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=== Gender Roles ===
Gender Roles within Akuanism is greatly different from the rest of the world, with the your gender role being more dictated by one's job rather one's birth sex. Gender roles are primary on a scale of "masculine" and "feminine" based on a job one has, a example being a lumberjack is traditionally seen as a "masculine" role where a dressmaker is seen as more "feminine" role. Being treated as "masculine" often means you are treated as what is "manly" compared to other cultures/religions and visa versa with "feminine."
=== Enshrinement ===
The act of Enshrinement, is the process of transferring spirits to a shrine. The process of moving spirits is consider to be one of the most delicate processes a brewmaster can do, as not to accidently offend the spirit while being transferred. The process can take anywhere from three weeks to four months, as the process requires walking from the old shrine to the new shrine carrying a series of backpacks containing the spirit's foci and belongs while a group of maidens are singing smoothing songs to the spirit. In incident where the shrine was destroyed in natural disaster, the shrine has to be rebuilt on the site and a special ritual of enshrinement takes place. Which only takes a few days to preform properly, not including the time to construction the rebuilt shrine.
==== Incase of a violence Shrine destruction. ====
This is different in cases where the shrine has been destroyed in violence or in a war, the spirit of the shrine has to be smoothed to prevent the spirit from taking revenged on those who has destroyed shrine. Akuanists are quick to gather the reminds of the foci and spirit's propriety and flee to a more safe area, to rebuild the shrine far from the spirit's original home. The new shrine built for the spirit has to be specially treated in this case, such as keeping the shrine closed to non-Brewmasters and their maiden assistants. The spirit in the shrine is always temperamental, wanting to cause disasters or use supernatural forces against those who destroyed it's old home. As such, rituals to soothe the spirit and keep it the spirit calm. As even letting a spirit harm others, is considered to be a act of violence that Akuanists outright refuse to allow harm to others.
==== Creation of a Living Shrine ====
The act of moving a spirit into a living host, is by all means the highest honor any Akuanist could ever received and is only done in very, very rare situations. From a outsider perspective it can be considered to be a similar to monarchy in terms of authority and in terms of handing down the spirit. As once a spirit is moved into a living host, it cannot be removed until death and it can only ever be enshrinement in a direct family member again. It can only be enshrined into a direct family member due the familiar energy of the family. As such Akuanists are extremely careful about enshrining a person with a spirit. As such there are only two people on all of [[Urth]] who have received such a honor, [[Ingrid the Reclaimer]] and Esta the Protector of [[Lapliszna]].
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