Module:Citation/CS1/Date validation: Difference between revisions

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--[[--------------------------< F O R W A R D D E C L A R A T I O N S >--------------------------------------
Line 55 ⟶ 54:
return false; -- accessdate out of range
--[[--------------------------< I S _ V A L I D _ E M B A R G O _ D A T E >------------------------------------
returns true and date value if that value has proper dmy, mdy, ymd format.
returns false and 9999 (embargoed forever) when date value is not proper format; assumes that when |pmc-embargo-date= is
set, the editor intended to embargo a PMC but |pmc-embargo-date= does not hold a single date.
local function is_valid_embargo_date (v)
if v:match ('^%d%d%d%d%-%d%d%-%d%d$') or -- ymd
v:match ('^%d%d?%s+%a+%s+%d%d%d%d$') or -- dmy
v:match ('^%a+%s+%d%d?%s*,%s*%d%d%d%d$') then -- mdy
return true, v;
return false, '9999'; -- if here not good date so return false and set embargo date to long time in future
Line 195 ⟶ 175:
Function gets current year from the server and compares it to year from a citation parameter. Years more than one
year in the future are not acceptable.
Special case for |pmc-embargo-date=: years more than two years in the future are not acceptable
local function is_valid_year (year, param)
if not is_set (year_limit) then
year_limit = tonumber("%Y"))+1; -- global variable so we only have to fetch it once
year = tonumber (year) or lang_object:parseFormattedNumber (year); -- convert to numbersnumber for the comparison;
if 'pmc-embargo-date' == param then -- special case for |pmc-embargo-date=
return year and (year <= tonumber("%Y"))+2) or false; -- years more than two years in the future are not accepted
return year and (year <= year_limit) or false;
Line 219 ⟶ 205:
local function is_valid_date (year, month, day, param)
local days_in_month = {31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31};
local month_length;
if not is_valid_year (year, param) then -- no farther into the future than next year except |pmc-embargo-date= no more than two years in the future
return false;
month = tonumber (month); -- required for YYYY-MM-DD dates
if (2 == month) then -- if February
Line 253 ⟶ 239:
Months in a range are expected to have the same style: Jan–Mar or October–December but not February–Mar or Jul–August.
This function looks in cfg.date_names{} to see if both month names are listed in the long subtable or both are
There is a special test for May because it can be either short or long form.
listed in the short subtable. When both have the same style (both are listed in the same table), returns true; false else
Returns true when style for both months is the same
local function is_valid_month_range_style (month1, month2)
if (cfg.date_names.en.long[month1] and cfg.date_names.en.long[month2]) or -- are both English names listed in the long subtable?
local len1 = month1:len();
(cfg.date_names.en.short[month1] and cfg.date_names.en.short[month2]) or -- are both English names listed in the short subtable?
local len2 = month2:len();
(cfg.date_names['local'].long[month1] and cfg.date_names['local'].long[month2]) or -- are both local names listed in the long subtable?
if len1 == len2 then
(cfg.date_names['local'].short[month1] and cfg.date_names['local'].short[month2]) then -- are both local names listed in the short subtable?
return true; -- both months are short form so return true
return true;
elseif 'May' == month1 or 'May'== month2 then -- ToDo: I18N
return true; -- both months are long form so return true
elseif 3 == len1 or 3 == len2 then
return false; -- months are mixed form so return false
return true; -- both months are long form so return true
return false; -- names are mixed
Line 453 ⟶ 434:
['y-y'] = {'^(%d%d%d%d?)[%-–]((%d%d%d%d?)%a?)$'}, -- year range: YYY-YYY or YYY-YYYY or YYYY–YYYY; separated by unspaced endash; 100-9999
['y4-y2'] = {'^((%d%d)%d%d)[%-–]((%d%d)%a?)$'}, -- year range: YYYY–YY; separated by unspaced endash
['ymx'] = {'^(%d%d%d%d)%-(%d%d)%-XX$', 'y', 'm'}, -- edtf year-initial numerical year-month-XX
['y'] = {'^((%d%d%d%d?)%a?)$'}, -- year; here accept either YYY or YYYY
--[[--------------------------< I S _ V A L I D _ E M B A R G O _ D A T E >------------------------------------
returns true and date value if that value has proper dmy, mdy, ymd format.
returns false and 9999 (embargoed forever) when date value is not proper format; assumes that when |pmc-embargo-date= is
set, the editor intended to embargo a PMC but |pmc-embargo-date= does not hold a single date.
