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{{Infobox country
|conventional_long_name = AkuanistAkuan Federal Republic of Hvaloaszna
|common_name = Hvaloaszna
|native_name = ''Valoasan Federale Kuanrepubliek'' ([[w:Dutch_language|Vistarian]]) <br /> ''Repubblika AllakuiIffriżdiċi-Spiritwalista Federale ta' Valoasa'' ([[w:Maltese_language|Vorpestian]]) <br /> ''Akuanistiske Føderale Republikken av Hvaloaszn'' ([[w:Norwegian_language|Norgsveltian]])
|image_flag = Hvaloasznaflag.png
|image_map = Hvaloaszna.png
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|recognized_national_languages = {{hlist|[[w:Norwegian language|Norgsveltian]]|[[w:Dutch_language|Vistarian]]|[[w:Maltese_language|Vorpestian]]}}
|demonym = Valoasan
|government_type = Federal AkuanistAkuan parliamentary republic
|leader_name1=Ny'tern Bjørlic
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'''Hvaloaszna''', officially the '''Akuan Federal Republic of Hvaloaszna''' is a country on far-west [[Yasteria]] and the island chain is located in [[Rotantic Ocean]]. The country is made up of three islands, which distinct culture due to his history of colonization by the Borean Trading Company (Z'rei), [[Norgsveldet]] and [[Vistaraland]]. [[Vistari Kabeiland|Vistari colonization in Kabeiland]] - the easternmost island of modern day Hvaloaszna, has been suggested by experts as the most environmentally destructive due to measures taken to maximize the extraction of natural resources. Such policies, which continue to affect the region's ecology today, coincided with the seizing of land and cultural artefacts - marking what some experts refer to as a cultural genocide far more severe than the later [[Akuan Atrocities]] undertaken by Norgsveltian officals in the 20th century. Hvaloaszna's official language is [[Nys'tat'en]] at a federal level, with the recognized national languages of [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Norwegian_language Norgsveltian] on the most western island, as well as [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dutch_language Vistarian] and [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maltese_language Vorpestian] in Kabeiland. The largest cities being spread across the Western and Central island, with a majority of the Eastern island being more rural.
'''Hvaloaszna''', officially the '''Akuanist Republic of Hvaloaszna''', is a collection of three islands directly to the north of [[Yasteria]]. Hvaloaszna on the costal border of [[Sloughbiszna]]. The geography is dominated by a humid continental climate and primary flatten plain with the exception of handful of large hills located on the central and the western islands. Hvaloaszna has a population of over 27 million.
The early inhabitants of the isles came from southern [[Borea]], specifically the Ny'Akøhav cultural group estimated sometime during the 318 BC establishing a fishing and farming communities. Salt being discovered in the 339BC, later the various city-states and villages came together to form a confederation of isles in 510 BC. The confederation came to a end in 1710 AD, after the three trading companies from [[Norgsveldet]], [[Vistaraland]] and the Borea Trading Company ([[Zreiru'a]]) divided the isles between themselves. Later [[Norgsveldet]] outright buying ownership of the other two islands and later annexed the Norgsveltian Borean Trading Company in 1750. The isles was renamed to Hvaloaszna due a mistranslation by a Norgsveltian officer, and the colony was designated for exploitation rather than transitioning towards a settler colony. After the [[Akuan Atrocities]], the colony was granted independence in a rapid fashion, leading to a period of administrative confusion.
The population is young, urban on the western island, rural on the eastern island and heavily mixed on the central island. [[Akuanism]] is the largest religion in the country and the principal language is [[Nys'tat'en]] with [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Norwegian_language Norgsveltian] on the western island and [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dutch_language Vistarian] serving as an additional official language on the eastern island. The head of the executive branch title is the shrinekeeper and is currently held by Ny'tern Bjørlic, of the Akuan party. The legislature head is the First Minister, Stijn Dijkstra of the Community of People party.
