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'''Federal Kingdoms of Helslandr''' or more simply known as '''Helslandr''' is a Federal, Constitutional monarchy with a parliamentary system located in most Western part of Yasteria. Helslandr is neighbors of [[Eyjaria]] in the west, [[Federation of the Southern Coast]] in the south, [[Pledonia]] in the north and [[Nakosa]] in the east. It is the poorest state in [[Vestrava]] as the result of the [[Helslandr Civil War]], which started as a result of the assasination of [[Telve Kvirkdelen]].
Though Civil War has officaly ended with the Royalists and Republicans forming a provinsal coalition government, nationalist insurgencies from the remnants of the [[Iron Front (Helslandr)|Iron Front]] still remains active in the south interior of Helslandr. Its reconstruction efforts remain heavily dependent on [[North Concordian Economic Forum]], and its security dependent on the regional powers like [[Norgsveldet]], [[Vistaraland]] and [[Federation of the Southern Coast]]. Its divided into seven provinces, though only five has voting rights within the Federal governmentFederation with southern most states being kept into a continued military occupation until the remnants of the [[Iron Front (Helslandr)|Iront Front]] is gone. Current monarch of Helslandr is [[Princess Astrid|Astrid I]], who has ruled since her corronation on 10th March 2022, with the curren prime minister being Ylva Kattdalen who was the leader of the Monarchists in the Civil War.
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