local function is_valid_embargo_date (v)
if v:match (patterns['ymd'][1]) or -- ymd
v:match (patterns['Mdy'][1]) or -- dmy
v:match (patterns['dMy'][1]) then -- mdy
return true, v;
return false, '9999'; -- if here not good date so return false and set embargo date to long time in future
Line 495 ⟶ 494:
anchor_year = year;
elseif date_string:match (patterns['ymx'][1]) then -- year-initial numerical year month edtf format
year, month = date_string:match (patterns['ymx'][1]);
if 12 < tonumber(month) or 1 > tonumber(month) or 1582 > tonumber(year) or not is_valid_year(year) then return false; end -- month number not valid or not Gregorian calendar or future year
anchor_year = year;
elseif mw.ustring.match(date_string, patterns['Mdy'][1]) then -- month-initial: month day, year
month, day, anchor_year, year = mw.ustring.match(date_string, patterns['Mdy'][1]);
Line 575 ⟶ 569:
elseif mw.ustring.match(date_string, patterns['Sy-y'][1]) then -- special case Winter/Summer year-year; year separated with unspaced endash
month, year, anchor_year, year2 = mw.ustring.match(date_string, patterns['Sy-y'][1]);
if 'Winter' ~= month and 'Summer' ~= get_season_number (month, then return false endparam); -- '<month'> can only be Winterwinter or Summersummer; also for metadata
if (month ~= cfg.date_names['en'].season['Winter']) and (month ~= cfg.date_names['en'].season['Summer']) then
anchor_year = year .. '–' .. anchor_year; -- assemble anchor_year from both years
return false; -- not Summer or Winter; abandon
anchor_year = year .. '–' .. anchor_year; -- assemble anchor_year from both years
if 1 ~= tonumber(year2) - tonumber(year) then return false; end -- must be sequential years, left to right, earlier to later
if not is_valid_year(year2) then return false; end -- no year farther in the future than next year
month = get_season_number (month, param); -- for metadata
elseif mw.ustring.match(date_string, patterns['My-My'][1]) then -- month/season year - month/season year; separated by spaced endash
Line 627 ⟶ 623:
if in_array (param, {'date', 'publication-date', 'year'}) then
add_prop_cat ('year_range_abbreviatedyear-range-abbreviated');
if 13 > tonumber(year2) then return false; end -- don't allow 2003-05 which might be May 2003
year2 = century .. year2; -- add the century to year2 for comparisons
if tonumber(year) >= tonumber(year2) then return false; end -- left to right, earlier to later, not the same
if not is_valid_year(year2) then return false; end -- no year farther in the future than next year
Line 643 ⟶ 639:
return false; -- date format not one of the MOS:DATE approved formats
if param ~= 'date' then -- CITEREF disambiguation only allowed in |date=; |year= & |publication-date= promote to date
if anchor_year:match ('%l$') then
return false;
Line 658 ⟶ 660:
local result=true; -- check whole dates for validity; assume true because not all dates will go through this test
if 0 ~= year and 0 ~= month and 0 ~= day and 0 == year2 and 0 == month2 and 0 == day2 then -- YMD (simple whole date)
result = is_valid_date (year, month, day, param); -- <param> for |pmc-embargo-date=
elseif 0 ~= year and 0 ~= month and 0 ~= day and 0 == year2 and 0 == month2 and 0 ~= day2 then -- YMD-d (day range)
result = is_valid_date (year, month, day);
result = result and is_valid_date (year, month, day2);
elseif 0 ~= year and 0 ~= month and 0 ~= day and 0 == year2 and 0 ~= month2 and 0 ~= day2 then -- YMD-md (day month range)
result = is_valid_date (year, month, day);
result = result and is_valid_date (year, month2, day2);
elseif 0 ~= year and 0 ~= month and 0 ~= day and 0 ~= year2 and 0 ~= month2 and 0 ~= day2 then -- YMD-ymd (day month year range)
Line 723 ⟶ 725:
good_date, anchor_year, COinS_date = true, v.val:match("((%d+)%a?)");
elseif 'pmc-embargo-date' == k then -- if the parameter is |pmc-embargo-date=
good_date = check_date (v.val, k); -- go test the date
if true == good_date then -- if the date is a valid date
good_date, embargo_date = is_valid_embargo_date (v.val); -- is |pmc-embargo-date= date a single dmy, mdy, or ymd formatted date? yes: returns embargo date; no: returns 9999
else -- any other date-holding parameter
Line 747 ⟶ 749:
2 - year value matches the year value in date when date is in the form YYYY-MM-DD and year is disambiguated (|year=YYYYx)
the numernicnumeric value in <result> determines the 'output' if any from this function:
0 – adds error message to error_list sequence table
1 – adds maint cat
Line 902 ⟶ 904:
-- yMd is not supported at; ifwhen yMd is supported at your wiki, uncomment the next line
-- if 'yMd' == format_param and in_array (pattern_idx, {'yMd', 'Md-dy', 'd-dMy', 'dM-dMy', 'Md-Mdy', 'dMy-dMy', 'Mdy-Mdy'}) then -- these formats not convertable; yMd not supported at
if 'yMd' == format_param then -- ifyMd not supported at; when yMd is supported at your wiki, remove or comment-out the nextthis line
if 'yMd' == format_param then -- yMd not supported at
return; -- not a reformattable date
Line 922 ⟶ 923:
if t.a then -- if this date has an anchor year capture (all convertable date formats except ymd)
t.y =if t.a; y2 then -- use the anchorfor year capture when reassembling therange date formats
t.y2 = t.a; -- use the anchor year capture when reassembling the date
else -- here for single date formats (except ymd)
t.y = t.a; -- use the anchor year capture when reassembling the date
if tonumber(t.m) then -- if raw month is a number (converting from ymd)
if 's' == mon_len then -- if we are to use abbreviated month names
t.m = cfg.date_names['inv_local_sinv_local_short'][tonumber(t.m)]; -- convert it to a month name
t.m = cfg.date_names['inv_local_linv_local_long'][tonumber(t.m)]; -- convert it to a month name
t.d = t.d:gsub ('0(%d)', '%1'); -- strip leading '0' from day if present
elseif 'ymd' == format_param then -- when converting to ymd
t.y = t.y:gsub ('%a', ''); -- strip CITREF disambiguator if present; anchor year already known so process can proceed; TODO: maint message?
