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== Geography ==
== Geography ==

Saintmagnus is an independent island south of Aivintis in the Concord Ocean, at the edge of the Joralesian Strait. It has a hilly topography, with very little flat ground, with the centre of the island around the capital forming a small mountain range. The highest point of Saintmagnus is the Florens Summit, where the tomb of Saint Magnus is located, and the city of Saintmagnus. There are no rivers on the island, but there are a few freshwater lakes and reservoirs that provide the settlers with fresh water. There is a small fossil forest in the south of the island, outside New Carmere, but the island can only get wood through imports, mainly from Aivintis.

The climate of Saintmagnus is subarctic, classified as cold continental without a dry season and with a cold summer. It is colder than Aivintis, with temperature ranging from -1 to -12 degrees celsius. There is no real dry month in Saintmagnus, but precipitation is generally scattered throughout the year. In the winter, snowfalls are common and heavy, especially in the higher altitudes, such as in the capital of Saintmagnus.

== Government ==
== Government ==

Revision as of 17:19, 4 July 2022

The Free Republic of Saint Magnus

Republica Liberă a Sfânt Magnus
Motto: 'Longevitate și Prosperitate'
Longevity and Prosperity
LocationSoutheast Gondwana, off the coast of Aivintis
Largest cityHaven
Official languagesAivintian, Staynish
Ethnic groups
49% Saintmagnian, 40% Aivintian, 11% Other
Order of Saint Magnus
GovernmentWikipedia:Parliamentary democracy:Parliamentary Elective Diarchy
• King
Nicholas Tudor
• King
Simon Martinescu
LegislatureHigh Council
• Colonisation of Saint Magnus
• Refusal of Orders
• Writ of Indpendence
• Total
285.35 km2 (110.17 sq mi)
• 2020 census
• Density
300.3925/km2 (778.0/sq mi)
GDP (nominal)estimate
• Total
• Per capita
SDISteady .87
very high
CurrencyCrown (ℂ/CRN)
Time zoneUTC-5
Date formatDD/MM/YYYY
Driving sideleft
Calling code+149
ISO 3166 codeSMA

Saintmagnus, officially The Free Republic of Saint Magnus, is a small country in Southern Gondwana located in the Concord Ocean. Located south of Aivintis, Saintmagnus covers a land area of 285.35 square kilometres, and has a population of 85,717 per the last census. Although an island nation, only two of the three cities are ports. The capital is the only landlocked city. Additionally, it has only one airport, and the easiest way to get to the country is by boat or seaplane, instead. The country's capital city, the City of Saintmagnus, is located atop Florens Summit, named after the royal house of the Marnacian kings, while its largest settlement is the port city Haven, which was founded as a supply line to Marnacia. As of 2020, the population of Haven is 45,594, the population of New Carmere is 29,374, and the population of Saintmagnus is 10,749. Aivintian and Staynish are the official languages of Saintmagnus, with Staynish spoken primarily during business interactions.

The country derives its name from Saint Magnus, who founded Magnaciya, which later became Marnaciya, nearly a hundred years before the appearance of Emperor Lerasi. Saint Magnus also founded the house of Florens as the ruling dynasty. Marnacia only grew in power until Lerasi rode forth on his white horse, a broadsword in hand, and single-handedly defeated the Marnacian army, or so goes the legend, bringing Marnacia under his control. Following its independence with Lerasi’s disappearance, it became the most powerful kingdom in mediaeval Aivintis, but King Magnus Florens himself spent his entire life searching for immortality. He finally disappeared only twenty years into his reign, after an expedition to the island kingdom of Ostrow. When the Kingdom of Marnacia conquered Ostrow in the 16th century, Magnus’s descendent discovered a text from the time of the now-canonised Saint Magnus, designating the island that would be named Saintmagnus as his final resting place, which prompted full scale colonisation.