The four largest cities in the Hvaloaszna are Skiendore, Ulvstaten, Merluinham and the capital Tromsømore. Tromsømore is the country's second most populous city and the nominal capital. Skiendore holds the seat of the Supreme Court and the National Chamber. The Port of Skiendore is the busiest seaport within Hvaloaszna.
The Akuanist Republic of Hvaloaszna has been a Federal Akuanist Parliamentary Republic since the early 1917. The Akuanist kept in the tradition of Akuanism of having a record of social tolerance, social welfare, unanimity decision making at local levels, gender, sex and species equality. Contrary the nation also has a firm traditional or "conservative" Akuanist political base, who focus on decreasing the amount of alcohol consumption among the populace and limit on drug usage wanting it the substances to only be used in medical and religious rituals.
== History ==
=== Iron Age, Settlement and Confederation Era ===
Early settlement by Akuanists from the Southern reaches of Borean and northern reaches of [[Sloughbiszna]], began in the late iron age estimated to be around 317 BC with ships landing on the middle island searching for tin and copper mining deposits. Later expanding out their foothold in the island chain by settling on the other two islands in 327 BC. While minerals were never discovered between the three islands, the land was rich and the seas nearby were noted to be full of fish, in tablets sent back to St. Lilith Temple in Nystatiszna. The settlements grew steadily around the coastal cities, fishing and whaling becoming a major part of the trade within the northern sea channel of [[Yasteria]]-[[Borea]].
Salt was later discovered on the central island in 339 BC, making it into an important trade hub through the region. The settlement that harvest the salt from the nearby mine being the foundations for the city of Skiendore. Salt trade brought in new amounts of wealth and trade to the trio of islands with the central island collecting most of the wealth from the trade, while the other two lagged in comparison. The collection of city-states mostly formed a government around the merchants that traded the salt and the Brewmasters of the cities. City states eventually came together in a confederation in the late 510 BC, to formed a unified front in protecting their trade of whaling and salt. The Confederation lasted until the 1710 AD, where the combined might of the Borean Trading Company, Norgsveltian Borean Trading Company and Vistari Colonial Company forced the dissolution of the confederation according to the Treaty of Non-Compliance and Commerce. The Confederation was made up of brewmasters and elected figures (often the merchants within the cities) to form the government. The Confederation required unanimous consent by all brewmasters and representatives within the congress to pass or create laws for the Confederation.
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=== 1600s ===
The early 1600s was a short, but notable gold age for the Confederation, as it's ability to monopolize the salt trade within the region allowed them to expand it's influence through the region. Establishing trading posts Southern [[Borea]] in where modern day nations of [[Gusanaszna|Gusanszna]], [[Blaskog]], abd [[Nystatiszna]] with the only non-Borean trading post being in [[Sloughbiszna]]. Another massive construction effort was made, constructing ports, roads, and bridges through out the Confederation. The connection to the nearby Borean cultural nations, growing it's cultural influences onto them and expanding it's style of shrines of including cleaned whale bones into the designs. Some of which the which still maintain the bones to this day. It wasn't until the Borean-Ice Plague hit the country in the 1640s the golden age of Hvaloaszna influence suddenly was stopped.
==== Borean-Ice Plague Crisis ====
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The Norgsveltian Borean Trade Company was the second of the major companies to venture into Hvaloazna in 1650, though was least successful among the three as most of its attention was placed into building up their gains in modern day Rikevaarland. It was heavily dependent on the Imperial Realms Navy to force the Confederation to give concessions to the Company, mainly in the aspect of getting trade access to western island and to allow its ports for Norgsveltian navy’s usage. By the 1670s Norgsveltian Borean Trade Company had full control of the island, in all but name. But was dependent on the Norgsveltian monarch to keep hold of it.