if 1582 > tonumber(t.y) then -- ymd format dates not allowed before 1582
if 1582 > tonumber (t.y) then -- ymd format dates not allowed before 1582
Line 944 ⟶ 950:
t[mon] = get_month_number (t[mon]); -- get the month number for this month (is length agnostic)
if 0 == t[mon] then return; end -- seasons and named dates can't be converted
t[mon] = (('s' == mon_len) and cfg.date_names['inv_local_sinv_local_short'][t[mon]]) or cfg.date_names['inv_local_linv_local_long'][t[mon]]; -- fetch month name according to length
Line 1,031 ⟶ 1,037:
end -- if
end -- for
return result; -- declare boolean result and done
Line 1,058 ⟶ 1,064:
return result; -- so we know if any hyphens were replaced
--[[--------------------------< E D T F _ T R A N S F O R M >--------------------------------------------------
Loops through the list of date-holding parameters and converts any EDTF formatted dates to MOS compliant dates.
Only YYY-MM-XX supported at this time. Not called if the cs1|2 template has any date errors.
must be done before reformat_dates() and before date_hyphen_to_dash()
Modifies the date_parameters_list and returns true if transformation is performed, else returns false.
local function edtf_transform (date_parameters_list)
local result = false;
local source_date = {};
for param_name, param_val in pairs(date_parameters_list) do -- for each date-holding parameter in the list
if is_set(param_val.val) and param_val.val:match (patterns.ymx[1]) then -- if parameter is set and is an EDTF dates
source_date.year, source_date.month = param_val.val:match (patterns.ymx[1]); -- get year and month number = 1; -- required by os.time()
date_parameters_list[param_name].val = mw.text.trim ( ('%B %Y', os.time (source_date)));
result = true;
return result; -- so we know if a transform was done
Line 1,090 ⟶ 1,069:
--[[-------------------------< D A T E _ N A M E _ X L A T E >------------------------------------------------
Attempts to translate English monthdate names to local-language monthdate names using names supplied by MediaWiki's
date parser function. This is simple name-for-name replacement and may not work for all languages.
Line 1,104 ⟶ 1,083:
local date;
local sources_t = {
{cfg.date_names.en.long, cfg.date_names.inv_local_long}, -- for translating long English month names to long local month names
{cfg.date_names.en.short, cfg.date_names.inv_local_short}, -- short month names
{cfg.date_names.en.quarter, cfg.date_names.inv_local_quarter}, -- quarter date names
{cfg.date_names.en.season, cfg.date_names.inv_local_season}, -- season date nam
{cfg.date_names.en.named, cfg.date_names.inv_local_named}, -- named dates
local function is_xlateable (month) -- local function to get local date name that replaces existing English-language date name
for _, date_names_t in ipairs (sources_t) do -- for each sequence table in date_names_t
if date_names_t[1][month] then -- if date name is English month (long or short), quarter, season or named and
if date_names_t[2][date_names_t[1][month]] then -- if there is a matching local date name
return date_names_t[2][date_names_t[1][month]]; -- return the local date name
for param_name, param_val in pairs(date_parameters_list) do -- for each date-holding parameter in the list
if is_set(param_val.val) then -- if the parameter has a value
date = param_val.val;
for month in mw.ustring.gmatch (date, '[%a ]+') do -- iterate through all datesdate names in the date (single date or date range)
month = mw.text.trim (month); -- this because quarterly dates contain whitespace
if cfg.date_names.en.long[month] then
modexlate = 'F'is_xlateable (month); -- Englishget nametranslate is long so<month>; usereturns longtranslation localor namenil
elseif cfg.date_names.en.short[month] then
if xlate then
mode = 'M'; -- English name is short so use short local name
mode = nil; -- not an English month name; could be local language month name or an English season name
if mode then -- might be a season
xlate = lang_object:formatDate(mode, '1' .. month); -- translate the month name to this local language
date = mw.ustring.gsub (date, month, xlate); -- replace the English with the translation
date_parameters_list[param_name].val = date; -- save the translated date
Line 1,163 ⟶ 1,154:
date_hyphen_to_dash = date_hyphen_to_dash,
date_name_xlate = date_name_xlate,
edtf_transform = edtf_transform,
set_selected_modules = set_selected_modules
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