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[[File:Species origin.png|thumb|Estimated species origins. It should be noted that most species have, by the present day, migrated far and wide, and not all origins are yet fully known or understood.]]
Urth has a large variety of sapient species that have each evolved to a general parity in physicality, intelligence, and problem-solving skills. Many societies are made up of many species, while others are nearly exclusive to only one or several. It is not uncommon for certain species to oppress others though there is no pattern of oppression; many species are victims in some countries while being the aggressors in others. The classification and evolution of the bipedal mammals has been heavily contested for decades and there is little agreement. One theory purports that all bipedal mammals belong to the clade [[Bipedaliforma]] which evolved from a common ancestor. One of the major issues that has been brought up with this theory is the classification of the Primines (Humans, Elves, Orcs, Dwarves, Tieflings and Nekomimi).
==Classification and evolutionary history==
The full evolutionary history of most of the sentient species is not well document or widely agreed. This in part is due to the incredibly long history, diverse environments and conflicting ideologies and beliefs.
The bipedal sentient mammals have been the subject of controversy for hundreds of years. Some of the theories in this area include:
* The '''Unified Bipedalism''' theory suggests that there is a suborder called ''[[Bipedaliforma]]'' of the Order ''Omnivora'' which which consists of a single extant infra order called ''Ambidactyliforma'' in which all of the extant bipedal mammals are classified. This is because all of these animals have the following unifying traits: Bipedalism (they predominantly walk upright), opposable thumbs (they have hands on at least their forelegs or arms with three to six phalanges of which the thumb can move in a wide range of angles), they are highly social, sentient (self aware, intelligent, creative, capable of complex language and critical thinking), and have external ears. This theory has not gained widespread support.
Other non-scientific or pseudoscientifc theories include:
* '''Creationism''': This theory is found in religions such as but not limited to [[Paxism]], [[Thaerism]], [[Akronism]], [[Tunseism]] and [[Verk'ohism]] which states that a deity or universal force created sentient beings and imbued them with sentient properties.
* '''Creative Evolution''': Is also found in mostly but not exclusively religious circles whereby an external force such as a deity or universal spirit etc. directed the natural evolution of living things to bring about the emergence of sentient beings.
* '''Extraterrestrial Origin''': This suggests that one or more advanced extraterrestrial civilisations created sentient beings to populate the planet. For what purpose or how, this theory and its descendents do not have single answer.
== Interbreeding ==
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== HominidPriminid Group ==
The hominidpriminid group includes a number of species which possess a shared origin and thus have a number of common characteristics. Species classified under this group are physically defined by their barevery skinlow fur coverage and density, flat ape-like faces, similarplantigrade skeletalambulation, omnivorous diet, opposable thumbs, relatively small teeth and jaw (except for orcs who possess long mandibular canines known as anatomytusks), and in some cases the ability to interbreed. Another name used for species in this group is "hominid" and it is used interchangeably with "priminid". Sometimes the term Primine is used to refer to the entire Priminid/Hominid group whole in other cases it only applies to Elves, Humans and Dwarves (and occasionally Orcs).
There are several theories about the classification of the species in this group as follows:
* '''One Genus Theory''': The One Genus theory suggests that Tieflings, Humans, Elves, Dwarves, Orcs and Nekomimi are part of the same genus called ''Primus'' (or something similar). Under this theory Humans, Elves, Orcs and Dwarves are in the same species, ''Primus primus'', and are referred to as the True Primines while Tieflings and Nekomimi are placed in the Species ''Primus buccinus'' and ''Primus nekomimi''. The actual binomial nomenclature is not universally agreed upon however this theory in general has the most support among scientists and the international community.
* '''Two Infrafamilies Theory''': The Two Infrafamilies theory suggests that Tieflings and Nekomimi should be moved to the Infrafamily ''Caudininae'' because they possess tails while Orcs, Humans, Elves and Dwarves should be grouped in the Infrafamily ''Anacaudininae''. Furthermore, this theory states that Tieflings should be placed in the tribe '' Buccinae'' because they have horns while Nekomimi should be placed under ''Aurescattus'' because they have cat-like ears. This theory is a fringe theory that has failed to attract significant support.
=== Humans ===
Humans are by far the most populous species on Urth, as well as the most widely distributed. Humans reside on every continent on Urth except Sempiterna and can live in almost any biome. Humans are believed to have originally evolved in [[Arcturia]], but had spread to all continents on the planet before the advent of written history. Humans exhibit a wide variety of skin pigmentation, hair texture, hair color, eye color, and other physical features. Skin pigmentation is primarily a factor of exposure to the Sun. Humans typically live between 60 and 90 years long, and average just under six feet tall for all genders.
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==== Elven Subspecies ====
{{See also|Golden Elves}}
There are several Xotikobiologically recognized sub-species of elves, however this recognition is not universal and the status and validity of subspecies among Elves remains contested as discussion on the topic continues, with competing models to describe in what way elves are subdivided amidst notable biological differences among members of the species. Some of the key controversies that have been raised regarding the use of the term "sub-species" (or more accurately "sub-sub-species") is that similar classifications are not made for humans and other priminid. Some scientists have gone so far as to use the term "scientific racism". Given the complex nature of the Elvine group and the social, economic and political issues that surround them, it is unlikely that a single answer will emerge in the foreseeable future.
===== Azral Elves =====
