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{{Infobox country|demonym=Packilvanian, Pax|Gini_year=2021|GDP_nominal_rank=3rd|GDP_nominal_per_capita=9549.66 [[Kirib|KRB]]|population_estimate=1,171,526,998|population_census=1,123,345,000|population_estimate_rank=1st|population_estimate_year=2022|population_census_year=2010|population_census_rank=1st|population_density_km2=186.94|Gini=39.76|Gini_change=decrease|HDI_year=2021|GDP_nominal=11,187,680,000,000 [[Kirib|KRB]]|HDI_change=increase|currency=[[Packilvanian dinar]]|currency_code=PXD|time_zone=+3 UTC to +7 UTC|area_km2=6143888|DST=|percent_water=2.1|date_format=yyyy/mm/dd|drives_on=right|calling_code=+2|iso3166code=PAX|GDP_nominal_year=2022|government_type=Unitary theocratic absolute monarchy|area_rank=2nd|image_map=Location of Packilvania.png|GDP_PPP=20,546,400,000,000 [[Kirib|KRB]]|GDP_PPP_year=2022|HDI=0.689|today=|conventional_long_name=Packilvania|native_name=[[Packilvanian language|Packilvanian]]: Bakhilfaniya|common_name=Packilvania|image_flag=Flag of Packilvania.png|national_motto=[[Packilvanian language|Packilvanian]]: "'' Ashamiliya!''" <br>
[[Staynish]]: "Assimilate!"|national_anthem=[[Packilvanian language|Packilvanian]]: ''LuHiva lunashtar ludu. Qamdanku ishmadan lushimilayat luterna''<br>[[Staynish]]: The Hive needs you. Join now for everlasting unity|map_caption=Map of Packilvania|lower_house=Consultative Assembly|flag_caption=Flag of Packilvania|capital=[[Bingol]]|largest_city=capital|official_languages=[[Packilvanian language|Packilvanian]]|regional_languages=|ethnic_groups={{unbulleted list|98% [[Feline]]|2% Others}}|ethnic_groups_year=2021|leader_title1=[[Sultan of Packilvania|Sultan]]|leader_name1=[[Namdun III]]|religion={{unbulleted list|96% [[Paxism]]|4% Others}}|legislature=[[Parliament of Packilvania]]|upper_house=Legislative Council|cctld=.px|GDP_PPP_per_capita=17,538.14 [[Kirib|KRB]]|image_coat=Coat of arms of Packilvania.png|leader_title2=Crown Prince|leader_name2=[[Prince Thumim Bedon]]|leader_title3=Deputy Crown Prince|leader_name3=[[Prince Abuyin Bedon]]|leader_title4=[[Council of Ministers of Packilvania|Prime Minister]]|leader_name4=[[Prince Luwadeen a-Harim Bedon]]|established_date3={{Start date and age|1675}}|established_event5=[[Bedonite dynasty]]|established_date4={{Start date and age|1917}}|established_event4=Packilvanian Communist Party|established_date1={{Start date and age|680}}|established_event3=Demirite dynasty|established_date2={{Start date and age|1275}}|established_event2=Zubraynite dynasty|established_event1=Iktanite dynasty|patron_saint=Pax|established_date5={{Start date and age|1985}}|map_width=250px}}
'''Packilvania''', formally known as the '''Hivemind of Packilvania''' ([[Packilvanian language|Packilvanian]]: ''LuHivakron aluBakhilfaniya'') is a unitary absolute monarchy in [[Yasteria|Yasteria Major]] surrounded by [[Allegheny]] and [[Drakkengard]] to the northeast, [[Free Pax States]] and [[Pacific Ocean]] to the southeast, the [[Packilvanian Ocean]] to the south and [[Kalatya]] to the north. Additionally, it contains island territories in the [[Pacific Ocean]] that are located close to [[Fortuna]], [[Sorentavia]] and [[North Crencello]].
'''Packilvania''' ([[Packilvanian language|Packilvanian]]: ''Bakhilfanya''), commonly '''Pax''', is an independent country located on [[Yasteria]]. It is surrounded by Allegheny, [[Free Pacific States]], [[Sorentavia]], [[Lyon]], [[Hoopland]], [[Drakkengard]] (with which it has a personal union in the form of [[Pax-Draconica]]) and the [[Packilvanian Ocean]] (which is named after it). It controls island territories to the south east of Yasteria Major close to the Free Pacific States, with which it maintains one of the most fortified borders in the world. Spanning an area of over 6 million square kilometers, it is the second largest country in the world by total area and largest by contiguous landmass. It contains an incredible diversity of landscapes and natural features such as both the largest hot and cold deserts in the world the second longest mountain range in the world, the Jumhur Mountains, and one of the three longest rivers in the world: the Ufrata River. With these incredible natural features, the country boasts incredibly diverse and unique animals and plants, such that it is globally recognised as one of the world’s few mega diverse countries.