The Vistari Colonial Company arrived on the eastern island in 1651, overtaking strategic ports in order to monopolize exports. While the colony was nominally successful, overtaking a large portion of the island, it was notably only a passing interest offor the VCC in comparison to the far more successful Concordian triangular trade. After several geological and botany surveys of the islandcolony, it was deduced that the island was incredibly deficient in resources, lacking any notable mineral deposits. As a result Vorpestian labour previously sent over to cultivate the land beingwas partially sent back after a few years, offacing minimal returns due to the low soil poor fertility rate. Following a few years of the continue profit lost from the colonyunprofitability, it was decided that seizing goods from the locals was necessary to recuperate the losses. The VCC collected a number of historical and religious artifacts, selling them to the highest bidder. Fishing remained as one of the onlyfew remaining profitable industries from the colony, with the VCC overfishing in a number of regions around the island.
=== 1700s ===
In the 1750s, the Norgsveltian Borean Trade Company made a move to buy out the assets from the other two competing corporations. With the Borean Trading Company suffering budget cuts due to its bloated military spending in keeping its main colony in [[Nystatiszna]]. Thus the move to sell the unprofitable colony was quick to accept the offer from the Norgsveltian Company, hoping to cut their losses and refocus efforts on primary colony. Later the offer was extended towards the VCC which they quickly accepted to leave the island for the Norgsveltian crown to deal with, having carelessly extracted the majority of its remaining wealth and sold it off more than the land was now worth.
It was noted that NBTC, didn't send any teams to survey the other two islands, instead they relied on reports from the other two trading companies despite informing the Norgsveltian Crown other wise. Both the BTC and the VCC drastically falsified reports about the colonies. With the BTC reporting the salt mines was still in production despite the mines themselves having to be closed due to flooding at the time of the sell. The VCC, reported on having several copper mines on the island, sending along photos from colonies in north [[Gondwana]] as well as ore samples from the colony. The VCC never explicitexplicitly said the photos or ore samples waswere from Hvaloaszna, nor did they impliedimply it in their reports. When later questioned about the copper after the sellsale, the VCC official claimed the survey report was accidently sent to NBTCby officeaccident. ResultingThis claim resulted in a heated discussion between the two companies, wherewith the VCC claimedclaiming that the NBTC simply had buyer's remorse and expressed that all trade deals arewere final.
When the NBTC questioned the BTC about the flood mines after the sell. The BTC said the mines was in operable condition when they left and suggest it was native sabotage. After a investigation, the mine was flooded for nearly two years before the sell and the BTC simply didn't remove the water due to it being to high of a cost of pumping the mine clear. The NBTC went to the BTC with this information in which the BTC official stated that all deals are final and left the meeting.
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=== 1800s ===
The Establishment of Hvaloaszna as a Crown Colony only happened in 1781 as the Norgsveltian Crown feared the influence the NBTC was having on political matters in Osfjord by lobbying members of the Norgsveltian nobility, as such it tried to nationalize all assets of the Company. The NBTC declared itself independent in Rikevaarland as a response, but could not keep control of any territory that was outside modern day Rikevaarland.
The Crown Colony of Hvaloaszna went for nearly a century without much interaction from Norgsveldet besides establishing naval bases along the coast. Much to the disagreement from the local Akuanist population, who yearly complained about them by hosting a peace festival right next to each of the military bases. By the 1850s, the colony grew in size, as a newly discovered nickel mineral deposit was discovered on the Western island. Minerals brought wealth and attention from the Norgsveldian officials, wishing to exploit the deposit.
Norgsveldet kept the Crown Colony decentralized and administered from Central Island which it renamed Sentrike away from the native name Ny'Akøy'En'Hvit Krystall. Between 1780s until 1850s island main importance was its strategic naval location which became central to influencing trade in the region especially as the islands became dependent on trade from Blåskog. However by the 1850s the islands gained an economic value as the western Island, Ny'Akøy'En'A'Isngreat, which was renamed Vestrik by the Norgsveltians, was discovered having large amounts of nickel deposits. Which largely resulted in a large boost in immigration to Vestrik from Norgsveldet. With a large amount of Norgsveltian nobility moving to Vestrik as result of its economic value, but also as a result of political reforms done by Varg III. By the 1860s the Colonial Governor Jakops Henreson made reforms to establish Vestrik as the new administrative center of the Crown Colony, and centralized the colonial bureaucracy much to the annoyance of the local Akuanist population. With large tax increases being placed on the central and eastern islands, Vestrik became a haven for Norgsveltian nobility and businesses. This also cemented socialy discriminatory practises towards the native Akuanist population, mainly by banning Akuanist literature and practise of Akuan religion near Ulvriktru temples. By 1900 the Ulvrikian population on Vestrik was at 1/3 of the total population, with it being on the route of becoming the majority population.