The Free Republic of Saintmagnus is a democratic diarchy, with a constitution that empowers a democratically elected legislature called the High Council to elect among itself a King of Saintmagnus and a King of Haven every two years. The King of Saintmagnus must be a councilmember from Saintmagnus, and the King of Haven must be a councilmember from Haven, but otherwise there is virtually no distinction between the two Kings, who serve concurrently as heads of state and government, and hold equal powers until their term expires. No King can be elected twice in a row, but otherwise there are no term limits. A major political issue is the introduction of a third King representing New Carmere, although this notion does not even have majority support in New Carmere.

The country's economy is mainly based on finance and tourism, with secondary industries such as fashion and ceramics. With very little farming and livestock to get by, Saintmagnus relies entirely on food imports from other nations, mainly Aivintis. In the Industrial Age, Saintmagnus relied almost entirely on the Order of Enlightenment for factory products, in exchange for banking and finance services, and so industrialised late, in the 20th century.


Saint Magnus was born in the ancient city of Grandiozen, one of the first southern Aivintian cities, in 209 BCE, to a minor wealthy family. At the age of fifteen, his parents died of plague, leaving him as the sole inheritor of all their wealth. Speaking out against the Grandiozenian mishandling of the plague, Magnus gathered his closest friends and supporters to found the village of Magnaciya in 193 BCE at the age of sixteen, crowning himself its King. As Grandiozen continued to mistreat its citizens, more and more immigrated to Magnaciya. Magnus ruled for 20 years. At the age of 36, in 173 BCE, Saint Magnus disappeared, consumed by his search for immortality so that the next plague would not claim him. His wife took over the kingdom until their son was old enough to lead, and the Magnaciyan Kingdom moved on, and evolved. By the time of Emperor Lerasi, the village had become a small city-state with strong walls and a small army, and was already being called Marnaciya.

Portrait of Prince Adam Florens

In 1510, the young Prince Adam Florens led an invasion of Ostrow on behalf of the Marnacian crown, leading both the Battle of the Ostrowth Fleet and the Battle of Castle Fullagar, which defeated the Ostrowth navy and army, respectively, in a single battle each. Following the conquest of Ostrow, Prince Adam discovered a hidden vault containing a map to Saint Magnus’s final resting place, the island that would be colonised as Saintmagnus. After appointing a governor of Ostrow and executing the royal family, Prince Adam returned to Marnacia with the map, immediately departing for the island with a small fleet of ships. The colonisation of Saintmagnus officially began in 1515 with the first wave of settlers landing in the port constructed by the original expedition, and the construction of Haven.

The city of Saintmagnus was built around the saint’s tomb, and the pilgrimages that visited the island fueled business, which encouraged further settlement. Saintmagnus and Haven were thriving by the time Prince Adam ascended to the throne as King Adam Florens in 1526. By the end of his reign, in the year 1569, the colony of Saintmagnus was fully developed. The third settlement on the island, a small town called New Carmere, began shortly after. Due to the distance from the mainland, the military and the religious leaders became even more powerful than the governor of the island, and deposed him in 1597 with the approval of the Marnacian crown. The Commander of the Guard and the High Priest of Saint Magnus became the semi-autonomous co-rulers of the island, instead, based out of Haven and Saintmagnus, respectively. By 1622, they had begun passing colonial laws contradicting those of Marnacia.

The banking industry began in Saintmagnus in the early 1600s, fully taking root by 1630. Although banking was a prominent industry before then, focus truly shifted to Saintmagnus when the Marnacian colony in Ostrow was weakened by a peasant rebellion and then blockaded by the Kingdom of Grandys. Saintmagnus was chosen for its distance from the mainland, military culture, and demographics - there were only loyal Marnacians, no oppressed native groups. With this, the Saintmagnian economy boomed, leading to more tourism and more business. This is when the fashion industry developed, as well as the influx of craftsmen and artisans. Overpopulation was prevented by strict immigration policies and the emigration of many Saintmagnians looking for economic and political opportunities in mainland Marnacia.