InPackilvania thehas centralbeen areainhabited ofby modernsentient Packilvania,beings thesince firsttime writtenimmemorial. accountIn ofthe [[Paxism]],2nd themillennium ''[[WritingsCommon ofEra Paxism#Ichtmarcalendar|IchtmarBCE]]'', was written by Prophet Besmali (and/ordocumented hislocal associates)myths aroundin 2036the BCE[[Writings andof he diedPaxism|Ichtmar]] and was buried infounded [[LyonPaxism]] aroundas 2005we BCEknow it today. LordA Tirazcentury Mawallater, and otherhis followers of Besmali are believed to have built the first iteration of the [[Memorial of the Jovian Gate]] andin written[[Akas theAkil]], firstarguably accountsone of the hisoldest lifereligious aroundmonuments 1900in BCEhistory and the holiest site in [[Paxism]]. AroundIn 400the CE11th century BCE, King [[Suleiman of Yehudah]] commissioned Jeromethe ofsecond Damaclionmajor toreligious compiletext, the ''[[Writings of Paxism#Vagumar|Vagumar]]'' which was latercommemorated approved bywith the Councilconstruction of the [[AdrienTemple of the Restoration]]. Aroundin 120Adrien CE,in the first1st iterationcentury [[TempleBCE ofand is considered the Restoration]]second washoliest builtsite in Paxism. AroundIn 0 CEBCE, aPackilvania meteorwas struck [[Ashura]],by a meteor which givinggave rise to the Paxist Liturgical Calendar (which today is coextensive with the [[Common Era calendar|Paxist liturgical calendar]]).
The [[History of Packilvania]] formally started in the 7th century CE, when [[Iktan the Devout]] united the tribes of Central Yasteria Major, catalyzed by attempts by King Obed III of [[Bingol]] to introduce religious reforms to Paxism, thereby establishing the Iktanite dynasty and constructing the [[Bingol Royal Palace]] (the third holiest site in Paxism and arguably one of the oldest continuously inhabited royal palaces on [[Urth]]). In the 10th century BCE, High King [[Melkezedek the Great]] commissioned the [[Writings of Paxism|Bas Magdamar]], the third major Paxist scripture, and established the [[Magisterium of Paxism]], one of the oldest continuously functioning religious institutions in the world. The Iktanite dynasty ended and Packilvania was dissolved in the 12th century CE, but was restored in the 13th century CE under the Zubraynite dynasty.
The Zubraynite dynasty was deposed by the Demirite dynasty in the 17th century CE, which established overseas territorial holdings which today comprise [[Commonwealth of Albanares|Albanares]], [[Sorentavia]], [[Hadena]] and [[North Crencello]]. The Demirite dynasty was deposed by the Packilvanian Communist Party led by [[Gideon Muktan]] in 1918 following the [[Great War]] and botched personal union with [[Great Morstaybishlia]] under [[Zerah Demir IV]]. Led by Sultan [[Amhoud I]], the [[Bedonite dynasty]] deposed the Communist regime then under Thawal Yaladir in 1985, reestablished a theocratic absolute monarchy under the [[Sultan of Packilvania]] (currently [[Namdun III]]) and entered into a personal union with [[Drakkengard]] known as [[Pax-Draconica]].
Spanning an area of over 6. 134 million km² (approximately 2.372 million miles²), it is the second largest country in the world by total land area after [[South Hills]] and before [[Great Morstaybishlia]] and the largest by contiguous landmass, followed only by [[South Hills]]. It spans 4 [[W:Timezone|timezones]] (+3 to +6 [[Christie Island|UTC]]) and 12 climatic zones including the largest hot and cold deserts contained within a single country, giving rise to such a wide variety of biological diversity that Packilvania is considered a [[W:Megadiverse country|megadiverse country]]. Coequally, it is also the subject of natural disasters such as urthquakes, drought and monsoons and faces ecological degradation due to deforestation and pollution.
Today, Packilvania is a newly industrialised emerging market (according to the [[Auroran Monetary Fund]]) that is the 3rd largest economy in the world by nominal GDP. Coupled with the fact that it is a [[nuclear weapons state]], and its military, the [[Packilvanian Armed Forces]], has the [[List of countries by military expenditure|third largest military budget]] and [[List of countries by number of military personnel|third highest number of military personnel]] in the world, it is considered a [[W:Superpower|superpower]]. Nevertheless, the [[foreign relations of Packilvania]] remain fraught partly due to ideological differences and the support of terrorists by the [[Packilvanian Expeditionary Force]]. It is [[Surveillance and censorship in Packilvania|one of the most heavily surveilled countries in the world]], in part giving rise to a comparably poor sentient rights record.
