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''The Council of Kuduk'', or commonly referred to as ''Kuduk'', is an island nation located in Northeastern Novaris consisting of the islands of Heiki, Sagut, and Kakut. The Isles are politically and culturally comprised of six major tribes and several smaller ones. A majority of the tribes have an Elder, Chief, or a Shaman as their official representative. Kuduk's largest and most economically important city is [[Naryan]]. [[Älemsi Negdel]] is the closest sovereign state to Kuduk, but Kuduk currently shares no borders with any state. Kuduk is 78,719.6568 square miles in size and has a population density of 11.433 people per square mile.
The Kuduk Isles were inhabited as early as the [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bronze_Age Bronze Age]. The first settlers took on a nomadic lifestyle, grazing yak, sheep, goats, and cattle. The first known sedentary polities to arise during this time were the early Wheat Chiefdoms. Within the first few years of the early settlements in Kuduk, the [[Great Kuduk Migrations]] took place, which dispersed the early Kuduk peoples across the Isles. In 1200 BCE, many of the previous Wheat Chiefdoms were replaced by a meritocratic system of government that had an Elder at its helm. It was roughly around this time period that the modern tribal borders of Kuduk began to take shape. With newfound interconnectivity, several faiths and local beliefs spread across the Isles, sewing the seeds of what would eventually become modern Kuduk Beliefs. As faiths around the Isles began to meld into one another, a figure known as the Shaman rose to power. Following several conflicts between the tribes known as the [[Blood Feud Wars]], the Shaman forbade use of weaponry and violence within the Isles. This act officially ended the Blood Feuds between the Tribes. Throughout this period, the Shaman gained more and more power, until Kuduk came to recognize the position as legitimately as the Elders and Chiefs. In 1453, the Kuduk [[Spirit Wars]] began. The Spirit Wars were a series of battles in which tribal armies would shout obscenities at each other in order to "taint the enemies' spirits." The Spirit Wars officially ended in 1673, after the [[Great Blizzard of 1673]]. In fear of being colonized by the [[Morstaybishlian Empire|MBE]], "Taku" Meritäch, the then-Elder of the Hey, proposed that the tribes should form a union as a sort of "Council" that convenes for issues facing the entirety of Kuduk. In 1870, the tribes gathered together and formed a union, officially uniting the Isles under one banner for the first time in history.


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