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==== Elven Subspecies ====
{{See also|Golden Elves}}
There are several Xotikobiologically recognized sub-species of elves, however this recognition is not universal and the status and validity of subspecies among Elves remains contested as discussion on the topic continues, with competing models to describe in what way elves are subdivided amidst notable biological differences among members of the species. Some of the key controversiesdebates that have been raised regarding the use of the term "sub-species" (orwhat moresome accuratelymodels consider "sub-sub-species") is that similar classifications are not made for humans and other priminid., Somewith a few scientists havehaving gone so far as to use the term "scientific racism". Other scientists, however, note the disparity between the classification of elves and the generally accepted forms of scientific racism, in that there is significant biological differences in Elves - including the ability of tetrachromatic vision and vast differences in lifespan and reproductive capability which can not be seen in other Primoids. Given the complex biological nature of the ElvineElven group and the social, economic and political issues that surround them, it is unlikely that a single answer will emerge in the foreseeable future.
===== Azral Elves =====
Azral, commonly known as Azra (Kæzhyn: Az'ra) elves are native to Northeastern [[Borea]] and are found predominantly in [[Kæra'zna]] and northern [[Syrtænzna]]. Their small population is the result of the selective breeding done between Z'rei elves and an extinct elven subspecies commonly referred to as the Proto-Az'ra. While many categorize them as Z'rei, they bear much more greyish skin pigmentation and hair, as well as an extended lifespan averaging around 129 years. They notably still do possess the tetrachromatic vision found in their Z'rei relatives as well as the Usprian elves.
Another notable difference between Azra and other elves is a quirk in the Azra ability to sense heat. Relatively recently discovered was that Azra posses a considerably low amount of the warm-receipting protein [[W:TRPV1|TRPV1]], known as the [[W:Capsaicin|capsaicin]] receptor. This makes Azra elves considerably insensitive to not only chilli peppers, but generally hot temperatures and warm stimuli, which some Xotikobiologists have accredited to the lack of environmental need for warm receptors in Northern [[Borea]] against the necessity of cold-receptors, though such a theory remains hotly debated in the scientific community.
