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== Military ==
The Federal Military of the Southern Coast (FMSC) and the Socialist Self-Defense Forces (SSDF) represent the combined military branches and paramilitary under control of the Federation of the Southern Coast. The military forces are firmly under the Ministry of Federal Defense & National Militia Defense and the (''federal)'' Prime Minister directly. National MilitiaSSDF and Coast Guard forces are separate from the federal military only to be used in civil unrest, police action, terror attacks and local defense. As the federal military isn't allowed to be deployed into the Federation soil unless in the event of secession, invasion of a foreign power, or with approval from the parliament or the PM of that nation. When it comes to coastal defense or naval policing action, they work closely with the federal navy especially when it comes to establishing a series of defenses along the coasts, being the only part the Federal Military pays for. The Federal military acts as the official military for the Federation and SSDF is made up of the national guard from each of the nations under the Federation. Being only funded by the regional governments instead of being under the Federal budget. The FMSC primary command structure is composed of several branches under one Central Military Council.
The five major services branches: Federal Ground Force (FGF), Federal Navy (FN), Naval-Ground Forces (NGF), Federal Air & Aerospace Force (FAAF), Cyber Defense (FCD) and FederalCoastal Orbit ForceDefense (FOFCD). A majority of military units are deployed along the northern border with [[Helslandr]] due to the [[Helslandr Civil War|civil war]] and along the southern border with [[Vistaraland]]. With the rest of the federal army station at various coastline defenses all along the coast of the country. The federal military budget is one of the largest in the world, after the established multiple naval basing treaties with various socialists and social democratic governments around the world. Additionally the Federation madeis massivelargely increases to its navynaval and marine power, seekingwith toa createfocus on transiting from a submarinegreen-water fleetnavy andinto closelya workingblue-water withnavy severalbeing underwaterone engineeringof firmsfirst actions Jeanne Pierre took in office, with a bill to increase the interestsize of it being signed in developingher itsfirst ownweek submarinein typesoffice. The Federation coastline defenses along the Guilder Strait are dotted with a plethora of anti-ship and anti-air missiles, which started building up after the [[Guilder's Strait Conflict]].
During the Redress Election in 2020, when the military budget was brought up [[Jeanne Pierre]] was the one of three individuals running the platform of increasing it in order to combat and the only candidate to bring up massively increasing the Federation’s navy and marine forces. Previously the Federation stance on navy was to primarily provide logistics support and a couple submarine squads to defend the coast. Currently navy capacity is planned to be overhauled to be able to project Federation submarinenaval fleetspower to all over the globe with the goal of striking wherever Vistaraland has ships or land on. When Jeanne Pierre became PM she removed the previous heads of the navy with admirals of considerably lesser experience and age with the except of [[Raphaëlle Blanchet]], who actively attempted to reform the navy in the past. CitingPierre citied needing a newer generation of ideas to correct the generation of the old mistakes. This resulted in renewed debate in naval doctrine and strategy within the Federation. The new bases spring up all around Urth increasing the navy capacity far outside it’s own direct waters.
The Redress Election also brought along a shift in overall military policy to being more proactive on the world stage, providing more assistance to socialist governments around the world and seeking to be more proactive on the peninsula defense against Pax.
The Federation provides military equipment, advisors and funding to socialist nations as part of Pierre’s campaign of international comradeship.
=== Federal Ground Force ===
The Federal Ground Force or (FGF) is responsible for all land forces in the Federation. The FGF has been a pioneer of introducing information tech and computer-assisted weaponry to the military at great expense. The latest operation doctrine of the FGF highlights the importance of info-tech, electronic and information warfare. As such part of doctrine and thanks to the special-relationship with [[Norgsveldet]] it has developed a 6th generation tanks and other advance warfare fighting vehicles.
==== Amphibious Assault Force ====
Administrators, verified