Historically accurate recreation of a Saintmagnian Galleon

In 1649, taxes from Saintmagnus stopped being shipped to Marnacia. The Saintmagnian leaders were worried about growing piracy and the apparent incompetence of the Marnacian military to deal with the issue. When Marnacia refused to send additional ships and soldiers to protect merchant ships, the taxes were withheld in protest. In 1650, the Marnacian crown demanded the delivery of these taxes, and the Saintmagnian leadership gave them an ultimatum - grant the Guard more ships and soldiers to deal with piracy and protect merchant ships along the established trade routes to Saintmagnus, or deal with an uprising in Saintmagnus. The Marnacian King Harrison Florens chose the former. Despite receiving the taxes in the end, this ordeal proved that Marnacia held no more control over Saintmagnus. This would allow their independence six years later.

In 1656, the War of Aivintian Unification began with the Siege of Derrim and the Battle of Remington Field. Threatened by the Teronian demand for surrender from every Aivintian kingdom, King Harrison Florens recalled the garrisons in Bolize and Saintmagnus to bolster their own forces and launch a counterattack alongside the Anti-Teronian Coalition, including Grandys, Hagen, and Castenor. Upon receiving this order, the Commander of the Guard in Saintmagnus met with the High Priest and key guild leaders to discuss the possibility of seceding from Marnacia and leaving them to fight their own wars. The vote was unanimous, and Saintmagnus delivered the Refusal of Orders on September 2nd to King Harrison. Forced to choose between a war on two fronts and the loss of a major colony, Harrison chose the loss of Saintmagnus, and accepted its independence peacefully.

Now independent, Saintmagnus had to decide how to govern itself. The First High Council was assembled, from those who signed the Refusal of Orders, to decide how to build a stable government. Despite strong opposition from the Guard, the High Council decided to build a democracy, with an elected High Council that itself elected two Kings. This structure was meant to mimic the colonial government, where the Commander and High Priest ruled equally, and thus, they were the first elected for this position. Terms of two years were set, with no term limits, and the First High Council ratified the Statutes of 1656, which became the first constitution of Saintmagnus. The nation declared its neutrality in the War of Aivintian Unification, and built up its military in the case that Teronia turned its gaze towards them anyway.

After the devastating Aivintian defeat at the Battle of Norwich and Adelslin in 1664, and the subsequent Treaty thereof with Ethalria, the Aivintian army was far from equipped to handle the invasion of Saintmagnus, not without facing even heavier losses and potential revolts from their newly conquered lands. Additionally, King Martin Dale was unwilling to provoke Ethalria again by sailing through Westhafen’s waters to invade Saintmagnus. Instead, Aivintis focused on strengthening its own government and recovering from the eight year war which had just united the country. Saintmagnus was offered a non aggression pact and trade deal, which enabled its government and economy to continue to thrive during its independence.

Statue of Saint Magnus, constructed in 1671

In 1670, Westhafen launched an invasion of Saintmagnus, landing its Ethalrian army on the eastern coast of Saintmagnus in an attempt to flank the cities and take the Guard by surprise. The goal of this invasion was for the Ethalrian protectorate to control the Joralesian strait from the east side, an attempt to undermine Joralesia’s control of the trade and military routes to Arcturia, bringing wealth to Westhafen. However, the conquering armies got lost in a dense fog on their way to Saintmagnus, and were delayed and disoriented for long enough for the Guard to assemble and defeat them. The failure of the invasion is often credited to Saint Magnus himself.

By the end of the 17th century, Saintmagnus had become fully autonomous, had established a stable government and strong military, and had defeated multiple threats to its independence. Their early years were a struggle, but this tested their ability to function as an independent nation, a test which they passed. Entering the 18th century, Saintmagnus began a long period of peace and prosperity. The tourism industry boomed, rivalling banking as one of the strongest economic sectors. The banking industry itself grew to legendary status, providing the richest Aivintians and even foreign investors with an honest, neutral nation to store and protect their wealth. The economy fueled the government, and with a small population that had enough money to live comfortably, there were no internal threats to their power. The 1700s was a golden age for Saintmagnus, and very few major events occurred.

The 19th century was far more eventful. The century began with a surge in piracy along the Saintmagnian trade routes, which led to an Anti-Piracy campaign by the Saintmagnian navy and large bounties on pirates and their ships. This campaign and these bounties led to the public execution of a hundred pirates in the first decade alone, the strengthening of the navy through possession of captured pirate ships, and the increased reputation of Saintmagnus. The military, formerly inactive, was spurred into an activity that prepared it for what was to come, but the campaign also led to many Saintmagnian deaths and the sinking of many more ships, reminding Saintmagnus why it needed to stay vigilant and keep its military equipped and prepared.