The Western island grew in wealth compared to its sister islands, the central island losing its position as the richest island among the three. The Eastern island stagnated economically, with refugees fleeing from the devastation onto the central island. Blowing up its population greatly and driving the economy downwards as there weren't enough jobs to go around.
Though the Norgsveltian colonial government never faced large revolts from the native Akuanist population, it did several times have to deal with organized protests on the islands. Mainly in Tromsømore, and Skiendore in which Akuanist traditions were most densely populated. It wasn’t however until the late 1800s that protests became far more organized across the entire colony, with brewmasters organizing it. In 1885 the Colonial Governor Gerjik Torjskdal allowed for protests to continue in Sentrike and Kabeilland, but forcefully cracked down on it in Vestrik. With thousands of protesters being gunned down in Haakonbyen, in front of the Governor’s Palace on the 19th November, 1885. Killing a brewmaster named Ny’Jøyn during the massacre. The event became known as Bloody November of ‘85. It then increased the number of protesters in Sentrike, in which Ny’Jøyn became a symbol of the protesters.
By 1890, at the request of the Norgsveltian Crown. Gerjik Torjskdal reformed the colonial laws in Sentrik and Kabeilland in which he gave limited autonomy. In which Brewmasters from both islands were allowed to propose laws to the Colonial Council that was ruling Crown Colony. Though only one law proposed by the Brewmasters was accepted, which was one that changed the name of Sentrik Island back to its native name of Ny'Akøy'En'Hvit Krystall
=== 1900s ===
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== Economy ==
The Valoasan economy is going through a transition from heavily agricultural commodities (''predominated coffee, cotton and sugar beets)'' to a more diversified economy, consisting services, agriculture, manufacturing and mining. Hvaloaszna still primary a agricultural based economy centered central island of Krystall, with the western island hosting the growing tourism and manufacturing sectors. The Krystall, formerly Sentrik island acts as a important infrastructure center going between the three islands and hosts the largest airport within the country. Many in the country depend on remittances, primary using [[Voyage Union]] as a transaction service, working within [[North Concordian Economic Forum]]. Due to the governmental and political issues, the country routinely suffers issues economically primary due to each of the islands having widely different economic policies. Furthering difficulties and economic disparity between the islands, post-Unity Akuan republic state.
=== Manufactory ===
Akøy Isngreat, is the center for industry for the country and is part of the automobile-construction-circuit of [[Gyllir Motor Corporation]] along side [[Eyjaria]], [[Ymirland]] and [[Federation of the Southern Coast]]. Producing textiles used in the automobiles, seats, seat and wheel covers.
==== Textiles ====
=== Agriculture ===
Valoasan's largest crops is rice, sugar beets and cotton which acts primary exports in to the [[North Concordian Economic Forum|NCEF]] and to the [[Federation of the Southern Coast|Federation]]. The policy of agricultural use has divided up between the three islands, however primary island for farming being the central island due to the Eastern island having it's nutrient depleted by the period of Vistari Colonial Company rule. The Western Island, formally had a large amount farmland however the industrialization process that took happen on the island took significantly effort that replaced the traditional farming methods translating into a more manufactory based economy.
==== Fishing and Whaling ====
The Whaling industry has been a core part of Hvaloaszna diet and culture since the settlement period of the country.
=== Service and Tourism ===
== Administrative divisions ==
== Foreign Policy ==
Administrators, verified


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