In the central area of modern Packilvania, the first written account of [[Paxism]], the ''[[Writings of Paxism|Ichtmar]]'', was written by Prophet Besmali (and/or his associates) around 2036 BCE and he died and was buried in [[Lyon]] around 2005 BCE. Lord Tiraz Mawal and other followers of Besmali are believed to have built the first iteration of the [[Memorial of the Jovian Gate]] and written the first accounts of the his life around 1900 BCE. Around 400 CE, King Suleiman of Yehudah commissioned Jerome of Damaclion to compile the ''[[Writings of Paxism|Vagumar]]'' which was later approved by the Council of [[Adrien]]. Around 120 CE, the first iteration [[Temple of the Restoration]] was built. Around 0 CE, a meteor struck [[Ashura]], giving rise to the [[Common Era calendar|Paxist liturgical calendar]].
Around 670 CE, King Obed III of [[Bingol]] was deposed by King Iktan the Devout of Bakil who expanded his rule to surrounding nations and established the first iteration of modern Packilvania. Around 980 CE, High King Melkezedek commissioned the ''[[Writings of Paxism#|Bas Magdamar]]'' which was commorated by the first iteration of the [[Bingol Royal Palace|Temple of the Authority]] in 1028 CE. Around 1112 CE, the Iktanite dynasty collapsed. Prince Ishak of Taskar deposed King Jurin IV of Bingol and established the second Packilvanian state around 1275 CE. The Zubraynite dynasty he established was deposed by King Saidun the Conqueror of [[Fidakar]] who established the second iteration of Packilvania around 1675 CE. In 1918 CE, [[Gideon Muktan]] deposed Sultana [[Zerah Demir IV]] and ended the Demirite dynasty, putting in place the Packilvanian Communist Party as the ruling force of the court iteration of Packilvania. In 1985, Prince [[Amhoud I]] deposed the PCP and established the rule of the [[Bedonite dynasty]] over the fifth and current version of Packilvania.
It is the most populous country in the world, with over 1.141 billion people, a spot is has held for decades. Although the [[Feline|Felines]] are by far the dominant species in the country, Packilvania is perhaps the most culturally and racially diverse nation in the world with significant minorities of humans,[[Bipedaliforma]] elves,such as dwarvesHominines, auriansElvines and PeregrinesDwarvines. A caste system exists in the [[Feline]] people that controls the distribution of social privileges and status through hair type and facial structure, giving rise to a system that places the Shirazi group at the apex of the social order. The system continues to face criticism for its arbitrary restriction of people from economic opportunities and social dignity. The [[Packilvanian language]] one of the oldest and richest in the world, is the official language and facilitates communication among hundreds of communities, yet it is also diverse with the standard written version being the one spoken in [[Bingol]], the capital and largest city in the country.
With a GDP of over 1011 trillion KRB (132 trillion PXD), Packilvania has the third largest economy in the world. It is one of the world’s largest exporters, importers, carbon emitters and energy consumers. It is the chief supplier of opium and catnip, a reputation it has tried hard to shake off. Its highly patriarchal and conservative society, based on the Madvinist school of Melkezedekitism, has, by far the largest religious population and the largest adherents of [[Paxism]] in the world while other religions are persecuted. Classified as an authoritarian dictatorship, Packilvania scores poorly on corruption, human rights, governance and transparency, and political participation. The monarch rules the nation with an iron fist, yet different factions and groups vie for power in a highly complex political order.
The country exerts considerable global influence and is classified by analysts as a global superpower, yet some analysts believe that its dominance is waning. Its ability to dominate world politics is incredible given that most countries have [[Foreign relations of Packilvania|hostile or distrustful relations]] with it and the most powerful nations in the world treat it with disdain. Its military is one of the largest in the world by [[List of countries by number of military personnel|number of personnel]] and among the [[List of countries by military expenditure|top 4 by budget]]. It has fought in wars with major powers such as [[Vekaiyu]], [[South Hills]], and [[Free Pacific States]] and is notorious for its formidable combat power and continues to claim [[Lyon]]. Despite ignoring major international conventions and multi-lateral processes, it continues to exert influence on the global stage and is notorious for its support of non-state actors, one of which, the [[Packilvanian Expeditionary Force]] (a state entity) is declared a terrorist organization by foreign nations. The nation continues to have disputes with most of its neighbours and its power plays especially in Allegheny and the Packilvanian Ocean, coupled with its status as a [[nuclear weapons state]] continue to breed distrust.


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