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'''Syrtænzna''', officially the '''Federal Democratic Republic of Syrtænzna''' is a country in Eastern [[Borea]]. It borders [[Kæra'zna]] to the north, [[Nystatiszna]] to the West and [[Blaskog]] to the Southeast.
===Early civilisation===
Around the early 200 BCE the first real kingdoms and tribes was starting to form in Syrtænzna, with different tiefling tribes being made along rivers in Northern Syrtænzna, that lived mostly nomadic life styles while small Zrei kingdoms was formed around the lake that is now known as Harald's Innsjø. With the small Zrei kingdoms having traded with other Zrei kingdoms across the lake puting well established trade network. Though not much has been documented about this era, through archaeological foundings dierent era of conflicts between the nomadic tiefling tribes and Zrei settlers inbetween the time period of 100 CE and 800 CE. It is speculated by some historians, that the tiefling tribal confederation known as Wisslan was made as a result of the increased pressures from the Zrei kingdoms. Though others point also on victories of the tribal family Sogard, that through conquering many other tribes was avaible to unify all the tribes into one banner.
===Rise and fall of the Wisslanian Empire (850-968)===
Under leadership of the High Chieftain of Wisslan, Mekika, the tribal confederation was avaible to conquer all off what is the modern day Syrtænzna and the Vestskog region in Blåskog. In which Mekika forced elven Zrei kings to swear loyalty to him. Though not much off written accord exist of this era from the ruling tiefling conquerers themselves, there is several written accords from nekomimi akuanists communes that existed under what historians has called the Wisslanian Empire. According to the documentations of those communes, Mekika did not trample on any religious minorities and allowed conversions between religions. Though despite that, Mekika was well known to be extremly brutal in wars with one Akuanist priest having written that Mekika went as far bite out the neck from a man that insulted him. Though some historians is convinced these are excessive exaggerations. With Mekika now known as Mekika Ri, with Ri being a title in Ngodian similare to Royal or King.
Though after the death of Mekika in 900, the empire was found in a succession crisis as the result of the seperate tiefling tribes refusal to elect Mekika's oldest son, Sømei, as the new Ri of Wisslan during a Åsmaire (tribal council). With the younger son, Sørai, being elected by the Åsmaire as the new Ri of Wisslan. This was however, not supported by Sogard which backed Sømei's claim to the title forcing the empire into a decades long civil war. During the Battle of Sodar in 925, Sømei killed his brother Sørai, which by the written accounts from the Akuanists, was done by biting his brother's neck. In which ended the civil war, however despite that the empire was far smaller then it orignaly was with many of the Zrei nobility rebelling at the same time forming a unified kingdom at the region of Vestskog. During the mid 900s Sømei invaded the Zrei kingdom several times but was pushed back, in which at 947 he was killed during a battle, shot by an arrow hitting his neck. His son which he named after his late brother, Sørai, was elected by the Åsmaire as the new Ri. Though not having to face a succession crisis, his reigned was followed with a Zrei rebellion around the lake which got support from the Zrei kingdom in the east. By 968 the Empire was seen as having collapsed with borders of Wisslan being kept to it orginal territory in Northern parts of Syrtænzna.
===Blåskogian Settlers (1200s-1300s)===
===Rilans Arutat and Ragnarstat (1400s-1700s)===
===Blåskogian Colonisation (1800s)===
===Republic of Syrtænzna (1887-1954)===
====Refugees from Nystatiszna and Kæra'zna====
====Second Syrtæn'at-Blaskovian War====
====Bush Wars====
====New Consitution====
====Third Syrtæn'at-Blaskovian War====
===21st Century===
Its shit.
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