] = "Komi",
["kw"] = "Cornish",
-- ["ky"] = "Kirghiz",
["ky"] = "Kyrgyz",
["la"] = "Latin",
["lb"] = "Luxembourgish",
-- ["lb"] = "Letzeburgesch",
["lg"] = "Ganda",
-- ["li"] = "Limburgan",
-- ["li"] = "Limburger",
["li"] = "Limburgish",
["ln"] = "Lingala",
["lo"] = "Lao",
["lt"] = "Lithuanian",
["lu"] = "Luba-Katanga",
["lv"] = "Latvian",
["mg"] = "Malagasy",
["mh"] = "Marshallese",
["mi"] = "Maori",
["mk"] = "Macedonian",
["ml"] = "Malayalam",
["mn"] = "Mongolian",
["mr"] = "Marathi",
["ms"] = "Malay",
["mt"] = "Maltese",
["my"] = "Burmese",
["na"] = "Nauru",
["nb"] = "Norwegian Bokmål",
["nd"] = "North Ndebele",
["ne"] = "Nepali",
["ng"] = "Ndonga",
["nl"] = "Dutch",
-- ["nl"] = "Flemish",
["nn"] = "Norwegian Nynorsk",
["no"] = "Norwegian",
["nr"] = "South Ndebele",
["nv"] = "Navajo",
-- ["nv"] = "Navaho",
-- ["ny"] = "Chichewa",
-- ["ny"] = "Chewa",
["ny"] = "Nyanja",
["oc"] = "Occitan",
["oj"] = "Ojibwa",
["om"] = "Oromo",
["or"] = "Oriya",
["os"] = "Ossetian",
["os"] = "Ossetic",
-- ["pa"] = "Panjabi",
["pa"] = "Punjabi",
["pi"] = "Pali",
["pl"] = "Polish",
-- ["ps"] = "Pushto",
["ps"] = "Pashto",
["pt"] = "Portuguese",
["qu"] = "Quechua",
["rm"] = "Romansh",
["rn"] = "Rundi",
["ro"] = "Romanian",
-- ["ro"] = "Moldavian",
-- ["ro"] = "Moldovan",
["ru"] = "Russian",
["rw"] = "Kinyarwanda",
["sa"] = "Sanskrit",
["sc"] = "Sardinian",
["sd"] = "Sindhi",
["se"] = "Northern Sami",
["sg"] = "Sango",
["si"] = "Sinhala",
-- ["si"] = "Sinhalese",
["sk"] = "Slovak",
["sl"] = "Slovenian",
["sm"] = "Samoan",
["sn"] = "Shona",
["so"] = "Somali",
["sq"] = "Albanian",
["sr"] = "Serbian",
["ss"] = "Swati",
["st"] = "Southern Sotho",
["su"] = "Sundanese",
["sv"] = "Swedish",
["sw"] = "Swahili",
["ta"] = "Tamil",
["te"] = "Telugu",
["tg"] = "Tajik",
["th"] = "Thai",
["ti"] = "Tigrinya",
["tk"] = "Turkmen",
["tl"] = "Tagalog",
["tn"] = "Tswana",
["to"] = "Tonga (Tonga Islands)",
["tr"] = "Turkish",
["ts"] = "Tsonga",
["tt"] = "Tatar",
["tw"] = "Twi",
["ty"] = "Tahitian",
-- ["ug"] = "Uighur",
["ug"] = "Uyghur",
["uk"] = "Ukrainian",
["ur"] = "Urdu",
["uz"] = "Uzbek",
["ve"] = "Venda",
["vi"] = "Vietnamese",
["vo"] = "Volapük",
["wa"] = "Walloon",
["wo"] = "Wolof",
["xh"] = "Xhosa",
["yi"] = "Yiddish",
["yo"] = "Yoruba",
["za"] = "Zhuang",
-- ["za"] = "Chuang",
["zh"] = "Chinese",
["zu"] = "Zulu",
return citation_config;
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