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Other non-scientific or pseudoscientifc theories include:
* '''Creationism''': This theory is found in religions such as but not limited to [[Paxism]], [[Thaerism]], [[Akronism]], [[Tunseism]] and [[Verk'ohism]], as well as those who believe that the universe is a simulation, which states that a deity or universal force created sapient beings and imbued them with sapient properties.
* '''Creative Evolution''': Is also found in mostly but not exclusively religious circles whereby an external force such as a deity or universal spirit etc. directed the natural evolution of living things to bring about the emergence of sapient beings.
* '''Extraterrestrial Origin''': This suggests that one or more advanced extraterrestrial civilisations created sapient beings to populate the planet. ForVarious whatexplanations purposefor ormotivations how,and thismethods theoryhave andbeen itssuggested, descendentsalthough dothey notare haverife singlewith speculation and answerconspiracy.
== Interbreeding ==
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Cava are a species of bipedal therapods resembling corvids native to Aurora. Evolving from an arboreal climbing species descended from dromaeosaurs, modern cava first appeared in the fossil record 2 million years ago in the [[Ethaln Plains|Ethaln Plain]] and became the dominant sapient species on Aurora. Cava are tetradactyl, and possess digitigrade legs with anisodactyl feet. Cava possess a beak quite similar to corvids as a result of their omnivorous diet. The cavan bone structure is hollow and possesses many interior struts, making them both lighter and stronger than the bones of other species. Cavan speech organs are highly developed but their beaked anatomy causes difficulty pronouncing certain sounds produced by lips and teeth. There exists little dimorphism and the species is generally considered to be visually androgynous. The plumage of cava is typically dark, although natural variations of white, grey and blue patterns present across the population, and they have a set of colourful crest-feathers on the back of the head. These feathers strongly reflect UV light which cavan tetrachromatic eyes are sensitive to.
Evidence suggests that for a brief period of time approximately 500,000-300,000 BCE some cava in modern Staynes had developed primitive agriculture before reverting back to hunter gathering for an unknown reason. This happened again around 100,000 BCE in Axdel, with some metal artefacts also recovered, with the reason for reverting back to a hunter gather lifestyle likely being cooling and glaciation. Cava intermingled with elven migrants to Aurora in approximately 200,000 BCE and later humans in 50,000 BCE, with the latter becoming increasingly more dominant on the continent. Cava are found globally, but the majority are found in West Aurora and South Arcturia, with sizeable minorities in Yasteria, the states of the [[Pacific Ocean]], and eastern Novaris. Some Cava are indigenous to Sempiterna, living in the sparse, snowy tundra at its most northerly points, making them the only sapient species native to the continent.
=== Cervines ===
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