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[[Category: Shadow Shtuff]]
'''Rheanism''' is a far-right, reactionary ideology whose origin is falsely attributed to the Archbishop Rhea III. Although the origins of the ideology pre-date Rhea's ordination, she was the driving force into making it as mainstream as it is today. Rheanism is unique in that it is pervasive in both the [[Church of Xathos]] and within secular circles, particularly in the [[Alksearia| Kingdom of Alksearia]]
Rheanism is characterized by NationalisticXathosi TheismNationalism, anti-LGBTQ, and Authoritarianism. This ideology can be seen in countries like Alksearia, [[Balistria]]., and [[New Leganes]]
==Rhea's Adoption==
In 1974, at the age of 18, Rhea Ottiz would enter into St. Estelle's School for Seminary after (as Rhea would claim later in her life) "a vision from Xathos to spread Their word to Urth." At the Seminary, she would study under the Grandmaster of the Order of St. Estelle, Grandmaster Edith Estelle. Under Edith's tutelage, Rhea would learn the values that would morph into Rheanism. It would be in the Seminary where the birth of Rheanism would start, as the Order of St. Estelle was famously known as being a very conservative Order within the Church of Xathos. Only after a year in Seminary, Rhea wrote a short paper called "A Subservient State to the Church: The True Calling of The Faithful" in which she details some reasons that the "true believers" must make a Xathosi state on Urth. Rhea wrote:
Rhea Ottiza was ordained a Shamon in 1972. She was Ordained into the Order of St. Esetlle. The Grandmaster of the Order at the time, Bishop was a supporter of the early Rheanism ideology. Rhea would spend the first 5 years of the
"In order for the Church to fully thrive on Urth, we must take complete control of the governance of the Urth. It is only then that we would be able to have a fully Xathosi society in the way that Xathosi and Their Spirits decreed. Without a proper state to function in, the Church is starved for the proper resources we need to properly perform our function. The secular world is working to destroy the Church from the outside, and some letters from our Elders suggest that they are even working within the Church to destroy it."
Rhea would graduate from Seminary in 1977, and would be ordained a Shaman at a shrine in the Novia district of Urgia-Nova.
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