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==== 1920 Crown State status ====
Political pressure from Ymirland and from internal Norgsveldet forced them to begin the process of independence for Ymirland. Several months of negotiations took place between the colonial office, the Norgsveltian crown and the collection Brewmasters and native independent activists. While full independence wouldn’t be given right away, an informal agreement leading to independence would be given within twenty to fifty years after Crown State status.
Several months of negotiations took place between the colonial office, the Norgsveltian crown and the collection Brewmasters and native independent activists.
While full independence wouldn’t be given right away, an informal agreement leading to independence would be given within twenty to fifty years after Crown State status.
With a firm deadline in place for independence and moving its position from colony to Crown State. Giving Ymirland more autonomy within its own affairs. Relieving much of the protesting and marches for independence that was happening throughout the country.
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The resulting constitution was filled with contradictions, misspellings, mistranslations and was nearly impossible to change or amend the paper. The Constitution only allowed changes to be made every seven years and only allowed four changes to it. Additionally the constitution had a hard-coded tax rate by accident due to a misunderstanding about how the tax system would work in the framework. Resulting in the country having issues with raising funds to manage itself.
===== Attempting to join the NCEF =====
=== 2016 Succession Crisis ===
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The resulting storm coming out of the press conference resulted in the Ymirland minister stepping down within a few days after. While no formal calls for a change in the new constitution, minor protests broke out into the streets requesting changes in government to include non-socialist monarchists. However the flames died out over the course of the years.
[[Olav I|King Olav I of Norgsveldet]] visited Ymirland after the Civil War ended. Paying his respect to the dead, and held a speech about how he supports the Royal twins efforts in unifying the country after the civil war. Olav stated he will actively work with the Norgsveltian government to establish a [[North Concordian Economic Forum|NCEF]] reconstruction program into Ymirland.
== Politics ==
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== Economy ==
The '''economy of Ymirland''' is primary focused on mining, agriculture and a electrics for automobiles and household devices. The country is developed, high-income economy even despite the civil war which drastically dropped the Ymirland's economy. Ymirland in 2010 made a attempt to join the [[North Concordian Economic Forum]] however due to the succession crisis, civil war and [[Vistaraland]] strong anti-socialism stance, they was rejected. As such, they joined the [[Red Crown Economic Union]], both at the request of the Federation during the civil war and by popular support after the war.
Ymirland adopted the Red Krone as it's official currency in 2021, with the United Krone still being used in populated cities despite government attempts to convert the currency. Meanwhile the more rural areas was more accepting of Red Krone as opposed to it's urban counterparts.
=== Industry ===
The industrial sector plays a large and important role within the economy. The main industry sectors are electrical engineering and car part manufacturing. The largest car manufacturing company and largest employer in the sector is the [[Gyllir Motor Corporation]] which established a head quarters in Kyivster with several of it's factories along it's coastal cities.
In the electrical engineering sector, it products LCD TV screens, computer monitors and televisions. As well as dishwashers, vacuums and other household electrics.
[[File:Dukovany Nuclear Power Station 02.jpg|thumb|The Ymir Nuclear Power Plant, outside of capital of Ymirland]]
=== Energy ===
After the civil war a majority of the country's electric grid was greatly damaged and it cost a significant amount of money to rebuild. The new government focused on clean and renewables energy sources, as such nuclear plants and hydro power plants was seen as a preferable alternate to the country's previous use of coal power plants.
The [[Red Crown Economic Union|RCEU]] invested heavily into repairing the electric grid and building of a nuclear power plant in the country as well as assist in demolition of coal power plants within the country.
=== Transportation ===
Majority of the major highways have greatly damaged with one highway being outright destroyed. Majority railroads was mined or bombed all together in the conflict. It was to great and on-going expense of the country to rebuild it's transportation infrastructure.
Ymirland has two international airports. M. R. Olav International Airport which services both serves civil and governmental, scheduled and unscheduled domestic and international flight.
=== Agriculture and Fishing ===
Agriculture and fishing is the second largest industry in Ymirland primary. With the large part of the interior of the country turned into a farmland for wheat and potatoes.
Husbandry wise, they breed sheep and goats with large amount of numbers of chickens being raised as well in ranches.
Fishing plays a large role in food production and Ymir government having a ban on whale hunting.
Administrators, verified
