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== Costumes and Appearance ==
The costumes for the maids or service staff is unisex, young and it common practice in the restaurants to hire a gendered balance staff. The maid costumes, are based upon a fictionalized view of maids coming mostly from various anime sources. The costume is often composed of a dress, a petticoat pinafora, a hair bow and stockings. Service staff in Brogs are often chosen on the basis of their appearance and ability to maintain the personality of fictional character. Service staff members are contractually obligated to not reveal personal information, to slip out of character or to allow patrons to see them out of costume both to up keep the theme of the restaurant and to insure personal safety of the staff members.
== Etiquette and Additional Services ==
While it differs from location to location, Brogs often has series of additional services and rituals. Examples including service staff greeting customers with "Welcome Home, Jarl/Jarlyia!" or "Welcome Home, Master!" and several other greetings depending on the location. It is custom for service staff to offer grooming services, such as ear cleanings, massage services (provided customer remains fully clothed), for a additional fee. Customers can play rock-paper-scissors, card games, board games and video games with the service staff. Additionally on weekends, service staff prepare arts and crafts and sing karaoke. Despite these services, service staff maintain a degree of distance between them and their customers by doing things such as sitting across from them and never alongside them.
Company maintains series of company policies and etiquette requirements to assure safety and distance from service staff and customers. Additionally the company offers legal teams and funds for service staff to pay for legal cases involving stalking of employees.
Administrators, verified


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