In 1812, Theodore Stuart was crowned the King of Aivintis. This being the second time the crown changed hands since Saintmagnus became independent, Saintmagnus was faced with renewing the treaty of non-aggression and trade once again. However, before discussions could conclude, the Kingdom of Aivintis invaded Westhafen in early 1813. The High Council of Saintmagnus, feeling threatened by the expansionist policies of the Aivintian Kingdom, voted to terminate the treaty, leaving Saintmagnus without a main economic partner. The Kings of Saintmagnus fundamentally disagreed, believing the nation needed to secure the treaty because of, not in spite of, Aivintis’s expansionism, to protect itself and allow it to fund an expanding army. This became a point of tension between the council and the sitting kings, which would only damage relations between the two further when a term limit of four was proposed by the High Council. Internal hostilities eventually led to the resignation of multiple Council members, and the imprisonment of one of the Kings for threatening the council with execution.

Aerial view of the Hidden Stronghold

Internal instability and hostilities only disrupted the economy, causing profits in many businesses and guilds to plummet, which in turn created more instability and hostilities. Many citizens intentionally broke laws as a form of protest, and many others emigrated to Aivintis, Joralesia, and other lands. The military’s pay was cut severely in order to subsidise industries and fund efforts to draw more business to Saintmagnus, leading to discontent within the only institution holding Saintmagnus together. The Hidden Stronghold, a bastion fort, was built shortly after by the Commander of the Guard, outraged by the High Council’s political overreach, the imprisonment of the King of Haven, and the low salaries. Funded by the guilds and businesses that sought security and stability in order to build a better reputation and drive more business to Saintmagnus, the Commander garrisoned more and more soldiers in the Hidden Stronghold, doubling the Guard’s numbers on the island.

In 1818, the Hidden Stronghold was discovered by a lost pilgrim, who notified the High Priest of Saint Magnus. The religious order’s own regiment of the Guard, highly devout and loyal to the High Council gathered with the remaining loyal Guardsmen to storm the Stronghold under the cover of night, but a spy informed the Commander, who fortified the Stronghold and fled to the city of Saintmagnus, where he led his forces from Haven in capturing it and executing the entire High Council. In the Stronghold, the High Priest barely survived, fleeing by boat with a few survivors. Most of the soldiers died during the fighting. The rest surrendered.The Commander freed the imprisoned King of Haven, who named his saviour the new King of Saintmagnus, abolishing the High Council and successfully establishing a military dictatorship in place of the previous democracy. The Free Republic of Saintmagnus was now The Free State of Saintmagnus, and the borders were reopened to tourism.

Despite the end of internal strife in Saintmagnus, business still waned. People still emigrated, afraid for the loss of their livelihood, and the remnants of the nation’s wealth remained in use for the military, to keep the nation safe and the leaders secure in their new power. The outside world did not see the new military dictatorship as a solution, but rather a continuation of the problem. The new Kings of Saintmagnus, rather than continuing to let the country slowly die, met with the leaders of the Order of Enlightenment, and the new Queen Sasha Stuart of Aivintis, as originally intended with King Theodore. At the end of the meeting, the Kings of Saintmagnus and the Magisters of Aivintis signed an agreement wherein the national faith of Saintmagnus was identified as a Chapter of the Order of Enlightenment, called the Magnian Chapter, effectively converting the island to the Aivintian state religion and granting the High Ordermasters a degree of control over religious matters on the island. In return, Aivintis guaranteed the independence of Saintmagnus and offered an exclusive partnership in the banking industry. As the world industrialised and the Aivintian navy grew, this deal was amended to additionally offer joint naval protection of Saintmagnian trade routes, and industrial products made in Aivintis. Saintmagnus was effectively in the Aivintian sphere of influence, but remained independent, and its economy began to boom once again.

