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==== Emira Abreshmina Al Sayyed ====
Abreshmina ascended to the throne upon the death of her father in 1663, at the age of thirteen, making her the youngest Emira of Sayyed.
===== "The Redhead" =====
Emira Abreshmina was known for her vibrant red hair, a though rare, feature amongst the Haqmi. Abreshmina was the daughter of a Haqmi Mir, making her the first Sayqidi monarch of direct Haqmi heritage.
===== Early Reign =====
Upon the death of Emir Ahmad Al Sayyed, Abreshmina received the crown. When the news of her father's death reached her, she was recorded to be "Distraught" and to have "not left her chambers for a week".
====== Coronation ======
Abreshmina was coronated two months after the death of her father. The ceremony, as with all Sayqidi coronations, was grand. However at the end of the procession, she was reported to have almost fainted when she stood up from the palanquin because of the heat.
==== The Formation of the Council of Viziers ====