As tourism, banking, and fashion flourished under the Third Aivintian Partnership Deal, the nation grew wealthy again. Immigration began once more, emigration slowed, and the guilds regained the wealth they invested in the 1818 Coup of Saintmagnus. The new government was stable and powerful, unafraid to manage the economy with a close mercantilist watch, instituting regulations where they deemed it necessary. The people lived comfortably once again, and Saintmagnus was back to its former prominence. Its reputation steadily rose as well, which in turn fueled business. However, one of the main downsides was the assimilation of culture - such a focused relationship with Aivintis and remaining within its sphere of influence was beneficial for its military, economy, and government, but its culture was no longer pure, bleeding in with Aivintis as a result. Thus, there was a decline in art and unique architecture, making artists and architects revert back to earlier forms, creating something of a rebirth of 17th century Saintmagnus art and architecture in an attempt to bring back the unique Saintmagnian culture.

When the Industrial Revolution swept through the Order of Enlightenment in the 1850s, Saintmagnus was hesitant to accept it. While Aivintis embraced urbanisation fully, Saintmagnus was already as urbanised as it could get, a byproduct of the small size of the island. Sanitary systems and similar developments were all it could adapt to. Even the institution of a police force wouldn’t make sense for Saintmagnus, given the close relationship between policing and the military in Saintmagnian culture, and especially with the heavy military culture and the nature of the autocratic government. As for industrialization, the Kings were afraid of sudden change, and the effects it might have on the nation’s stability and safety. The old republic would have launched itself immediately into the new developments, and that knowledge gave the government pause. Finally, the economic prosperity of Saintmagnus was essential to its stability as well, and the happiness of its citizens. The specific economy of Saintmagnus had kept it prosperous for over 300 years, and a period of instability had shown it what would happen if this balance was upset. As such, the first factory wasn’t built until 1890, and only three total were built, despite the Order’s requests to the contrary.

Portrait of the 1908 High Priest of Saint Magnus, a staunch supporter of intervention in the Third Aivintian Civil War

When the Third Aivintian Civil War began in 1909, Saintmagnus reluctantly declared its neutrality, and received harsh backlash from the population. At its core, Saintmagnus was a religious nation, and The Order of Enlightenment was its mother faith. Critics argued that the Kings were betraying their faith and their nation by not siding with the Order and the Florentines. The guilds and businesspeople argued that the Order of Enlightenment was solely responsible for the wealth and prosperity of Saintmagnus. Even the military, usually non-interventionist, acknowledged the role of the Order in protecting Saintmagnus, and the implications of losing the Order to King Thaddeus were dire. However, the Kings were bound by the constitution, and the spirit of neutrality that itself was fundamental to Saintmagnian success. Their supporters argued that foriegn nations came and went, but neutrality was the only constant that contributed to Saintmagnian success.

In 1911, to the horror of Saintmagnian citizens throughout the island, Peter Florence was executed by Thaddeus Stuart, and the Aivintian Empire was declared. In 1913, the new Emperor marched on the Ethalrian Colony of Westhafen, mirroring the defeated campaigns of Martin Dale and Theodore Stuart. One hundred thousand soldiers armed with modern military technology. One hundred years after the previous Aivintian invasion. To the horror of Saintmagnian citizens throughout the island, Westhafen was conquered, and incorporated into the Aivintian Empire. Whereas, in 1664, the defeat at Norwich and Adelslin prevented the Aivintians from conquering Saintmagnus, Aivintis had won, and had the full power of a military industrial complex behind it, as well as a major technological advantage.

The Demand of 1915 is one of the most important documents in Saintmagnian history. After two years of building up the Saintmagnian military, diverting large wealth to foreign mercenaries and military equipment, hasty fortifications, and rationing in preparation for a blockade, the Two Kings of Saintmagnus were faced with the choice to surrender, become a dependency of the Aivintian Empire, and retain some power. If they did not surrender within the year, Emperor Thaddeus promised blood. If faced with a war, Saintmagnus would surely lose. Thousands would die, civilians and soldiers alike. Their cities would burn, their ships would be sunk, and their kings would be executed. They would fight well, and possibly win the first battles, but they would not last a year against the Aivintian Empire. If they accepted the Demand, their economy would go unharmed. Their citizens would live. Their kings would thrive as Dukes. They would be protected by the full military and economic might of Aivintis. The Kings chose to kneel.

The Guard was disbanded in September 1915, replaced with a small police force created from its ranks. The Aivintian navy expanded the ports of Haven and New Carmere, docking modern warships and trading vessels. The Aivintian army expanded and occupied the garrisons in the three cities of Saintmagnus. The Aivintian Ministry of Culture expanded and built museums of art, preserving the rich cultural history of Saintmangus. The Aivintian Ministry of Welfare offered Saintmagnian citizens early retirement and pension, and offered the poor homes and food. The Aivintian Empire expanded Saintmagnian prosperity in every way possible, and brought it forward in technology. The 98 years of history under the banner of the Aivintian Empire were integral to the ability of Saintmagnus to survive on its own in the modern day.

Picture of an Aivintian APC parked in Saintmagnus during the 2013 Whitcher Coup

The coup d’etat of the Aivintian Empire by Chief Minister and Justice George Whitcher in 2013 restored the independence of Saintmagnus for the first time in almost a century. The Federal Kritarchy of Aivintis, uninterested in the maintenance of a large territorial empire, readily abandoned Aivintian dependencies considered too useless or difficult to maintain, and the independence of Saintmagnus was granted by Whitcher’s government shortly after the coup, in the Writ of Independence. As the closest independent dependency, and the closest supporter of the old Empire, Saintmagnus quickly became a refuge for fleeing Imperial officials. At the same time, the supporters of the coup, and those who had grown comfortable with Aivintian rule, emigrated to Aivintis. The population remained the same, but still changed in a significant way.

Many Saintmagnian citizens in the modern day are remnants of the Aivintian Imperial government. The effects of the Aivintian Empire are easily seen in the culture, military, and government of Saintmagnus today. The museums and heritage sites of the Imperial Ministry of Culture are still maintained by local cultural workers, and still protected by law. The naval ports are still in place, with eight Imperial destroyers still docked in Haven and New Carmere. The expanded Imperial barracks are still garrisoned by former Imperial soldiers, and native Saintmagnians affected by the nationalism Aivintian rule created. Aivintian policies are still in place, and Aivintian wealth remains in Saintmagnian hands. Saintmagnus maintains its status as a member state of both the Council of Gondwana and the Gondwanan Community. Most of all, Aivintian technology still keeps Saintmagnus in the modern age, despite its focus on the past as a main feature of its tourism industry. Without the impact of the Aivintian Empire, historians agree that Saintmagnus would remain fully in the past, unable to maintain a modern state.

Even so, the independence of Saintmagnus has managed to bring back notable features of Saintmagnus from before the Aivintian Empire. The new Constitution of Saintmagnus is heavily based on the Statutes of 1656 and the laws of the old republic. The Kings of Saintmagnus function very similarly to the Kings from the old republic as well, as does the High Council, although the separation of church and state remained. As in the past, neutrality is a core tenet of Saintmagnus, and the economy remains reliant on tourism and banking. Its unique cultural identity is what kept it alive, but foreign nations have allowed it to evolve.


Saintmagnus is an independent island south of Aivintis in the Concord Ocean, at the edge of the Joralesian Strait. It has a hilly topography, with very little flat ground, with the centre of the island around the capital forming a small mountain range. The highest point of Saintmagnus is the Florens Summit, where the tomb of Saint Magnus is located, and the city of Saintmagnus. There are no rivers on the island, but there are a few freshwater lakes and reservoirs that provide the settlers with fresh water. There is a small fossil forest in the south of the island, outside New Carmere, but the island can only get wood through imports, mainly from Aivintis.

The climate of Saintmagnus is subarctic, classified as cold continental without a dry season and with a cold summer. It is colder than Aivintis, with temperature ranging from -1 to -12 degrees celsius. There is no real dry month in Saintmagnus, but precipitation is generally scattered throughout the year. In the winter, snowfalls are common and heavy, especially in the higher altitudes, such as in the capital of Saintmagnus.






Historically accurate recreation of a Saintmagnian Galleon